Chapter 5

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I can't believe it's been nearly 2 weeks since our last shopping trip and here I am getting ready to go again.

I must be mad.

But as I think that I remember it is my 18th birthday tomorrow so I need an outfit.
Suddenly for the first time ever I get excited about going shopping. I start clapping my hands together and jumping up and down.

"What the heck are you doing sis?" Jake says walking into my bedroom.

"Can you knock instead of just bursting in here next time?" A look of complete embarrassment washes over my face, making him laugh.

"You're such an idiot Jake." He ignores my comment and pulls me in for a hug instead.
With a smile spreading across his face, "You wouldn't have me any other way."

Honestly, no I wouldn't. I can't fault him as my brother. I might want to beat the shit out of him more times than I care to admit but I would also do absolutely anything for him. As I pull him in for a tighter hug.

"Steady on there Eden, you're going to crush some bones," he teases.

Releasing him from my hold and rolling my eyes at him I head towards the bathroom to get ready, when I hear him ask if Nic, Spencer and himself can tag along with us on our shopping trip.

I look over my shoulder with a shrug, "Yeah, sure, but you can get your own way there. I'm not having you guys moaning that you're stuck shopping with us girl's all day.

Jake glances my way again whilst heading to the door, "Oh come on sis, if we go together it will give you the perfect excuse to leave earlier. I know how you hate shopping."

I sigh, because he's right I do but this is for my special birthday so I don't mind as much today.

I poke my head back out of the bathroom door and nod my head, "Fine but you're driving instead then and no complaining Jake, I mean it, do not ruin this day for me."

I lift my chin and narrow my eyes challenging him.

He raises his hands in surrender, turns the door handle and walks out.

I manage to go into the bathroom without disruption this time. Closing the door behind me I have a hot shower to relax me ready for the long day ahead because if Meg and Jess have anything to do with it then that's exactly what it's going to be.
With that in mind my enthusiasm for this shopping trip lowers slightly.
Oh goddess what have I let myself in for?

It has been 3 hours and I still haven't found my perfect dress yet. I'm starting to think it doesn't exist.

The guys went off straight away to find something as it's Jake's birthday tomorrow as well.

"We're supposed to be meeting the guys in 30 minutes," I moan to my best friends. "And I still haven't found anything to wear yet, it's hopeless."

But just as I am about to leave what feels like the hundredth shop...I see it.

The perfect dress.

I look in awe. A black knee length dress with sleeves just sitting above the elbows, a sweetheart neckline graces the top. It's beautiful. I step closer and see it's covered in small silver sequins that looks like stars twinkling in the night sky, and I realise it's not beautiful at all. It's stunning.

Without thinking twice I buy it and a pair of shoes to match. And I'm done with time to spare.
With still 5 minutes before we have to meet the guys and knowing that Meg and Jess wouldn't leave until the time was up, I tell them that I'm going to the use the restroom quickly.

I had just placed my hand on the restrooms door handle when someone grabs my wrist in a death grip and pushes me into one of the cubicles.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shout as loud as I can.

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