Chapter 4

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I can't believe the weekend went so fast, considering all it consisted of was training, shopping and homework.

I lean over and finally switch my alarm off as I've already snoozed it twice. If I don't get up now then I will be late for school.

Moving one leg out of bed and then slowly the rest of my body, I go into the bathroom for a quick shower hoping it will help wake me up. Once I'm done I go back into my bedroom throwing on some clothes, grabbing my rucksack and going downstairs to the kitchen.

The smell of bacon and eggs make my mouth water and I find everyone already in there eating.

We all say our good mornings and I sit down to eat my own breakfast.
I only have a short time before we have to go due to me snoozing my alarm so much, so I eat as fast as I can.

Jake, Jess, Meg and myself go in one car to school and normally meet Spencer there because he lives at home still so it's easier for him to do that.

Nic left school when he turned 17, and instead attends Alpha school which is more intense but less hours.
We miss him at school as he is the main link in our group, but we understand it wasn't his choosing.

Every future Alpha has no choice but to attend Alpha school when they turn 17 years old.
I'm not sure what Alpha school teaches exactly as Nic has never said but I'm guessing there is a lot more training because in the year Nic's been going he's even more muscular than before.

We all get out of the car and see Spencer waiting for us. We go and say hello and each of us heads towards our lockers.
I'm just closing my locker when Meg and Jess lean against the ones either side of mine.

"I hope we don't have a maths test today," Meg moans as the three of us head to class.

Our teacher Mr Parker is like the worst teacher ever, if you don't get at least 90% on a test then it's instant detention.

Our school only consists of werewolves, where some schools are a mixture of werewolves and humans. It's so much easier here because we don't have to keep our secret quiet.

Still doesn't help with Mr Parker though.

Jess, Meg and myself go and find our seats, we always sit at the back of the class so we can people watch, gossip and also hope that we don't get picked on by the teacher.

Jake and Spencer are in a different class to us girl's but we normally meet them in the cafeteria at lunch.

"Hey, when do you want to go shopping for your birthday outfit?" I hear Meg whisper.

"I was thinking about next weekend but then as we have the Friday off, why don't we just go then?" I whisper back to her.

"Okay, the Friday before your birthday it is, it's a shopping date girl's," Meg looks at Jess and me with a beaming smile.
Jess whispers back with a "whoop whoop, can't wait," I laugh quietly and nod my head up and down in agreement.

Next minute I hear Mr Parker shout my name, and as I look up I see a stern looking face staring at me from the front of the class.

Oh don't tell me he heard me laugh, come on, I was as quiet as a mouse!

"Miss Quinn, the principle would like to see you in his!"

"Yes sir," I get up from my seat wondering what the heck is going on and look back at my best friends who look on just as bewildered as me.

"I'll see you both at lunch," as I grab my rucksack and leave the classroom.

The corridor is quiet as everyone is in their classes, so getting to Principle Dawson's office doesn't take long.
I ponder to myself what it is he wants with me.

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