Chapter 39

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One minute I was enjoying the view and almost drooling over my shirtless mate sparring with Spencer, and the next I was falling to my knees in pain.
The stabbing sensation tore through my thigh so fast, it actually felt like it was happening to me.
The pain was unbearable and without thinking I couldn't help but look down at my leg expecting to see blood rushing from an open wound.
Of course there wasn't any. Every time I've felt Jake's torture over the last few days I have expected to see some sort of injury but there isn't anything.

Lifting my head off of the soft pillow, I feel sparks glide over my back. A pair of arms wrap themselves more firmly around my body, pulling me closer to the person behind me.
Hot breath fans my neck and the scent of my mate overwhelmes me, making me relax in his arms, just a second before my mind catches up with everything and the dam breaks in me as I let out a soft sob. Tears fall from my eyes like a never ending rain cloud, and my emotions swirling around me like the storm that controls it.

The soft whisper of Nic's voice reaches my ears as he softly talks to me trying to calm me down.

"Ssshh, it's okay Eden. I'm here my love." I hear Nic say into my neck and for some reason it makes me cry even harder.

In the blink of an eye, Nic has turned me in his arms. Facing him he softly presses kisses to my cheeks where my tears are falling freely down my face.
He tugs me closer to him as his hand reaches up wiping the rest of my tears away with his thumb that his kisses doesn't reach.

"We will get him back Eden."

I can't help the brokenness in my voice when I answer, it's been to long already and we are no closer to finding him.


"Soon, my love."

I close my eyes hoping he's right, that it will be soon.

I feel Nic's hand gently caress my cheek again, as I bring my own hand up covering his.

"Look at me."

I shake my head, I can't bring myself to see the pity in his eyes for me. I'm not normally this emotional. I'm normally strong, but with Jake gone I can feel myself being burdened with emotions that I would normally shrug off easily.

I feel weak, and that's not a feeling I like having.

"Eden, look at me. Please."

The strong emotion in Nic's own voice has my eyes opening without my consent.
His eyes are blazing the golden tone of Shadow. I gasp as it takes me by surprise.

Why did Shadow appear?

Shadow's voice is slightly deeper than Nic's as he says the words more convincingly for me to understand.

"We. Will. Find. Him." Shadow's voice booms through the room, as his hand holds my face steady, our eyes never once leaving each other's.

All I can do is shuffle closer, resting my forehead on Nic's chest as I whisper, "I know we will Shadow."

And for some reason I believe him. Not once doubting his words in any way. I trust him completely without question.

Shadow's arms crush me to him as his nose goes to my hair sniffing my scent, trying to keep himself under control.
And without even realising it, I feel myself get stronger. I feel myself start to control my emotions, and for the first time in four days I feel like I want to fight.

Fight for myself.

Fight for my brother.

Fight for my mate.

Fight for my friends.

And fight for my pack.

I am the Luna of this pack and like hell am I going to sit back and watch it destroyed by rogues.
We will get Jake and Ana back safely, I know it, and we will kill every single one of the rogues that try and prevent it.

A sudden wave of strength hits me hard as I raise my head from Nic's chest. Shadows golden eyes glisten as he watches me. There's no movement as I pull away from him.
I can feel an unknown strength running through my veins. I don't know where it's come from. I don't know how it got there. But I can feel it getting stronger as each second passes.

Shadow is still watching me closely, as I move from his embrace. He doesn't say a word as he lets me go, but I can just make out the smallest smirk in the corner of his mouth.

I raise my eyebrow at him in a silent question, as I'm rewarded with a full on smile.

"Do I dare ask why you are smiling like that?"

Shadow's deep and powerful voice vibrates through the room, "Feeling more stronger now my little mate?"

"How do you know that?"

Shadow starts to laugh, and I have to say it's one of the best things I've ever heard.

A deep rumbling vibration comes through his chest as he says, "You're feeling the strength that I'm willing to give you."

"I don't understand." I say as I sit up crossing my legs on the bed facing him.

Shadow turns pushing his back up against the headboard, resting there quietly but pinning me down with those golden eyes.

"Everyone knows an Alpha is stronger than any other werewolf. But I am stronger than any other Alpha. Because of that I have the ability to pass some of my strength to my mate when she needs it the most."

I look at him dumbfounded. How did I never know this?

"So you're telling me that the strength I now feel is actually from you?"

"Yes, my human didn't realise that to give you the extra strength you needed it had to be from me. But every time you felt Jake's pain my human wouldn't allow the shift."

"So how come Nic has allowed it this time?"

"I forced the shift because I know you can't handle much more. You're becoming weaker without your twin and I will not lose you my little mate. My human will understand when I allow him to take back control."

I reach out my hand as I lightly brush my fingers over Shadows face, "Thank you."

Shadow grabs my hand bringing it to his lips, kissing my palm gently. "I will protect you always my little mate." He leans forward kissing me hard.
After a few minutes we pull away from each other catching our breaths, while Shadow leans his forehead on mine. "I have to go, my human is getting grumpy."

I can't help but laugh at that because I know what Nic's like, especially when it involves me.

I give Shadow another swift kiss before I see the golden eyes of Shadow fade away and the forest green colour of Nic's return.

I smile at him, "Hi."

He doesn't even respond with words as his lips crash against mine. His arms wrapping around my body as we slam against the mattress. My fingers reach for his hair and he groans loudly as I pull on it harshly.

"Goddess I've missed you Eden."

"You were gone for like half an hour," I giggle.

"Half an hour is to long."

With that he flips me over, "Hands on the headboard my love." He whispers in my ear.

And for the next few hours he shows me just how much he's missed me.

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