Chapter 32: A Terrible Truth

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Reappearing back in the Land of Fairies, Drago and Wispa wonder why they're in front of the castle, running back to the castle. Then suddenly, they were stopped by Drago's Aunt.

"Aunty Orchid, what up? Why did we appear in front of the castle?" Drago asks.

Seeing her looking away from Drago, she seems down until she finally spoke.

"I'm sorry," Orchid answers.

"Sorry? For what?" Drago asks.

"This," Orchid replies.

Just then, the ground quakes. Seeing all the others arrived to see Drago and Wispa, suddenly they see a wave of magical energy heading their way fast. Knockingeveryone down on the ground, Drago is worried about what happened; just then, dark green fire burst from the ground. Suddenly Alcyone has appeared in front of everyone.

"You poor little fools, think you can stop me, ME! the mistress of all evil!" Alcyone announces.

Topaz stands up from the rest.

"Mother, you must stop this," Topaz says.

"Topaz, you're a disappointment," Alcyone replies. "Luckily, I already have someone on the inside to take care of the barrier."

Wondering what she means by that until Drago sees his aunt walking next to Alcyone, he suddenly sees her turning black. Realizing that Drago is heartbroken that AuntOrchid is a Dark Fairy.

"Aunt Orchid, why, why are you a dark fairy?" Drago asks.

"When darkness enters your heart, you have a chance of becoming a dark fairy, so I was jealous of your mother, and from that jealousy, I became a dark fairy," Orchid answers.

Drago starts developing tears. Seeing someone, he cares about is a dark fairy. The other fairies surround Drago to protect him.

Suddenly Queen Swan came by, and she is unhappy seeing Orchid as Dark Fairy.

"Orchid, how dare you, behind my back, destroying the barrier and became a dark fairy," Swan says.

Just then, Alcyone used her staff, and green flames burst everywhere, surrounding them as fire also engulfs her too.

"Don't worry, and I'll get to you all later," Alcyone says. "I have unfinished business with two other Queens,"

As they see, Alcyone disappears, and all the flames disappear too.

"Where did they do?" Topaz asks.

"I don't know, but she did say something about two queens," Spice answers.

Suddenly Drago snaps out of his depression of his aunt, and he remembered that Alex told him that Earth had three fairy queens.

"Alcyone has gone to the Otherworld; she's going after the two queens of the EarthFairies," Drago announces.

"She is after Titania from Tír na nÓg," Topaz replies. "But to is the other fairy queen? Who told you about these earth fairies?"

Not able to answer here, he made it to Swan.

"Queen Swan, do you know how to get to Tír na nÓg?" Drago asks.

"No, I don't," Swan answers.

"But sadly, I do," Drago whispers.

Drago's friends are wondering is there something that he isn't telling them. As he turns to see them, he gave them a smile on his face.

"Guys, please trust me," Drago announces.

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