Chapter 31

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"What the hell Nic. Why would he just leave like that?" I can't help but shout at my poor mate, hoping for some sort of explanation but also knowing full well that Nic hasn't got the answers I want to hear.

After we heard from Spencer that my so called father had ran away I actually felt crushed. I know it's stupid after not ever having him in my life but having him protect me tonight and listening to the personal story he told us, I felt an actual connection with him.
Maybe not a complete connection because I still have so much to process about having him back in my life, but still the small kind of connection I always wanted with my father.

Though my sadness didn't last long and soon enough the anger started building inside of me like a raging fire.
And that's what Nic is having to deal with right now.

I start to pace his office again. I have lost count of how many times I have done this.
I roughly brush my hands through my hair, wanting to scream out loud in frustration.

I'm not the only one. I can feel my wolf Mara pacing back and forth in my head. Then she stops, growls a little then picks up her pace again.

At least I'm not the only angry one around here.

Well I know Nic is angry but he's much better at hiding it than I am for a change.

I feel another fierce wave of anger hit me. I have never been this mad, but then again I've never had to actually deal with the betrayal of a parent before.
Yes me and Jake were left as pups but we were to young to know anything about it back then.

I turn again when I hit the wall in front of me with my foot, ready to stomp over to the opposite wall again when Nic speaks.

"Eden stop. You need to calm down my love."

I look up in time to see him stand from his chair and approach me slowly and cautiously like I'm a wounded animal.

In a way I suppose I am.

A werewolf with a broken heart. I can't help but think of the irony of the situation. And I can't help the empty laugh that escapes my throat.

Nic reaches for me and pulls me against his hard chest. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him as he kisses my forehead. His scent wrapping around me like a protective blanket.

I try to push him away, wanting to still feel the anger that my father has left me in. But the mate bond is making me feel better being in Nic's arms.
I'm sure he knows it to, as his grip on my waist tightens.

Closing my eyes, I let my body respond without thinking. Letting out a soft sigh of contentment, I lean in to him even more. If it's possible. I wrap my own arms around his neck holding him close to me, when I feel his warm breath on my neck.
I feel the softest of movements of his lips as he kisses down my neck towards my mark.
As his lips reach their destination he sucks on my mark and I can't help it when I moan his name in response.

It's only then that I feel his smirk against my skin and realise what he's doing.

I try and pull away when reality hits me. "Nic, let me go. I want to be mad right now, not under some kind of mate bond magic spell."

He pulls his lips away from my neck long enough to chuckle, "I'm just doing what any loving mate would do my love."

I manage to push away from him as I put my hands on my hips to show my annoyance even more.

"Oh really?"

"Of course. You needed a distraction and I helped with that."

With that he steps closer and reaches for me. "I could distract you in a better way if you want? How about I show you in our bedroom?"

"Our bedroom?"

"Yes, our bedroom. You don't think I will allow my mate to be in a seperate bedroom from me do you?"

With everything that's happened tonight, I haven't had as chance to think about it. And now I am it's overwhelming me.

I don't know what came over me in that instance. As a bubble of laughter comes out of nowhere, and once I've started I can't stop.
Soon enough I have tears falling down my face and I'm doubling over in hysterics.

I only stop when I look up at Nic and see him watching me with a scowl on his face.

"I'm sorry Nic, but if I'm going to our bedroom then it's to sleep. I'm exhausted. It's been one hell of a night and it's almost sunrise."

I hear him sigh and reach for me again, and this time I let him. I don't want to shut him out and after my hysterical outburst I don't feel so angry anymore.
I'm almost thinking rationally now.


So I can't help but think that maybe Jasper had a reason to leave without telling us. He did seem so genuine when he was explaining everything. That I didn't doubt him at all.
Or maybe I was so lost in my own dream for that short while, that he would become the father I had always hoped for that I didn't see what he truly was.

Argh, I'm not sure.

But one thing I am sure of, is one day I will see him again and he had better have one hell of an explanation and apology ready.

After a while Nic pulls away from me. Though not far, and gently rubs his thumb across my cheek. His green eyes look down at me as his thumb continues to graze my cheek lovingly, "I love you Eden."

I smile as I lean in to his touch, closing my eyes, "I love you too."

"How about you go and get some rest."

"What about you? Are you not coming?"

"No, not yet. I need to go and check on things. Talk to the families that lost loved ones tonight and start the process of burning the dead rogues. Plus I need to talk to my father about Logan. He's going to be pissed when he finds out it was him that attacked us tonight. Now go and rest. I will meet you in our bedroom soon. Okay?"

"I'm guessing that our bedroom will be your bedroom and not mine?"

"You guessed right my love. Now go before I change my mind and you won't get any rest at all."

"Okay." Before I leave I lift up on my toes and plant a kiss to his lips. Then I turn and walk out the door.

I'm walking down the corridor towards Nic's bedroom when I hear it.

An ear splitting scream that puts my senses on high alert. Turning in the direction of the scream.
All I see is a flash of colour running my way. Actually two flashes of colour running my way and I can't help the smile that covers my face, as I stretch my arms wide to catch them both.

"Eden, oh my goddess, are you okay?" I hear as the first pair of arms of my best friends get flung around my neck.

The second pair of arms follow and now I'm fighting for breath as they are both squeezing the living daylights out of me.

"I'm okay. But it's been a birthday I'll never forget."

"What happened tonight?" Jess says close to my ear, with her arms still around me.

Meg was the first one to reach me, so she's finally let go so I can now breath a bit more easily.
When Jess pulls away as well I look at them both and I can see that even though they were safely locked away in the safe room, it hadn't helped them at all.

Their beautiful faces stained with dried tears. Their perfect hairstyles are now all disheveled, and I can see they have both lost their high heeled shoes that they had on at the beginning of the night.

They look a mess. But who am I to talk. I bet I look a lot worse than they do right now.

I sigh as fatigue starts to set in as my body slowly relaxes. But I know Meg and Jess are going nowhere soon and as I think about Jake, Ana, Gerty and my father, I know I have to explain it to them.
My heart breaks thinking about Jake. I have no idea where he is. I don't know when I will see him again. But the one thing I do know is, I will find him because there is no way I'm living without my brother. Never.

I look in to the worried eyes of my best friends and grab one each of their hands in mine, "Come on, I'll explain everything that's happened."

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