Chapter 9

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Percy P.O.V.

I glared at Zeus, who was glaring right back at me causing me to narrow my eyes. After a while he smirked, causing me to narrow my eyes further, prepared to defend myself. But before I could continue speaking, or even process what was happening, I watched as he turned, yelling "HERE, CATCH!" Before throwing his Master Bolt at Zoe, who was still staring at Clarisse. I went into Auto Pilot, bolting towards Zoe as time seemed to slow down around me. The gods were yelling, the other Demi-Gods were backing away, but none of that mattered. My eyes met with Zeus, glaring at him as I took out my Spear, landing right in front of my 2 friends, Raising my Spear and rapidly rotating it in front of me, the Bolt coming in contact as I kept rotating my spear. I was pushed back a bit, gritting my teeth and rotating faster as Sparks flew off of the Bolt. Everyone seemed to be frozen as I struggled to push back the bolt, My anger growing. First I'm falsely accused, having to jump into tartarus of all places in order to hide, then Zeus tries to kill my friends? I slowly turned my head to look at Zoe and Clarrise, who were staring at me with widened eyes. I suddenly heard yelling, getting pushed back a bit more as I realized it was Thalia, who had Just come back from presumably searching for me. Our eyes met as her eyes filled with worry. I smiled, mouthing something to her inaudibly.

Thalia P.O.V.

I yelled Percy's name as Dad threw his master bolt at him, feeling tears falling down my face. I couldn't lose him. I couldn't lose Kelp Head, He was my best Friend. Staring straight at him, watching as he raised his blade and spun it rapidly, gasping as the bolt was stopped by the Weapon. But then I noticed that the Bolt was still pushing at Percy, who struggled to keep his balance. I watched him turn his head towards me, our eyes meeting as he slowly smiled at me, his lips mouthing words inaudibly, but I could read his lips perfectly. I could only stare, frozen in shock as the sleeve of Percy's dress was ripped to shreds. The tip of the Bolt slowly pressing into his skin and beginning to burn it as he screamed in pain. I ran towards him, seeing Clarrise and Zoe do the same as he yelled "NO! STAY BACK, ALL OF YOU!" I teared up as Zoe screamed "PERCY!" But everyone went still, completely shocked as we watched something that one could only describe as being 'Unfathomable'. Everyone watched as Percy grit his teeth, Slowly and shakily pushing the bolt back before he used the other end of his spear to deflect the master bolt into the air, spinning 180° and throwing his spear at the bolt, the 2 making contact as they fell. Both weapons clattered to the ground as Percy fell to one knee, the room deadly quiet as Zoe and Clarrise ran over, crouching down at Percy's body as I quickly ran over as well, and what I saw caused tears to spill from my eyes.

Clarisse P.O.V.

As Percy fell to the ground, I surged forwards, running alongside Zoe as I slid to Percy's body, Zoe cursing and examining his body. I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, turning my head to get a better look at it. I realized that it was blood, which was seeping out from under his clothes. It was my turn to curse as I pulled his shirt off, revealing a charred hole where the tip of the Bolt had touched him, which was right where his left lung was. The bolt had also burned into his skin a bit, opening up cuts that littered his chest and gut as blood slowly pooled from under his body. I met Zoe's eyes as she bit her lip nervously, nodding to me as I growled a bit, putting a hand on Percy's forehead. Percy suddenly began coughing up blood, falling back as he began wheezing. I turned and hollered at Apollo "APOLLO, GET OVER HERE!" He rushed over, seeing the hole and cuts as he cursed and turned, Glaring daggers at Zeus. He looked away, focusing on Percy's injuries before very carefully lifting up his body. He looked at me and Zoe, speaking softly "His left lung has been punctured and burned, I have to take him to my palace to fix him." I nodded as Apollo carefully lifted him up, carrying him out of the room as I slowly stood up, turning towards the gods as I glared at Zeus. Suddenly I heard someone slowly standing up, Noticing that Annabeth was now standing and looking at the gods. After a moment, she said "See? He's nothing but a danger to us all! Me getting him away from us has kept us safe!" All of the campers around us voiced their agreements before Annabeth pointed at us "Why do you side with that traitor? He has been against us since the beginning!" 

Zoe P.O.V.

I heard Annabeth, turning towards her slowly as I narrowed my eyes at the useless whore. After a moment, I spoke softly "you mean other than the fact we aren't idiots, and can see how obvious it is that the charm with the scythe on it is the EXACT same one that Silena Beauregard had? Kronos has been gone for years now. Out of all the people here, Percy would be the LAST person he would go after to help him rise sooner. If anything he would want to KILL Percy before he did anything else." I watched Annabeth as she rolled her eyes "No, because he would realize that Percy would be the PERFECT leader for an army that he would gather using his help, then rise up and destroy us all!" I looked at the gods. Zeus of course believed Annabeth, as did Athena. Hestia smiled at us sadly, to which I returned it. Hades looked at us sadly, and I met his eyes, nodding solemnly at him. Ares just wanted to kill Percy like always. But then I noticed Poseidon; He didn't seem to care. Hades, he wasn't even paying attention. I felt anger bubble inside me at this, but I forced it down, looking at the other gods, whom all just seemed to either not be paying attention, or looking ready to fight. Growling, I turned and made sure that Clarisse and Thalia were next to me, both of which nodded to me. Turning and glaring at the gods, I took out one of my Chakrams, Raising it above my head as I sent a deadly glare that made all of them, even Zeus, flinch. I wanted to smirk but couldn't, Angry that these Demi-gods had grown this foolish and downright pathetic. Growling, I pulled Clarisse and Thalia close behind me, whispering to them "Get ready to feel weird, I'm going to get us out of here" They nodded as I sighed, speaking calmly "Very well. It is obvious that the whore has completely tricked all of you. At least a few of you were using your brain. As for the rest of you; remember this day. One day you will find yourself in danger, then decide that you need Percy. But you will not get him. I swear on Chaos' name. You have lost your greatest hero to your own arrogance and Stupidity. To hell with you all!!" The slut and all of the gods gasped at the mention of Chaos, the room growing darker as I raised my chakrams, twirling them. They floated in the air in front of me, beginning to rotate around me and the 2 behind me before we were enveloped in a cocoon of light. The last thing I saw was Annabeth's smirk as she watched us.

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