Chapter 4

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Annabeth P.O.V.

I sighed, making my way through Manhattan as I hummed, practically skipping as I went. Now that Percy was gone, I just needed to kill his parents to break him completely, then he Would be gone forever. The death of his mother and stepdad would break him, then I would be Praised as a hero, now that Percy had been 'revealed' as a traitor by me. I found myself standing in front of Sally's apartment as I smiled a bit, keeping my knife in my pocket as I knocked on the door and waited Patiently. After a moment I saw Sally holding the door open as she smiled at me "Hey there Annabeth, Come on in." I nodded and walked in, hearing the door Close behind me as I turned to Sally, holding my knife out as I stared at her gleefully "Now, Sally, I'm going to need you to do something for me..." She froze, looking at me. I watched as her face turned from a raised eyebrow to just boredom "Really? You ruin my son's life, Then try to kill me? Annabeth, I thought you were smarter than this. What does killing me even do?" I froze at the Mention of her son, my mind racing with thoughts 'How the hell does she know about what happened to percy!?' I kept a straight face as I looked at her, Raising an eyebrow in return "So? He was but a piss poor consolation prize so I could be famous at camp. I loved Luke, not Percy." All of a sudden I felt several chills run down my spine as I froze, Hearing a voice that sounded familiar, but still different speaking in such a calm and Dangerous tone, I felt like Curling up in a corner and hiding myself away from everything

", you want to ruin his life, after he willingly fell into Tartarus with you, sacrificing immortality and the chance to be an OLYMPIAN, for YOU, and this is how you repay him? Tell me, would Luke have jumped into tartarus for you?"

I felt my entire body start shaking as I looked at the direction of the voice, along with Sally, and what I saw made my blood Run cold. Standing in the hallway was a figure wearing A silk dress, With the figure of a male. His hair was split in the middle, with the right side A blood red color. The left side of the male's hair Was an ice white color. He held a weapon that I have never seen before. That's when I realized that whoever this was, was neither human nor demi-god.

Percy P.O.V.

I felt something in me snap at the sight of Annabeth trying to kill my mother. It went from a bloody rage to a cold, deadly hatred. Instead of red, I had clear vision. I wasn't even shaking. I held my Double-Bladed Polearm in my hand as blood swirled around the weapon, My eyes Narrowing as I slowly stalked towards My ex-girlfriend, Knowing that she didn't know it was me, speaking in a booming, Raspy tone "so...You're going to come in, threaten his own MOTHER, for what reason?" I watched her start shaking in fear as I relished in it. This was but a simple taste of what She made me go through. I Felt my grip on my Polearm Harden as I growled, once again speaking in the raspy Voice "Get out of here. Now. Before I show you how pathetic and insignificant you truly are." This seemed to anger her as she Smirked, looking at me triumphantly before responding "ha! As if! Try to harm me and my mother will Kill you." I momentarily froze before beginning to laugh coldly "Really? You are going to send Pallas Athena after me like some sort of attack dog? How far her children have fallen if you've grown this stupid over the years" I then swept My Polearm in an arch, now Suddenly standing in front of her with one edge of The weapon dug into Her neck a little, leaving her face pale white and shaking as I growled lowly "come to this apartment again, and I will make sure to send you a one-way ticket to tartarus, understand?"
She shakily nodded, her face going pale at the mention of tartarus, backing away before turning and scrambling away in a hurry, watching her leave as I felt the Strange energy vanish from my mind causing me to fall to my knee with a gasp, hearing Zoe run over to me yelling my name

Zoe P.O.V.

I watched Him close the door before the aura around him faded away, leaving him standing there, as he slowly lowered his head, a tear falling down his face as he suddenly fell to the ground, yelling out "Percy!" I ran over and caught him, cupping his cheeks as I pulled him close "hey, it's ok. It's ok..." He shakily Held me and whimpered, his eyes Wide as he seemed to be having a panic attack. I sighed and slapped him "Percy! Snap out of it already!" His head snapped to the side as he held his cheek in shock, looking at me. I cupped his cheeks and kissed his head softly, Cursing to myself as I mumbled "Idiot...what have I told you about using him...." He chuckled a bit and spoke softly "That's just who I am...even when the entirety of existence is against me.." I felt tears fall down my face as I smiled sadly, gently placing a hand on his and Staying like that quietly before I looked at him, speaking quietly "Tell me, all of those memories...What did you see..?" He placed a finger to my lips, murmuring softly "I can't tell you...Telling you what I saw would Break your heart, and I can't do that to you...telling you the truth of who I am...I'm afraid it would Change you as well, and not for the better..." I looked at, tears streaming down my face as I nodded slowly, speaking softly "o-ok..Percy...just...don't let the past dictate your actions..." He nodded, slowly sitting up as I looked into his old, Broken eyes and bit my lip. He responded quietly, "I think I'm ok now...we should go, before someone else comes..." He slowly went to stand up, Raising his arm up as I nodded and helped him rise to his feet. Slowly, he turned to his mother and spoke softly "We will probably return when I decide it's time to reveal ourselves...Until then, I need you to lay low, alright mom? I can't...I can't lose you too.." She nodded, slowly walking up and kissing his cheek, turning to me and speaking in a soft, sad voice "please look after him..I don't know what exactly happened to him, but...You are the only one who He still has besides me and The other girl he mentioned.." I nodded and held Percy, sighing softly "I will, Mrs.Jackson." We then turned, quietly exiting the House and walking away as We tried to figure out where to go next

Thalia P.O.V.

We arrived at the hill overlooking Camp Half-Blood as I looked at Artemis sadly, parsing my lips. Being back here brought back all the memories I had of Percy, which just made the pain of his disappearance all the more painful to think about. Sighing, I put the horn to my mouth blowing it to announce our arrival. Soon, A huge group of campers came running up to us, some of which I recognized. I saw My brother Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, but...Annabeth wasn't with them. I frowned as they came to me, to which I questioned them "Hey, where's Annabeth?" They looked at me before Jason Shrugged "She left A few hours ago without saying anything so Not sure." I narrowed my eyes at that. Ever since Percy's Disappearance, Annabeth has just acted like nothing even happened. To Make it worse, Nico, and everyone else, don't even seem to care. I turned and left, Jason calling my name and asking what was wrong, but I ignored him. If no one was going to look for him, then I would look for him by Myself.

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