Chapter 45

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Before I had a chance to blink I was tackled to the ground with a loud thud.

I just managed to hear the low menacing growl from Nic, warning my two best friends to go careful.

Shooting him a glare because I know they would never hurt me intentionally but I suppose by accident, who knows.

As Nic walks away I know he's not happy, especially when he throws over his shoulder, "Say your goodbyes Eden, you have one minute then we're leaving."

I nod my head in acknowledgement before I have to cover my poor ears.

"Why in the goddesses name didn't you tell us you were going aswell?" Jess shouts.

Meg stands up putting her hands on her hips, but doesn't say a word. Even though her stance is telling me that she is also asking the same question but silently.

Jess jumps off of me and I slowly stand up, I don't know why I feel so ashamed. It wasn't like I had a chance to tell them, and I was literally just going to find them both to tell them the news.

But with my head lowered I begin my apology, "Look, I'm sorry, but I was coming to tell you when you tackled me. Some new information has come to light recently and I can't sit here and wait. I need to go to Jake. He's my brother and you both know how much we need each other. I'm struggling without him, which means so is he. Please don't be mad with me. I have to do this."

I look up when I hear loud sighs, and some of the anger within my best friends faces has distinguished.

I look at each of them, showing the emotions within my eyes. Not even trying to hide it from them.
Not that I really could, we have been best friends forever.

"Please don't let me leave with you both angry at me."

Meg steps forward and I can see her stance has changed to that of someone willing to console her best friend. Her arms open wide as she embraces me, and not long after so does Jess. Only Jess's face also holds that of pure agony and I can only guess it's because she thinks she's going to lose not only Jake but me to now.

I hug them both with equal vigor because I'm not stupid enough to realise this might be the last time I get to see them aswell.
It's something that is out of my control but I promise them both that I will do everything in my power to get home safely.

As we part I can see Nic coming back over, "Your minutes up. Time to go."

I know it's weird but I look at Jess and wish her a Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I'm gutted I won't be here to properly celebrate with her but I am determined to come back with what I think is her mate.

An unspoken plea in her eyes and an unspoken promise in mine.

This plan will not fail.

We will not fail.

Whatever the outcome, we will be bringing two pack members back with us.

Nic now stands at my side, holding out his hand to me.

It's time to leave and with one last look towards my best friends, I grab hold of his hand and stand closer to his side. As his mate and as his Luna.

Nic's voice is loud and clear as he shouts, "Let's go."


With my father's help, we are now on the outskirts of the rogues territory. We got here in good time considering how many warriors are with us and the fact that we are all in human form still.
So the element of surprise is still on our side.
That's not the only surprise that's happened since leaving our pack.
Just as we were about to step over our borders, Nic's father Joseph, our previous Alpha, decided he was coming with us.
After a clash of auras and words, Nic reluctantly gave in, allowing his father to come along.

I have an idea why he wants to, I've heard the story between him and Logan the rogue Alpha.

If it's revenge Alpha Joseph wants then who are we to stop him, plus he is the second strongest person I know, Nic obviously being the first.

Nic stops us all with a raise of his fist, reminding us all of the plan through the mindlink.

'I want everyone to remember the plan. Two groups, the first will be led by myself and your Luna. You will protect her at all times. Do you understand?'

I can't help my eye roll as I watch every head bow in respect to their Alpha. Oh for goddesses sake, I can look after myself.

'The second group will be led by my father and head warrior Raymond. They will give you the signal to move. Anyone that doesn't listen will be punished severely. The same rule applies to you all, protect your Luna with your lives.'

When did I become a damsel in distress?

I turn back to Nic with an annoyed look on my face.
Not that it helps me because the look he gives back is one of complete determination.

My heart almost drops in to my stomach when I realise my ruthless and deadly mate is willing to sacrifice any of his men to save me, including himself.

Tears suddenly threaten to leave my eyes and with every ounce of control I have left, I turn my face away just as the first tear slides down my cheek.

I feel him before I see him as he grabs my chin between his fingers bringing my face back to his.
His thumb gently caressing my tear soaked cheek as he leans down to my level.

"As long as I'm alive you will be protected. I am and always will be willing to sacrifice myself or any of my men for you my love. Never forget that."

Well that hasn't helped me at all.

"And I you Nic." I can see he's struggling with the thought of me sacrificing myself. But I would without hesitation if it meant saving anyone I cared for.


"Nic we haven't got the time to argue over this. Let's hope neither of us have to." I sigh, pulling my chin from his hold and wrapping my arms around his torso.

Tilting my head I look out to the hundreds of men and woman waiting for Nic's signal, and nod my head with a smile.
Once again every head bows in our direction as a sign of respect, and it only solidifies my thoughts that no matter what happens I will not allow anyone to die for me.

Not again.

Nics arms wrap around my body holding me close, like he doesn't want to let me go. But we both know that we can't wait any longer.

So with the same thought Nic's voice resonates through the mindlink again, 'Group one, shift.'

This is it. Jake, Ana, here we come.

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