Chapter 22

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Mara runs faster than she ever has through the woods.

Flashes of green and brown of the trees rush past us in a blur.
Animals scatter out of the way before they get trampled.
Fallen trees and branches are jumped over and under, not slowing us down even a little bit.

We haven't seen or heard of any other rogues since we left Jake and Ana, but it looks as though Mara isn't taking any chances as she picks up more speed.

I didn't even know we could run this fast. I'm almost having to go deeper within my own mind so I don't feel dizzy.

Another few minutes pass and I can finally feel Mara slowing down.
I come back to the forefront of my mind again, now she's slowed down and take a look around.
I can see we are at my secret place. The place where I would normally come to think and recharge in the tranquillity this place holds.

But tonight it holds a different feeling. Not the calm and tranquil place it usually is. It almost feels tainted. Like my favourite place in the world has been completely destroyed.

We step through the surrounding trees that keeps this place hidden with gentle steps, knowing that our enemy could be anywhere within our territory.

Thinking of this I start to worry about Nic. I haven't heard from him at all since I mindlinked him at the start of the attack.

Please moon goddess let him be okay too.

Maybe I should mindlink him again or focus on our mate bond.
Due to everything that's happened tonight, I haven't been concentrating on it.

I know that sounds awful but I was trying to stay alive more.

After walking around and checking the perimeter and realising it's safe, my whole body sags with relief.

This has been one hell of a night and a birthday I will never forget.

I go and sit next to the water. It's slow current is soothing as my mind wanders back over the last few hours.
So much has happened and I never thought when the day started and I was here, that I would be back because my pack had been attacked and now I'm frantically waiting for news on my mate, brother and friends.

A while later and I can't take it any longer, so I mindlink Nic.

I need to know what's going on and also need to know he's safe.


After a few seconds I hear his voice and sigh loudly at how much I've missed hearing it tonight.

'Eden, is that you?'

'Yes, are you okay?'

'I am, but we have some fatalities and a lot that's injured. Not as many as the rogues would have liked though.'

'Does that mean the attack is over?'

'For now at least. Their Alpha turned up, but it was weird. He seemed to be stalling and after a while of him talking a load of bullshit to me, he retreated and so did his followers.'

'That is weird isn't it. I mean what the hell was the point of the attack tonight?'

'I'm not sure if I'm honest but we will find out. I gave my word to everyone who lost a loved one tonight.'

I can for the first time in a while tonight feel the mate bond.
The waves of anger, sadness and relief are the most prominent of Nic's emotions.

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