Chapter 13

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My wolf pushed her paws forward as I stared at Nic.
I felt like I was holding my breath, it has all happened so quickly.
Nic's feet move towards me, slowly and calculating with every step he takes in my direction.
He knows exactly what he's doing to me because looking at the gold reflecting in his eyes, I was doing the same to him.

We were now toes to paws staring in each other's eyes.
I watch as he raises one of his hands, gently running it down my back through my snow white fur.
Sparks flicker where his hand touches, awakening something within me.

"You are so beautiful," he whispers. I'm not sure if it's to himself or to me.
His eyes never once leaving my own.
I so badly wanted to shift back but my wolf had taken over since I had shifted and I found it difficult to take back control.

Shadow was now completely in control of Nic as well, even though he was still in his human form.
I felt so entranced by his eyes to the point nothing could break the trance I found myself in.

Well that was until I heard a low growl behind me.
Immediately I hear another growl when I realise it's from me. I come to the quick conclusion that my wolf is protecting her mate too when I finally hear my wolf speak in my mind.

'I will protect our mate with our lives.'

'Um, well that's great. But can you not kill us before we actually get to know each other?'

'We won't get killed Eden, I promise you. Trust me.'

'Okay I trust you.' I tell her because for some reason I do believe everything she's just said to me.

Turning quickly my wolf got into her fighting stance. Becoming a shield in front of our mate.
I know he's the Alpha and can probably take on a hundred wolves by himself but this is our mate and we will protect him just as much as he and his wolf Shadow will protect us.

Finally turning fully towards where the growl came from we are ready to attack. To my horror though I realise it's not the threat I thought it would be.
Standing not far from me is my brother that I had completely forgotten about.

Oh my gosh how embarrassing.

'Um, hey did you forget about me already?' Jake said through our mindlink, with a slight awkward chuckle.

'Oh don't be silly Jake, how could I forget about my favourite brother,' I say quickly. In fact I had forgotten he was there and I was ready and willing to jump my mate without thinking.

A full blown laugh came through our mindlink now and I know it's at my expense. Thank the goddess I'm in wolf form otherwise my cheeks would be the brightest colour of red anyone has ever seen.

'Favourite brother? Don't you mean only brother? And I know you forgot about me just now, I saw the heated looks between you and Nic. I can tell you now I am definitely not staying here to see that. I would have to dig my own eyes out.'

'What the heck Jake.' I retaliate getting even more embarrassed by the second.

'I'm taking off so you can be with lover boy over there.'

'Mate..Jake! He's my mate not my lover boy as you put it.'

'Whatever sis. See you at the party.'

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