Chapter 11

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Responding to a comment I got in the last chapter, the whole point of the scene was to show that Annabeth has been dating Jason behind Percy's back before she decided to get rid of him. There is no 'redemption' anything. This is just a story of Percy recovering and trying to come to terms with the Ultimate betrayal he suffered, as well as his past which I will slowly reveal throughout the story. Hope you all continue enjoying it! ^^ (Warning: slight mentions of abuse in this chapter)

Percy P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to find myself in complete darkness, raising an eyebrow as I looked down, noticing I was clothes I wore...on that day…My head shot up, growling as I hollered into the darkness "OK WHO THINKS THEY'RE FUNNY!?" I heard a male Voice behind me "No one." I spun 180° to I saw myself standing in front of me, except it wasn't. It looked like me, but his eyes were A burning silver instead of my Void Black. I narrowed my eyes, Summoning my Spear as he waved his hand gently "Relax, I am not stupid enough to attack myself. To put it simply, I am you. More accurately, I'm a personification of your pain, anger, and hatred towards those who hurt you." I slowly relaxed, still keeping my guard up in case he tried anything, but he simply continued "I'm sure you know the concept of everyone having their own Demons they must face in their lives?" I slowly nodded as he pointed a long, clawed finger at my chest "your pain, anger, grief and guilt were so strong, that I was created. Just call me Demon. Unless of course you have a better name." I was calmly taking everything he said in, mulling over it before a small smile formed on my face 
"No. Your name is Alucard." He raised an eyebrow "I'm your demon, not a vampire." I grinned stupidly at him as I clapped my hands together "Exactly! That's why it's funny." He pouted playfully before I chuckled "Well, let's hope Drama queen doesn't find out about you anytime soon. We are heading to Egypt, but If I remember correctly, I'm in the process of Apollo trying to save me from the bolt I got to my chest." Alucard seemed to dawn in realization before pressing his hand against my chest, causing me to go flying back as I crashed into an invisible surface, the force of the impact being strong enough to cause me to cough up blood. I looked up to see Alucard standing there as He spoke "Since I'm here, you won't be waking up until I've beaten you into being stronger. You may have powers, but deep down you know you are still weak." I growled and held my Spear, dashing towards him as he smacked my spear away and took out a knife, stabbing it into my shoulder as I grit my teeth, looking at him as I reached down and took out the knife I kept in my boot, using my other hand to make it seem like I was going to punch him. He seemed to take the bait, turning towards my hand and catching it before I quickly whipped the knife out and aimed it at his chest. What happened next shocked me. The knife simply broke against his skin, the broken shard flying back and stabbing into my chest just next to my heart as I staggered back, blood dripping down my chin from my mouth as Alucard suddenly stabbed his hand through my chest, my eyes boring into his as I coughed, blood gushing from my mouth. Alucard smirked at me "While you can not become all powerful like me, You can gain immense strength by controlling the power you have access to thanks to me being created. I will train you until you're strong enough to deal with anything the gods may throw at you." He ripped his arm out of my chest, my body now sporting an arm sized hole in my chest. I Thought I was dying before I realized that despite the hole in my chest, his arm had just barely missed the connection of my lungs to my throat. I looked at him making him laugh "Let's see how you do in a fight against me when you are on the brink of death" he shot forwards with a punch, to which I cursed and raised my arms in front of me, blocking his punch only to be knocked back by the force of the punch, hearing him yell "I'll train you until you're able to properly fight people without even using that pathetic Spear" I stood up, gritting my teeth and charging at him, tossing my spear aside as I went for a punch before going for a kick, watching Alucard before I realized something. I could tell what he was going to do. Seemingly on instinct, just as demon started to move, I kicked off of the air and front flipped, slamming my heels against his head before landing in front of him, his head knocked back as I wasted no time in charging, aiming both fists at his chest before rotating and aiming an elbow at his leg, when he suddenly rammed his other foot straight into my gut, causing me to cough up blood in shock as I went flying, crashing into the wall and coughing more blood up as my head was spinning. How long could I keep doing this before I died?

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