Chapter 23

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I just want this night to be over.

I am almost overwhelmed with the sadness and pure hatred that engulfs every part of my being.

As Alpha, my job is to protect my pack, to protect my territory and to protect my people.

And I failed.

I can see this clearly as I look around at the numerous dead bodies covering the ground.

The only comfort I have is how well my pack fought tonight. All the hours of training I made my pack go through obviously helped. It's something that will only progress more in the future. I will make sure to push my pack harder. Train harder. We are the most powerful pack and I am the most feared Alpha and I intend to keep those title's. Luckily for me only a small percentage of my pack lost their lives compared to the amount the rogue Alpha has lost.

I am beyond proud of my pack who fought bravely and even more so of my pack members that made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

As I keep looking around I can feel my anger simmering at the surface and the only thing that's helping me hold it together right now is knowing my beautiful mate is somewhere safe.

As Shadow still stands as dominant as ever in front of everyone, I sigh still in the safety of my own mind.
All I want to do is go to my mate and hold her in my arms.

I feel Shadow's struggle as well, wanting to go to his mate. To make sure she's safe just as much as I do with Eden. He hasn't had much chance to get to know Eden's wolf Mara yet and I can hear the quiet whimper coming from him.

'I feel your pain Shadow. I really do, but we have to be strong for them right now.' I say, trying to make Shadow feel a bit better. I know how tough it is right now. I am apart of him after all. But first things first, we have to deal with the situation at hand.

As I feel Shadow stand taller and I hear his whimpering stop, I know that he's on board with what I've just said.

After all, we have a new problem on our hands now I know who the rogue Alpha is.

My blood starts to boil in my veins again.

My father's ex Beta.

Logan Carter.

Logan fucking Carter.

I can still see his smirk as he walked towards me earlier, and all I wanted to do was to rip his throat out.

I know the story as to why he was banished from my pack all those years ago.

The story I've heard all my life.

How when my father was Alpha of Blood Moon, his Beta was a young man named Logan Carter.
Logan was my father's best friend. They had grew up together and it was inevitable they would both lead the pack when they came of age.
Everything was good until one day Logan started to act strangely.
He would go against my father's orders, and apparently kept disappearing for hours.
My father used to tell me that Logan was the troublesome type growing up.
Never wanting to listen and always the first to fight.
But they were best friends. Almost like brothers my father said.
Things changed when my Grandfather passed away and my father took on the role of Alpha permanently.
Being the leader and having all the power, Logan never liked it.
One day my father had gotten word that there was a rogue attack not far from our territory.
My father the caring man he is sent some of our best warriors to help that day, not realising until it was to late that Logan was so power hungry to take the Alpha title from my father, that it was a trap to get my father alone.

My father fought for his life that day, against the one person he had trusted the most.
Logan was helpless against a born Alpha though. My father was no match for him but having that power had made Logan hungry for it.
My father though still couldn't bring himself to kill his best friend, so instead scarred him across the face as a warning to never come back.
Logan was banished from our territory after that and my father never saw him again.

He still has a photo of them together when they were younger to which he has shown me numerous times since I was born.
I never really understood why. That was until tonight. My father was trying to help me by showing me the enemy. Preparing me. He must have known this day would come. I understand that now, because his face is one I will never forget. It let me be one step ahead I suppose, by knowing who he was as soon as I saw him stalking towards me.

I can see it clearly now, but what I can't work out is why.

Is it revenge?

Is it power?

Or the worst one....

Is it about my mate and her twin being white wolves.

What if they are in danger?

Shaking my head, I try to get those thoughts out of my head. Eden is safe. They are both safe.

He had challenged me tonight and I was more than happy to except. Not just for attacking my pack but I wanted to kill him after he tried to murder my father to claim his pack for himself all those years ago.

But his head lowered and he took a step back.

The challenge had been withdrawn and I had no idea how to respond.

I was literally fighting with myself. I still wanted to kill him. That urge would never leave me. Well not until I finally had his blood on my hands.
But there was something else. Almost like a twinkling in his eyes, like he knew something I didn't. And that didn't settle well with me.

He's planning something and whatever it is, it's not going to be good.

I saw the moment in his eyes when the attack was over.

I watched as he took another step back.

I had taken one forward. I was now challenging him, and I was ready to fight him to the death.
Not that it would be mine. I knew I was stronger. I am a born Alpha just like my father.

Logan couldn't defeat my father and he sure as hell wouldn't defeat me either.

The rogue Alpha took a third step back, but this time let out a loud growl. I watched as all the rogue wolves that were attacking ran from my territory.
Logan Carter raised his head, looked me in the eyes with what looked like a promise we would meet again and then turned and followed them across the border.

Something felt seriously wrong with this situation.

But Logan was gone and my mate was safe.

That's all that mattered to me at that moment.

That was until Eden mindlinked me a while later to say she wasn't in the safe room and I felt every part of my body shake with anger.

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