Chapter 49

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The moment it happened had completely shattered me. The agonising howl that left Shadow's mouth broke me into tiny pieces and I had no idea if I would ever recover from this loss.

My mate was dead.

I could hear Jake's heartbroken cries for his sister to wake up but I knew she had already gone.
I didn't need to look twice.
I had felt our mate bond break the second she had protected her brother.

I thought that would have been the worst part about a mate bond breaking, but apparently I was wrong. Remembering all the emotions that flooded her on a daily basis. Her kindness, fighting spirit and love. Not just for me and Jake, but for everyone. I used to watch her when she thought I wasn't looking. How she would take some cookies from the kitchen giving them to some pups outside just to cheer them up. Or sitting with some of the elders, listening to their stories, even though she was bored as hell. The way her hands wrapped around my neck kissing my lips when she could feel I'd had a bad day.

Shit, I could go on forever.

But what's the point?

She's gone.

The need to go to her was getting stronger by each passing second, but Shadow was in such a rage at his mates death, that he had refused me control.

I had tried to reason with him. I wanted, no needed to pull her away from Jake's hold and cradle her to me.
But I knew Shadow needed this more and to be honest, killing Logan might help the dark gaping hole in my chest where my heart used to pump life around my body.

Shadow's eyes narrow on Logan. The venom almost dripping from his canines with the pure rage of losing both Eden and Mara.

Logan's smirk is almost visible on his wolf's face and all I want to do is claw the other side of his face off.

It would be quite ironic. My father scarred one side of his face and I could do the other.


I don't want to scar him. I want to torture him. I want to destroy him. I want him to suffer before he begs me for death.

And he will beg for death, I guarantee it, and only when I'm ready will I grant it to him.



I feel so light, like I'm floating. There is nothing worrying my mind. No pain in my body.

Just nothing.

I look around, I'm obviously somewhere I've never been before. But I don't feel scared. I feel at peace.

My feet start to move through the brightest green grass I've ever seen in my life.
It doesn't look real, until I grasp some in my fingers and pull a few strands out of the ground.
Wild flowers are growing everywhere and it looks just like a forgotten meadow.
I keep walking, wanting to keep exploring this absolutely beautiful place.
The grass is long, nearly as tall as the flowers growing in it. But even then I can see the abundance of colours that blow my mind.
I can hear the slight trickle of water in the distance and head towards it. I don't know why but my feet are taking me in that direction and I can't seem to stop myself.

The sound of water gets louder as I keep walking, and I'm awed as the meadow opens up to the most stunning waterfall.

Goddess, what is this place?

A waterfall that cascades down the side of stoney wall.
The stones are mesmerising. White and a very pale grey that seem to shimmer like glitter in the sunlight.

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