Chapter 6

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Frank P.O.V.

"That Percy Jackson." I saw Hazel's face go cold, both of us slowly looking back at the man, who was now smiling at us before speaking "Bingo! You win nothing, because sadly I don't have any prizes on me at the moment. But instead you get the sensation of winning." The girl standing with him chuckled and slugged him in the shoulder, making him frown and rub his arm in mock pain before speaking "Gods Zoe, don't need to be so mean I'm just trying to have a little fun…" The female, 'Zoe', Snorted and rolled her eyes before responding "You've Traveled through Tartarus, Twice, might I add, both of which you survived through sheer determination and will power, combined with seeing all of that stuff earlier, and you wanna whine about a little punch?" I looked between the 2 in astonishment. Firstly, the traitor has the gall To show his face alongside what I assume was his friend or sister or something, then talk to us like nothing ever happened. After getting over my initial shock, I turned towards them and said "What the hell do you think you are doing here, Percy?" 

Zoe P.O.V.

Percy Seemed to beam at finally being called his actual name since Showing back up to the greek world, watching as he whirled around and did a mock bow towards the 2 and smiled "Finally! Someone who gets my name right. As for what I'm doing here, I think that's pretty obvious. It's Rome, why wouldn't I take my friend to such a beautiful place?" I couldn't help myself, I started laughing out loud as Percy smiled at his own joke while the 2 in front of us Stared at us in confusion. "Next I'm going to need a 'dam snack'!" Percy fell to the floor rolling around as he held his stomach, laughing like crazy as I tried to calm myself down, but very quickly failed. After a bit we calmed down enough to get up and straighten ourselves out, sighing as Percy turned back to Hazel and Frank, speaking softly "I'm not going to go through the same situation I had with Reyna. I did that with her because I know that she was one of the last people that slut Tricked into thinking I was a traitor. As for you 2, You both believed her instantly. From what I understand, she didn't even have to show you 2 her 'proof', you both just believed her instantly." I looked between the 2 before lacing my hand around Percy's, leaning into his ear as I whispered softly "Come on...this isn't why we are here, Percy…let's just go get this over with.." I watched as Percy visibly relaxed, releasing a sigh as he responded softly "yeah...yeah, let's go." I turned alongside Percy as we left the 2 demi-gods standing there dumbfounded. 

Percy P.O.V.

I held Zoe's hand as We wandered through Rome, looking around at all the buildings and people before I noticed a restaurant that seemed familiar, looking at Zoe and Motioning towards the restaurant. She smiled, nodding as we walked across the street, entering it as A Waitress smiled at us, speaking in a surprisingly good italian accent "Hello sir. How many do we have today?" I smiled at the Kindness this Woman showed, Answering softly "Just us 2 ma'am." She nodded and wrote something down, picking up 2 menus and turning away "If you could follow me please." She walked towards an empty table with me and Zoe behind her, placing the menus down and allowing us to take our seats as she took a notepad out along with a pen "alright so What can I get for you guys to drink?" I looked at the menu alongside Zoe, humming softly before seeing a little page about a 'Dragon fruit smoothie', raising an eyebrow before speaking to the waitress gently "I will have a Dragon fruit Smoothie coupled with a glass of water please." She wrote it down before looking at Zoe who answered quietly "I will just have a coffee Please." The waitress nodded, turning and leaving as I looked at Zoe with a smile. "So whaddya think will happen?" She seemed to mull over the question before speaking softly "Zeus will probably throw a fit and chuck his little toy at me, then the slut is going to try and say something. Then It'll hopefully get at least SOMEWHAT interesting from there" I chuckled as the waitress came back with our drinks, pulling out her notepad as she took our Orders and left. I looked at Zoe, gently placing a hand on hers. "After this we'll go deal with it, alright?" She smiled and nodded as I kissed her head murmuring "Let's just..Let's get through this"

-Later that day-

Poseidon P.O.V.

I appeared on my throne in a swirl of sea water, Putting an arm on the rest of the chair and putting my head in my hand with a heavy sigh. Ever since this 'Blade Dancer' had shown himself, Zeus had been in a paranoid frenzy. However it seemed that no matter how much Artemis, I, Apollo, or anyone else searched, they couldn't find anything on the whereabouts of him. As I was mulling over this in my head I noticed Zeus had finally arrived alongside Hera. After a few minutes of complete silence, My brother's voice rumbled in the room "First off, I want to know if anyone has found anything regarding this 'Blade Runner'." The room seemed still as He grumbled, opening his mouth to continue as the doors to the throne room suddenly opened. Zeus whirled around beginning to yell "WHO DARES INTERRUPT THE MEETING OF THE GODS!?" I put a hand on my head, rubbing my temples with a sigh before Freezing when I heard a deep, Sinister voice respond calmly "I do. Now shut up already, you are giving me a headache with your endless yelling" The entire throne room seemed to have Focused their attention to the 2 Individuals now standing in the center of the throne room, as one of them crouched down next to Hestia, whom was tending the hearth.

Percy P.O.V.

Ignoring Zeus' yelling, I calmly walked over to Hestia as Zoe remained standing where she was. Reaching the hearth, I sat down across from Hestia, looking at her with a smile. She looked at me for a moment before speaking softly, too quiet for the gods to hear "Welcome back, friend. Are you sure it's time?" I smiled at that, Responding at the same volume "Thank you, Lady Hestia. But Putting it off would mean waiting for another disaster to occur so that the Occasion is convenient. It's been 3,000 years, No point waiting." I slowly stood back up, Facing the gods as I reached up, slowly Removing the Mirage over me as My hair Turned to its Original Black messy appearance, my eyes turning sea green for a moment before I made them return to their current appearance as a collection of gasps ensued. The gods all sat there staring at me in shock, but I ignored them, turning to Zoe and nodding as she did the same thing, now standing next to me as we watched Artemis jump out of her throne, seemingly forgetting about the fact we were the ones they found earlier, running towards Zoe with her arms out in front of her. However before she could reach her, she ran into a barrier causing her to fall flat on her ass. I laughed a bit alongside Zoe before catching my breath and looking down at the Goddess of the Hunt ''Go back to your throne so we may Speak to you all, Goddess. I have no desire to be here, the faster we get this over with the better. Zeus, If you would Call a meeting and bring both camps here, that would be very helpful. If you don't, well I'll just bring them here myself." His face turned red as he shook with anger, Artemis Tearfully going back to her throne

Zeus P.O.V.

I sat in my throne, watching the Titan and Traitor casually being in the throne room of the gods, breathing out as I spoke aloud "YOU DARE SHOW YOUR FACE HERE, TRAITOR!?" The only response I got was a sigh and a finger snap, as A couch appeared behind the 2, which they promptly sat in and visibly relaxed. I felt a vein pop as I grit my teeth. These 2 dare to show their faces here and Act so casually in front of me? I stood up, Holding my master bolt in the air, ready to throw it at them as thunder rumbled in the sky, as The Boy simply looked at me, speaking calmly "Put the firecracker away, Zeus. We mean no harm, but will defend ourselves if attacked. It's bad enough I Have to be in this room, let alone this situation. Now I'll say it again, are you going to summon the camps here, or will I have to do it myself?" I shook with rage before slowly returning to my seat and placing my master bolt down. If the traitor wants us to play his game, then I'll beat him at his own game. I turned to Hermes "Hermes, go bring both camps here" He nodded and flashed away, turning and glaring at the 2 standing in the center of the throne room before a blinding flash was seen, watching it die down as every member of both camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood were standing there, looking around confused. However, Even I went silent as a gunshot was heard ringing in the center of the room.

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