Chapter 31: The Vampire's Wing

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Ancient chamber, Drago arrived to see that only one of them is still glowing as his bracelets reveal the following location.

Drago sees a creepy forest, a trail leading to a cave, then he sees a village surrounded by mountains and trees.

"That's Ghosthorne, hidden in The Whispering Cavern, just beyond the Rotten Willow Woods," Wispa announces.

Turning around, Drago freaked out a little, seeing Wispa stand a few feet from him.

"Do you Will-o'-the-Wisps love give others a heart attack?" Drago asks.

"When we're on our good days, yes," Wispa answers. "So, shall we head over there?"

"Yeah, we better hurry," Drago replies.

They start heading out, taking flight, they begin flying toward the Will-o'-the-Wisphome.

Drago follows Wispa through the Rotten Willow Woods, Drago feels creeped out, feeling cold, and has no signs of life.

"I can't sense anything in this forest," Drago says. "It feels dark and cold."

"That's the fun part for us, Will-o'-the-Wisp. We're enjoying the creepiness of ourselves," Wispa replies.

Continuing their way through these woods, Drago sees the cave as they continue to fly inside. They made it to an opening with a town, heading toward the shrine of the first Will-o'-the-Wisp. However, they're noticing that a few people in black are following them.

"Wispa, we have company," Drago announces.

"I see them," Wispa replies.

"I'll slow them down," Drago adds.

As he turns around, he's beginning to slow them down.

"Ember's Shower," Drago casts.

Dragousing his magic hits the ground, fiery pink embers burst from the ground, showering everywhere, then Drago continues onward toward the shrine.

They landed in front of the statue of the first Will-o'-the-Wisp fairy, Scorpia Nightdust, once Drago touched her nameplate. The riddle appears.

Deep within the castle of darkness, once home to a terrible monster of legend, now holds a treasure, forewarned if also bitten your fairy magic is gone and a monster you've now become.

"Please tell me, and you know where we are heading next?" Wispa asks.

"Yep, we're going to Transylvania," Drago replies.

Ashe grabs Wispa, he starts teleporting them to the next and last location in the Otherworld.

Transylvania is living nighttime, and the full moon is out tonight. Just as Drago and Wispa appear, she is amazed seeing how dark and gloomy this place is.

"Okay, what does the rest of the riddle say?" Wispa asks.

"We're going to the castle Dracula, the home of the Legendary Vampire," Drago answers.

Once Drago took flight, Wispa follows him. Within two hours of flying, they've arrived at a castle up in the mountains, and it's in ruins.

"Welcome to Castle Dracula," Drago says.

With caution, they walked in. Drago used his magic to time them light, seeing that his place is in ruins. Finding the item will be tricky. A few hours in, the storm is rolling in and through their search. Bats have been flying out of their hiding spots.

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