Chapter 2

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Zoe P.O.V.

I watched as Percy started to fall, Running up and catching him as he passed out, looking at him as I sighed and kissed his head softly before looking up at Sally "Sorry about this, Sally, He's..been through a lot." She frowned and crouched next to him, placing a hand on his left cheek where a scar ran over his eye, mumbling softly "oh baby, what happened to you…?" I noticed that he was sweating, reaching up and undoing his shirt to reveal his chest rapidly rising and lowering, noticing the sweat Forming down his face as I cupped his cheeks and kissed his head softly "stay with me percy…" I held him there as Sally began making an ice bag, placing it on his head as she mumbled "Jesus christ…" I looked at her, lowering my head and sighing as I felt hot liquid starting to fall down my face as I spoke shakily "this is the 9th time in 2 weeks…last time he Even coughed up blood.." my lips quivered as Sally looked at me "Zoe...what happened?" I stared at percy, tears streaming down my face before beginning to slowly and shakily turn my head to look at Sally as I spoke quietly "T-the girl….annabeth….she….did something….that Ruined his life" I stared at percy's unconscious figure sadly before turning and looking at Sally, murmuring quietly "Not here...if he wishes to tell you he can, but it's not my place to say" I looked at Sally as she nodded Slowly, gently pulling me into a hug as I shut my eyes, tears falling faster as I mumbled "He went through so much pain…"

Sally P.O.V.

I looked at Zoe and gently rubbed her back, humming quietly "Sh…"l I felt her tears dampen my shirt as i sighed and stood there, holding her as I looked at Percy's unconscious form on the bed before looking at the girl in my arms, murmuring softly "He's Had hardships all his life even as a child…" I noticed Zoe's look of confusion, making me sigh as I walked over and placed a hand on Percy's forehead gently "....His first stepfather...Gabe Ugliano…" I bit my lip, Debating whether to Reveal Percy's secret or not. I was snapped out of My thoughts When I heard a groan, My head turning to see Percy's Face scrunching, his Head tilting as he stirred "Percy baby? You ok?" His eyes Fluttered open, and what I saw broke my heart. My Baby boy, Whose Eyes had always been full of happiness and mirth despite all he'd been through, was now dark and broken. The usual mirth was completely gone, leaving behind a lifeless Soul. I gently placed my hands on his Cheeks as I looked Into his eyes "Oh Percy….What in the world happened to you?" He Slowly turned his head towards me, croaking a bit as he spoke "Mom…"

Percy P.O.V.

I slowly turned my head as I blinked the haze out of my eyes, seeing Zoe standing there looking at me. I felt a drop of liquid drip down my face as I realized that something was sitting on my forehead, before noticing that my mom was standing there, looking at me with worry. My eyesight seemed to Blur a bit as I croaked "Mom…" She Placed a hand on my cheek as she hummed a little "Sh...It's ok baby." I felt her Rub my cheek as her lips seemed to quiver before speaking softly "Percy...What happened to you..?" I felt my eyelids drooping from how heavy they felt, murmuring softly "Not now, mom..I'll tell you one day, but just..It still hurts.." She pursed her lips and nodded, reaching over and removing the Towel from my forehead as she leaned over and kissed it softly. I slowly turned my head to look at Zoe, speaking softly "Did Anything attack this place While I was unconscious..?" Zoe shook her head, making me sigh in relief. I suddenly gasped in pain, The scar over my eye Feeling like it was on fire As I fell off the bed screaming In pain as I vaguely heard Zoe and my mom screaming at me to snap out of it, My body collapsing as the burning sensation faded away, leaving me panting on the ground as A trail of blood fell from the scar. "I-i'm fine, just...It's fine." I felt sweat beading my face and body as I tried to calm down, Shakily looking at my Mom and Zoe. "D-did anyone try to Get here looking for Me..?" Mom shook her head as she slowly stood up, turning away "I'm going to go make food for you Percy" I nodded before My attention turned to Zoe, shakily smiling "Well, Nightshade, Look how the tables have turned." She Let out a chuckle and Gently Placed a hand on my cheek, speaking softly "Well, At least this time you aren't going to die." It was my turn to chuckle softly before croaking out "I'd hope not...I wouldn't want To abandon one of the Only 3 remaining friends I have.." She laughed a little before gently kissing my head, whispering softly "Hey, Tell me about Your cousin..Thalia.."

