Chapter 8: Drago's Family Tree

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Drago isn't feeling all too well, feeling overheated from Arizona. Thistle lays him down on a bed with the sheets covering his lower body.

"Is he going to be okay?" Thistle asks.

Orchid place a nice cold, wet rag on his forehead. Drago continues to breathe heavily; Stargazer wasn't happy seeing him suffering like this.

"Mind telling me why you didn't protect him?" Stargazer announces.

"Your Highness, what with this attitude?" Orchid asks.

While continuing to get angry, Stargazer grabs hold of Thistle.

"What happens to him that made him like this!" Stargazer shouts.

"That'senough!" Swan announces.

Looking over, everyone sees Swan at the door, seeing Drago sweating from illness. He is even moaning while trying to control his breathing.

"Thistle, what happened?" Swan asks.

Thistle told her about what happened to agents the gorgons. Drago uses a strange spell to create this shield around Thistle's forearm.

"The Floral Forge," Swan announces.

"Oh no, not that." Professor Whitefruit says.

"What is the Floral Forge?" Thistle asks.

"It's a powerful spell, only one person was able to cast this spell, but she was around when Alcyone was around." Professor Whitefruit answers.

"There is no one able to cast that spell for centuries, so why is that he was able to?" Professor Whitefruit adds.

Just as everyone looks back at Drago, Orchid fears that something deep within him is causing his illness.

"Huh, what's happening to me? Where am I?" Drago announces.

Drago sees that he's stuck in a bright room, and there is no way out of it. Suddenly a bright light coming in fast, seeing it getting closer for him.

"Huh, AH!!!!!" Drago gasps.

Drago opens his eyes, trying to adjust; he is inside a castle this time. Many people gathered near the King and Queen, and there is a handsome baby boy.

Suddenly flying in an open window from above are four fairies wearing four floral dresses.

One is wearing a mix of red, magenta, and pink petals.

The second one is wearing a variety of blue petals.

The third one is wearing green leaves.

And lastly, the fourth is wearing a group of orange petals.

"Greeting your majesties, I'm Peachspring." The pink fairy announces.

"I'm Seawhisper." The blue fairy announces.

"My name is Cottoncup." The green fairy announces.

"And I'm Eve Amberrose, your grace." The orange fairy announces.

"Each of us shall present him a single gift, no more, no less," Peachspring says.

Looking at them, Drago is wondering what's going on here? As they each went to the baby one by one, they cast their gifts.

"Little Prince, I give you the Gift of Bravery." announces.

"Dear little one, I give you the Gift of Animal Tounge." announces.

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