Chapter 5

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Percy P.O.V.

As We Vanished from my mother's house, I closed my eyes and sighed, Taking us to a dense forest. Upon arriving I fell to my knees, looking down at the ground, my body beginning to shake. I felt a pair of hands on my cheeks as my hands balled into tight fists. Slowly looking up and meeting Zoe's eyes, I sighed and hung my head low, Speaking softly "What I did...I did without choice…" Zoe hugged me close as I murmured softly "No more…" She tightened the hug as I closed my eyes and sighed "You know, now that I'm back here on earth, something bad is going to happen..something bad Always happens when I'm around…." I felt Zoe stiffen before sighing, hearing her whisper softly to me "I know, Percy...But I also know that This is you we are talking about. I know you won't let whatever you did happen again." I slowly looked up at her, My dark, broken eyes staring into her onyx orbs. After a while I grunted, slowly getting up and sighing, mumbling softly "We should get going, Zoe…" I Felt my eyes glow as We began our trek towards Camp Jupiter.

Reyna P.O.V. 

The Daughter of Bellona put her head in her hands and sighed, staring down at all the work she still had to do. Ever since Jason had moved to the Greek camp, she was left as the only Praetor to watch over Rome. She wasn't even going to mention him...she Made a face in disgust. After Annabeth showed us the amulet that proved that Percy had been a spy, I lost all respect for him. I fought alongside him, just to find out he was against us the whole time. I sighed and Got up, turning and leaving the room, deciding to go for a walk as  I sighed, my thoughts wandering to this "Blade Dancer" That the hunt had stumbled upon. According to the reports, it was a question if he was even From the western civilization, or America in general. Shaking my head, I found myself at the entrance to Rome, nodding at the 2 guards Cassidy and David as I walked past them and out to New Rome, Before seeing 2 Strange looking individuals coming my way. I frowned, Something in my head was nagging me that I knew who the male was before seeing as the female told him something making him smile a grin that I could never mistake. I felt anger boil inside me as I took out my Spatha, storming up The traitor and the woman he was with. I growled and pointed my Gladius at Him  "So, You think you can just waltz into New Rome like nothing happened, Traitor?" I spat, As the woman's Eyes widened. However, Percy just stood there, still looking at the Woman, ignoring the spear sitting inches from his head before I suddenly felt a sense of dread. I noticed his Hair, now split down the middle with one half a silver color while the other half was blood red; and he was holding a long double edged spear in his hand as he slowly turned to look at me. After a moment he spoke softly "So that bitch tricked Rome as well…?" The girl standing next to him placed a hand on his shoulder, whispering something to him as he visibly relaxed. I narrowed my eyes at the girl, to which she looked back with her Black Onyx eyes. The girl then spoke softly "Tell me, What was the so-called 'proof' That Little brat brought to you that made you think she wasn't lying?" I growled and Moved to Stab The girl when Percy's hand shot out, catching the spear's tip in a solid grip that didn't budge an inch as he glared at me, speaking in a dark voice "Answer. The Question." I felt shivers run through my body as I began shaking, Before gritting my teeth and speaking through them "Why wouldn't I believe a friend?" The Girl snorted aloud, Biting her lip as she Crossed her arms, Standing there before murmuring softly "Wasn't Percy your friend? Before you even met that bitch? Yet look how quickly you stabbed him in the back...last I checked you had a crush on him at one point, no? Yet all of that, thrown out of the window due to a simple lie. So either everyone at Both Demi-god camps became a bunch of braindead fools, or that bitch added even MORE lies to her story." 

Zoe P.O.V.

"....or That bitch added even MORE lies to her story." The girl visibly frowned at me as I growled, Raising my hands as my 2 Chakrams Formed in swirls of Moonlight, Glaring at her as I spoke softly "Think Real hard how you would betray a fellow praetor and friend so easily?" She stared at me, Her eyes returning the glare as I narrowed my eyes and muttered "I can't believe you demi-gods. I died knowing Percy was the one good male out there yet came back to life discovering that the very girl he loved decided to Completely ruin his life, and for what? What has this accomplished for you all?" I watched as the girl seemed to genuinely think about what I was telling her. I raised an eyebrow, Waiting as she sighed and lowered her head. I watched as Percy walked over to Reyna, looking down at her as He remained silent. After another moment he spoke softly "Reyna, You were the one person I thought wouldn't do it, because of everything I had done for you and Rome, as well as the crush I knew you had on me. My own Cousin, Nico, Believed her more than me. Then, surprise surprise, the little bitch tried to also kill my parents in an attempt to get rid of me forever." Her eyes widened as I continued from where Percy left off "So what will it be, Praetor? Or will we have to show you the truth?" She seemed to be in shock, before she eventually shook her head and sighed in defeat, falling to her knees as percy now stood in front of her, speaking quietly "you will take me to new rome, where I will talk to everyone. I am not the man I used to be. If I wanted to, I could kill everyone, Which I REALLY don't want to do. So Don't piss me off, understand?" She nodded shakily, Turning and leading us to the camp.

Percy P.O.V.

As we followed Reyna I turned my head to look at Zoe, seeing her biting her lip and tapping her finger against her leg. I sighed, reaching out and gently taking hold of her hand as she looked at me, her Onyx Eyes meeting mine as I spoke softly "It will be ok, I promise. I won't do anything rash, I just want to talk to them and see how badly she Caused them to change. I'd like to think at least one of the 7 From the prophecy Didn't believe her.." I felt Zoe squeeze my hand firmly, nodding as she spoke softly "I'm mainly just worried this all goes wrong and we have to flee." I looked at her sadly, looking down at my other hand softly as I felt my shoulders relax, my eyes closing as I breathed out slowly. My eyes refocused as we reached the actual camp, and I noticed that it had
changed since the last time I was here. The people seemed a bit more laid back, while still having that air of Diplomacy and discipline. Fauns were moving around freely as well, which was not the case last time I was here. We continued on, finally reaching the actual camp as we stood in front of it, seeing the 2 demi-gods that I instantly recognized making my eyes narrow. Frank and Hazel were standing there. Zoe noticed my eyes, putting a hand around mine as we slowly walked up to the entrance, stopping and looking at The 2 as Zoe softly spoke "Hello there."

Hazel P.O.V.

The Daughter of Pluto was standing at the entrance of New Rome with her boyfriend Frank, Causing her to sigh as she turned to say something to Frank before hearing a female voice pipe up "Hello there" I whirled around, my eyebrow raised and twitching in annoyance at being interrupted as I saw a tall girl with black Onyx Eyes standing there next to a man that had the strangest look. His hair split down the middle, with one side being blood red and the other being White with a strand of hair standing straight up between the 2 halves as I looked into his eyes. His eyes….they were Also Onyx black but Something else was there...The male's eyes Had a fire burning in the black pupils he had. It literally looked like his eyes were burning. I'd be lying if I said it didn't intimidate me just a little. Not letting it show, I cleared my throat and spoke softly "Hello. How can I help you?" I noticed Frank out of the corner of my eye, noticing he was glaring at the male with hatred. This confused me, Frank never really showed hatred for anybody. Sure annoyance, but never hatred. I laced my hand around Frank's, whispering softly "hey, what's wrong?" He turned to look at me, breathing out as he murmured softly "that Percy Jackson…"

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