--------------------Line Break----------------------

Thalia P.O.V. 

We watched Artemis flash away as I turned to the other hunters and held a hand up, speaking softly "Wait, Don't set up yet. I want to see what My father plans to Have us do next.." Knowing my father, He would want those 2 individuals hunted down and brought to Olympus for questioning, like the paranoid bastard he was. so setting camp up as of now would be pointless. After about half an hour, I heard artemis flash in front of me as I walked over to her, speaking quietly, "So? What did my Deadbeat dad say?" I watched as Artemis sighed, rubbing her temple and speaking through grit teeth "We have to hunt down those 2 and bring them in for questioning" I rolled my eyes and sighed, waiting for Artemis to finish as she pursed her lips, announcing to the hunt "We Travel to New york city and Set camp up there. It was reported to be near New York City, so we'll start there." The hunt responded with a chorus of Agreements, As we all gathered together. Artemis pulled us all close to her as I felt My body Shaking, feeling as if it were being pulled apart as we were teleported to New York City, right next to a Park. I ordered the hunters to Set up camp before turning to Artemis "My lady, with your permission, I would like to go visit Sally Jackson." She looked at me, raising an eyebrow before nodding "You can go, just make sure you ACTUALLY come back This time? Last time you were there for like 4 hours and we had to come get you." I blushed a bit, rubbing my head in embarrassment before nodding "I won't My lady, I promise." She Looked at me before waving her hand dismissively, Making me smile as I whistled a high pitch. After a few moments, I saw a familiar Black Pegasus Flying through the Air as it Landed in front of me. You see, after the Giant war, Percy had Asked his dad to Bless me so that I could talk to horses so I could Also ride and talk to Blackjack, in order to help get over my fear of heights. I gently pet him as He neighed 'Hey there, Pinetree! Need a lift?' I rolled my eyes and hopped on his back "DON'T call me Pinetree. I need you to take me to Sally Jackson's apartment." Blackjack Seemed to snort, before kicking off the ground and running up as he flew into the sky, and out of view of the camp

Clarisse P.O.V. 

I stabbed my spear into the ground, Raising my arm as I threw a haymaker at Annabeth's Chest, Knocking her flat on her back. We were sparring, and She had been the only one who Wanted to join when I was looking for someone to spar with. To see her do so Surprised me; But when She did I took notice of the Near smug expression of The girl's face. Seeing It almost Made me yell at her as it Made me remember Prissy. I stood there, staring at Annabeth as she slowly got back on her feet and raised her knife, glaring at me, But it did nothing. My gaze hardened into a Deathly glare that made her visibly flinch as I smirked. I waited for her as she suddenly charged at me head on, her knife poised beside her as I snorted. This girl wasn't That good for someone acting so smug. I Raised my hand, deciding to end this As I simply smacked her hand to the side and Slammed my knee into her gut, causing her to Crumple to her knees gripping her waist as I walked over and Held my spear, Maimer, in front of her throat, Smirking "I win." I backed away, breathing heavily as I put my spear away with a sigh, turning and walking away from the arena as I looked around. Suddenly the conch horn for Lunch sounded, cursing to myself as I made my way to the Dining Pavilion. I had hoped I would get to go back to my cabin and Just collect my thoughts, but Now those plans were Postponed. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, seeing the Horse stables As I narrowed my eyes in confusion, trying to Figure out why I suddenly found interest in it. My eyes scanned over the horses before It dawned on me; Blackjack wasn't there. Ever since Prissy had Vanished, Blackjack Never let anyone but Thalia feed him. Usually he was fine with it also being nico but after Prissy disappeared, He bit at Nico whenever he tried to feed him. So we had all decided to just let Thalia feed him, since she was the only one he didn't Bite at. But now, Blackjack is gone from the stable, with the little door sitting wide open, with no sign of him anywhere. 

Percy Jackson: Blade DancerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora