Chapter 16

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Clarisse P.O.V.

I sighed and walked over, sitting next to Thalia as I looked at her, remaining silent as I looked back at Prissy, who was currently playing with Clara. My attention turned to Thalia as she spoke to me calmly "Hey...not that I hate you or something, but why is it you believed Percy? From what I remember the relationship between you 2 was….less than friendly, to put it lightly." I looked at her for a moment before sighing and looking out the window, biting my lip. It was a question I had never stopped to ask myself; why DO I believe in Percy? After a while I spoke calmly "Well...for a start, I never DISLIKED Percy, I was just some silly tough girl that thought that being violent and messing with the demi-god that pissed off my father would make him proud. But...after the quest, at the sea of monsters, I guess It just painted him in a new light for me." I slowly turned my head to look at Thalia, speaking calmly "The quest that brought you back to life...He sneaked onto the quest that I led. Despite not being chosen or even being in the quest's prophecy, he went Presumably because of that bitch annabeth. So it only upset me more when he seemingly joined her." Thalia nodded as I bit my lip, sighing and leaning back, tilting my head to look at Percy, my eyes softening as I continued " views on him changed when he got the Golden Fleece, the thing we needed to restore you since your tree was poisoned, inevitably returning you to your demi-god life, he.." I looked at Thalia, parting my lips as I spoke. "He fought off everything and retrieved the golden fleece, then gave it to me saying 'it's your quest, you should be the one to bring it to camp'. After that, I guess I just...I couldn't NOT like him as a friend. Can you think of another demi-god who would sacrifice the glory and respect from being the one to bring it to camp? Any other demi-god would have taken all the credit. But he gave it to me, and let me bring it. I couldn't go against him at that point." I looked at percy, my eyes softening as I smiled softly

Annabeth P.O.V.

I found myself inside another demi-god dream, frowning. I hadn't had one in a long time so I was curious why I was getting one now. Regardless, I waited, before realizing that In front of me was Percy, Clarisse, Zoe Nightshade, and Thalia..? What the hell was she doing with Percy? I sighed, Watching as they discussed Percy allowing Clarisse to be the hero of Percy's 2nd quest, and listening to Clarisse explain the lack of anger towards Percy after that quest. But my focus went onto Zoe as she mentioned the Prophecy, speaking softly "....Any ideas on who The prophecy speaks of?" I watched as Thalia rubbed her chin, Clarisse shaking her head as Thalia bit her lip. Soon Thalia sighed and shook her head as well, responding "No. Do you have any ideas?" The Titan seemed to be holding herself back, which Thalia noticed. I watched as Thalia questioned Zoe, who didn't budge until Thalia told her that She swore on Chaos' name, causing the room to darken. Zoe looked at her, raising an eyebrow before releasing a breath, picking the little girl next to her up and sitting her in her lap. After a few minutes she spoke calmly "I have no idea who the Hybrid the prophecy mentions is, But What I do know is that Percy DOES know who the Hybrid is. I tried to get him to tell me, but he told me that anyone finding out would not only put the 4 of us in danger, but stated that revealing the identity of the hybrid would cause more harm than good. So I didn't push him." The 2 girls nodded as I involuntarily gasped at the mention of Percy, causing me to wake up as I looked around breathing Heavily. Looking around, I heard Jason grumbling "What's wrong annie?" I slapped his arm "Don't call me that. I had a demi-god vision, about Percy. I think that Percy knows who the Hybrid is." He sat up at that, looking at me as his eyes seemed to harden "Are you sure?" I nodded "I saw a dream of Zoe, Clarisse, and...your sister Thalia, discussing the prophecy, and Zoe, the Titan, told them that Percy knows the identity of the Hybrid, but refuses to tell anyone, only stating that if knowledge of the hybrid's identity was revealed, it would do 'more harm than good' as he put it." Jason looked at me as he slipped out of the bed "C'mon, we have to tell the gods" I nodded and followed his lead, getting dressed and avoiding the harpies as we went to Olympus

Athena P.O.V.

I was sitting on my throne, sighing and reading a book quietly. The other olympians were off doing their own thing and I had nothing to do despite being a god, so I had decided to read. But My attention was brought to the doors of the throne room as I saw my daughter and Jason Grace bursting through them, Annabeth looking at me as she spoke in an urgent voice "I had a dream pertaining to the Prophecy." I didn't say a word, simply materialising my spear and slamming it to the ground, summoning the other olympians as one by one they flashed into their thrones, the last being My father Zeus as he grumbled and looked at me "Why have you called this meeting, Daughter?" I motioned towards My daughter and Jason "My daughter Annabeth has told me she had a dream regarding the Prophecy." My father's face grew determined as he turned to Annabeth, his booming voice reaching the entirety of the throne room "Speak, Daughter of Athena. What did you see?" We listened as Annabeth told us about her dream of the traitor, and there was a collection of gasps when she told us that Thalia Grace, Zeus' Daughter, was with him. I saw my father's face turning red as Jason Grace spoke out "You mean to tell me that Traitorous bastard took my sister!?" I watched as my daughter put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down "Hey, It's ok. I assume she went to find Percy because she was worried about him, even if she knew he was a traitor they are still cousins and she does care about him. But she seemed upset at the sight of me. She looked at me with hatred. Percy must have somehow brainwashed or tricked her into thinking he was innocent." Jason's face, as well as my fathers', were red with Anger as Annabeth continued "But anyways, I watched as Thalia, Clarisse, and Zoe Nightshade spoke about the prophecy. The titan, Zoe Nightshade, told them that Percy Jackson, the Traitor, is the only one that has figured out the identity of this 'Hybrid' the Prophecy speaks of. Zoe told them that He wouldn't tell her, stating 'If the gods found out, it would do more harm than good' before the dream ended." Everyone seemed upset at the mention of Thalia being stuck with The traitor, before I began to speak "A quest should be issued. If Percy Jackson knows who the hybrid is, a being that will decide our fate, we need to find him and bring him here so he can tell us. Find the titan and Thalia as well, bring them in for questioning." My father nodded as he rubbed his chin, grumbling in his beard before speaking "However we do not know where he is, how will we find him?" At that moment Annabeth spoke up "Actually, Lord Zeus, if My dream is correct, they are in Egypt, where a few friends of mine live, Carter and Sadie Kane. We could travel to Egypt and ask them about Percy." My father seemed to ponder this before nodding "Daughter of Athena, you and my son will go to Egypt, Track down Perseus Jackson, capture him and bring him in for questioning!" His voice boomed as he then flashed out of the throne room dramatically, causing the other gods to roll their eyes

Hey guys! Again, not much to say this time, other than I hope you guys are still enjoying the story! And as a reminder feel free to give suggestions or ideas for this story, i'd love to hear what some of your ideas are! ^^

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