Chapter 1

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"Ouch, watch it Jake," I said to my twin brother as he beat me in yet another fight.
I have been trying to win a fight against him for what feels like forever, but he always ends up winning somehow, sighing in disappointment.

"Oh come on Eden, you know you will never win against me, I'm older and wiser," puffing out his chest with a smirk.

"We're the same age you idiot," I groan getting back up on my feet again.
"Just let me win at least one time, please," hoping the word please at the end of the sentence would work in my favour.

I look up hopeful but my hopes are dashed when he laughs, "Nope never sis," and laughs even harder than before.

"Argh, you're so annoying Jake."

He's always been like this ever since we were pups. Don't get me wrong I love my brother very much but sometimes I really want to beat his ass.
This being one of those moments.
I turn to look at him "Can we finish up I'm hungry?"

It was now lunchtime and we had been training all morning. I was tired and hungry. Not a good combination for me.
I was ready to eat my own arm off at this rate but not before beating Jake with it first, I giggled out loud.

"Why do I get the feeling you're planning something evil about me right now?" Jake said creasing his eyebrows together staring at me.

"Because I am," and before he can respond I am already running full speed towards the packhouse, poking my tongue out at him as I go.
I keep running without looking back because I know I only had two options, either Jake would be running after me or he would let me go, and at this moment I wasn't sure which of the two options it was. So with that in my mind I ran up the steps to our packhouse and through the front door, almost sighing with relief that I wasn't tackled to the ground.

I made my way to the kitchen deciding to make myself a sandwich.
Hearing the kitchen wasn't empty I walked in and found my two best friends Megan and Jessica. They were sitting at the table talking and laughing about something, I could only guess it had probably something to do with some guys or shopping. That's what they both lived for..oh and food, well in Megs case anyway.
I smiled at them both, "Hey besties," I said with a wave in their direction.
"Hey Eden, please tell me you kicked Jake's ass this time?" Jess said looking me hopeful.

"No, I just don't get why I have to fight against him anyway, if it's not my brother then it's Dominic," shrugging my shoulders whilst making my mouth watering chicken sandwich.

"I don't know why I am the only girl out of our pack to get that privilege."

"That's because Dominic is Alpha now and what he says is final. No one says no to him," Meg says with a smirk on her lips.

Making eye contact with her I scowl, "Don't Meg," I say in warning because I know exactly what she's hinting at.
With a huge smile spreading over her face, "What, I never said anything..I'm innocent," with a hand held on her chest over her heart trying her hardest to look shocked.

'Yeah sure you are."

I know exactly what she was getting at as Jess and Meg both keep telling me how Dominic has feelings for me.
Yeah Dominic and me had always been close but since his 18th birthday a month ago things had gotten to the point that no other males could come near me, apart from Jake and that's just because he's my brother I think.

A few minutes passed and us girls were laughing and joking together. I was eating my amazing chicken sandwich when I heard the front door open and close.
I just knew who was coming our way without even seeing him, the power radiating from him alone was enough to make me look in the direction of the door. And there stood next to Jake was Dominic.
I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise and in that moment I had completely lost my appetite, as I slowly look in to the eyes of our Alpha.
I knew my friends were talking to each other but I couldn't hear a thing as I got lost in the set of eyes staring back at me. A shiver ran down my spine and that's when I realised I needed to get out of this kitchen, so I done the only thing I could and bolted to the door running passed him and up the stairs to my room.

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