Chapter 19-Finale

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Hey guys! Final chapter! I know you all will probably be unhappy that I rushed this, but I tried my best and you guys have enjoyed the story up until this point, so please forgive me! If not, That's fine too, I don't expect you to.but anyways, hope you all enjoy this finale! ^^

Percy P.O.V.

I had to shut my eyes to block the bright light from blinding me, slowly walking through it as I sighed and grumbled aloud "Jeez, couldn't you have at least kept the brightness down? I happen to like my eyes working the way they are!" As the light died down, I looked up to see that I was in...the Olympus throne room. I groaned audibly and Slammed my foot against the floor "Oh, c'mon! Why'd you drop me off here!? That place was a vacation paradise compared to having to be here and deal with these people!" I heard thunder rumbling, turning my head to see all of the demi-gods and gods standing there with their weapons out, with the exception of my friends, Hades, Hestia, And Surprisingly, Hermes. I raised an eyebrow before slowly walking to the center of the throne room, sighing as I bit my lip and spoke aloud "I'm sure you all are DYING to hear what I have to say. So instead of beating around the bush, let's get to the point; you all got the prophecy wrong." I saw both Jason and Annabeth going red as Jason suddenly dashed towards me. I simply stood there, sidestepping at the last possible second causing him to fly past me and crash into one of the marble pillars. I shook my head, looking at the gods as I walked over to him, Taking out my Scythe and pointing it at him "The hybrid is not Jason, it never was Jason, the Fates would never allow that." I smirked, watching as each word I spoke caused Jason to turn more and more red before he tried to stab me with his Gladius. I simply deflected it, grabbing his shirt collar and slamming a knee into his groin causing all the males in the room to hiss and hold their own crotches. I snorted, simply tossing Jason to the floor as I watched him twitch in pain. I put my blade away, looking at the ground before saying "The hybrid, destined to Conquer Olympus and determine the fate of the gods..." I took out a pair of blood red sunglasses, putting them on as they glowed a silver glow "Is me!"

Zoe P.O.V.

I gasped seeing Percy, before I knew it I was running towards him as I tackled him into a hug, which he Gladly returned. The hug was joined by Clara, then Clarisse and Eventually Thalia as Percy murmured calmly "Sorry for worrying you girls, I should've had my guard up. Now, Let's hold the family reunion after the drama queen doesn't look like he's 2 seconds away from launching his firecracker at me again." We all giggled and nodded, standing next to him as he walked forwards a bit, looking up at Zeus and the other gods before he spoke loudly "I am the Hybrid the Prophecy speaks of. Not your arrogant son. Like I said, the Fates wouldn't allow someone as arrogant as him to be the hybrid. I will decide your fates now." Most of the gods and demi-gods didn't seem to be keen on this, but knew it was less than wise to go against their fates. We all watched as Percy stood there, looking at all the gods before the sound of a female screaming could be heard. Everyone's attention snapped to The source, seeing Annabeth holding a knife while standing over Clara, whose body was now lying on the floor with blood slowly leaking from under her. Everyone was stunned, Annabeth standing over the bleeding child as she looked at her sadistically. But Then I noticed Athena had a small smirk on her face, as did Zeus. I felt my rage building. They would harm a little girl in a futile attempt to make Percy vulnerable? Had they truly fallen that far? I went to throw my Chakrams at Zeus and Athena when suddenly, the air in the throne room grew deadly cold. The smirks on the aforementioned god's faces turned fearful as Everyone slowly looked at the source of the rapidly increasing energy, seeing Percy standing there with his body shaking immensely. He slowly walked over to Clara, crouching next to her as he cupped her cheeks, talking to her calmly "hey, it's ok Clara. Just listen to my voice. Listen to my voice." I ran over to him as he began healing Clara, placing my hand on his shoulder to give him more energy, to which he nodded at me. After a while Clara showed signs of breathing, causing him to release a loud sigh of relief before turning to Hestia "Lady Hestia, Apollo, both of you please help her, she won't make it without help from both of you." The aforementioned gods nodded, hurrying over as they vanished in a swirl of fire and sunlight. Everything was quiet as Percy slowly Stood up, the air turning even colder as his attention shifted to the demi-god standing in front of him holding her knife out, which now had blood on it; Annabeth.

2nd person P.O.V.

The throne room was quiet as Percy stood there quietly, before his attention quickly shifted to Annabeth, who was standing there with a bloody knife in her hands. Raising his hand, a duplicate of his double sided spear formed in his left hand as he quickly stomped over to the crouched annabeth, slamming a foot into her face which knocked her flat on her back. He then placed the blade of both his weapons against her neck, pressing it as it drew blood. He was breathing heavily, his body releasing a killer intent as Everyone stood frozen in shock. It seemed like a scene out of a movie, and it was like a standoff. After a few minutes Percy suddenly made the 2 weapons vanish, taking her knife and Holding it in front of her as he growled, loud enough for everyone to hear "I never would. Have you got that? I. Never. Would." The Hero of Olympus then stood up, holding up his weapons as He turned to the other occupants of the room, before yelling in a firm voice "REMEMBER THAT!" His glare seemed to pierce everyone as He continued "MAKE THE FOUNDATION OF THE FUTURE: A MAN WHO NEVER WOULD!!!!" The gods all stood there, before the ones against Percy looked down in shame. They realized they had been too harsh on the saviour of olympus, on evidence they knew was flawed. Percy Jackson looked back at Annabeth to see that she had passed out, scowling as he grabbed her and turned, throwing her into Athena's lap "Do with her as you wish, I don't care. Let her near Clara again, and I WILL punish her, you got that?" Athena nodded at the Hybrid in fear, vanishing in a flock of Owls. Percy then turned to the other gods, raising his spear to point at them "I decide your fates. As of right now, you will all swear an oath on the void to go fulfill the promise you made as part of my wish for saving your asses back at the titan war. The peaceful titans are to be released. That is final." Percy glared at Zeus, who glared back before the 3 Fates appeared, causing everyone but Percy to bow. They ignored them, turning to Percy as they spoke in a raspy voice "is this what you choose, Perseus Jackson? To let them off easy?" The Hybrid nodded as he held his spear next to him, dug into the marble pavement as he spoke firmly, looking at the shaking annabeth, who's face was blank white; "Annabeth will be the only one punished. She is the reason this all happened in the first place. I will not punish the gods for something they are technically not at fault for. However I will personally oversee Annabeth's punishment, as i don't want her dead; no more blood will be shed. If it is ok with lord hades, i would like to discuss what i have in mind for her punishment; she's done far too much to me for me to just let her die. Have a problem with that?" The middle fate shook her head and spoke "As stated, it is your choice. Just know that any future consequences of the choice fall on you." The hybrid simply nodded and slammed his weapon into the ground, twirling it before turning to face the demi-gods before speaking calmly; "I know that. And I will deal with that when it occurs. But now, Let's move on. I've seen enough bloodshed in my life I will not allow more to be shed over me" The fates nodded, vanishing as Percy Turned towards the gods "Now then, let's fix everything, shall we?"

Boom! Yeah, I know this is a rushed and probably shitty and cliché ending but I was pretty much done with the story and Didn't wanna drag it on just because I didn't want it to seem rushed. Despite that, you all have shown immense support for this story and I'm so happy you all enjoyed it!

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