Chapter 26

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Nic's office is full to bursting point when I glance around the room.
I walked in first when all the men stood back in the hallway waiting for me to enter.

So here I am currently being squashed in the corner of Nic's office. Watching as Spencer walks in with his hand on my fathers shoulder. He pushes him down in to one of the two chairs in front of Nic's desk and takes the remaining one for himself.

The four warriors are next, whose names are Ethan, Cole, Raymond and Matthew.

Ethan comes in first. He has the darkest hair I've ever seen. He's not the most muscular out of the four but I know from experience he can pack a punch.

Cole rolls in next and goes to stand on the other side of the room from Ethan. He's the tallest and the coldest. Never saying anything but always alert.

Then there's Raymond as he goes to stand next to Ethan. Raymond is the eldest one but is also the best warrior we have in our pack. He's almost like the father figure I never had growing up.
Whenever we trained together he always made sure I was okay and would hit the other three around the head if he thought they had hurt me in any way.

That's right these beasts were my personal trainers until Nic decided he couldn't control his temper when they had to touch me to fight me.
That's when he changed his mind and started training me with Jake.

Lastly I see Matthew walk in. He's tall and lean, and the joker out of them all.
Don't get me wrong he is super deadly when needed. If he wasn't then Nic wouldn't have him as one of the best four warriors of our pack. But if you need cheering up he's the guy to go to. He never fails to make me laugh when we were training together.

He's not as funny as Spencer though. I remember once they even had a competition on who was the funniest.
Spencer won and from that moment on me and Spencer were firm friends.
That's why Spencer acting so weird earlier has me wondering why.

My heart skips a beat when finally Nic walks into the room. A powerful aura fills the office as he walks around his desk grabbing my hand on the way to his chair.
Pulling me with him, he tugs me down on to his lap and wraps an arm around my waist, holding me close with my back against his chest.
This comfort is what I need right now.
I can't help my darkened mood as I look at all the black furniture around the office.

I miss my brother.

I have no idea where Jake is but something tells me my father does.
With those thoughts rolling around in my head, I turn my gaze to him and slightly raise an eyebrow as I see he's already watching me.

Nic sits up straighter in his chair but his hold on me tightens as he also sees my father watching me.
There are so many questions I want to know the answers to, and I was just about to ask when the familiar husky voice of my mate enters my head, 'Let me ask a few questions first, then I promise you will have your moment to ask what you want.'

I look back at Nic wondering how he knew what I was thinking, but give him a nod in agreement.
He is the Alpha after all, so he should be asking the first round of questions I suppose.

Nic glares at my father as my father very slightly bows his head not looking directly at Nic out of respect.

"What is your full name?"

My father responds, "Jasper Jake Quinn."

"Did you know about the upcoming attack on my pack tonight?"


"Why are you here after all this time?"

Nic is still throwing questions at my father, which I now know as Jasper.

"To save my children." Jasper says bluntly, as his head lifts looking straight at me again.

"What do you mean by that?"

I hear Jasper sigh as he runs a hand through his hair. "I know I have a lot of explaining to do Alpha Dominic but time is not on our side right now."

I can feel Nic's anger increasing so I know it's my time to ask some questions now.
I make eye contact with Jasper as I ask, "Do you know what happened to Jake?"


"Tell me, I think you at least owe me that."

Jasper sighs again, "This is going to come out all wrong. I'm not good at having to explain myself to anyone. I haven't had to in a long time Eden, not since your mother passed away."

That one sentence brought fresh tears to my eyes. My mother, the woman I must look like but will never get the opportunity to meet or see the resemblance between us.

Nic speaks again giving me a minute to calm down and take some deep breaths, as he gently rubs his thumb over my hip.

"You have ten seconds to start telling us something before I throw you in the cells and forget about you. Do you understand?"

"Fine. It all happened eighteen years ago to the day."

Jasper looks at me, "This will be a long story, I need to start from the beginning." And with that he started to tell his story.

"I was working my way through the ranks of my pack to become their best warrior. I had been training for years and had lost count of the hours I had done each day.
Being the best was something I always put my mind too. No matter what happened in life, my motto was always do it to the best of your ability.
Anyway a while later when I had just turned eighteen I found my mate when her pack got attacked. Never in a million years did I know what our future would hold.
I had asked my Alpha if she could join our pack as my mate and he agreed. We were so happy and not long after she had properly joined we found out she was pregnant.
I had never been happier in my life and the way your mother shone with pride, I knew she was just as happy as me about the pregnancy.
One day as the due date got closer I remember your mother waking me up in the middle of the night after she had a dream. She seemed frantic and I tried to comfort her but nothing was working.
Night after night she had the same dream.
She kept saying that she wasnt having just one child but was told it would be twins, one boy and one girl.
Apparently these twins she was supposedly carrying would turn out to be special wolves.
I thought she had gone crazy. I know that sounds like a horrible thing to say but it's true."

Jasper takes a long breath but continues with his story.

"Anyway when it was finally time for the birth I was so shocked when your mother's dream came true and there you both were in her arms.


One boy and one girl.

I couldn't believe it.

We named the boy Jake after my middle name.
I didn't like the thought of naming him Jasper junior as I hated my name when I was growing up. So I couldn't do that to my son as well."

I watched intently as different emotions flows through his eyes, happiness, sadness and love all shine bright.

"We had a deal that I would name the boy and your mother would name you."

Finally being able to talk now I ask him, "What was my mother's name?"
Tears glisten his eyes as he answers.

"Aubree Mary Simms."

"So who was I named after if it wasn't my mother?"

"Your mother's best friend." He says as a chuckle escapes him. "Your mother hated her name more than I hated mine."

Listening to my fathers story I couldn't help but think of Jake again. We need to find him. I can't live without my brother. No, scrap that, I won't live without my brother.
But I know this is going to be a long story. My goddess it's eighteen years long. But I know without a doubt in my mind that this is a story that will hold a lot of answers for me, so I lean against Nic's chest again and wait for the next chapter of my fathers story.

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