Chapter 44

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The last hour has flown by and now here we are, stood in front of the entire Blood Moon Pack waiting for Nic's signal to go into battle with the rogues.

The anticipation on finally seeing my brother again is overwhelming me.
I can't believe it's only been a matter of days because it feels alot longer than that.

Nic finally told me what plan he had put in place and his reasons for not telling me about it.
Yes, I can understand why he never told me but it doesn't change the fact of how hurt I felt when I realised that he had done it all behind my back.

We're supposed to be a team, a unit and above all else we're supposed to be an equal to each other, but in that moment I felt extremely let down.

Mara was angry, and told me she had linked with Shadow to tell him so. She said he tried to apologise, saying his human counterpart made the decision and not him. My wolf wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily though and closed their link and hasn't spoken to him since.

We talked it through, well Nic did most of the talking because I was seething to, but after I had heard his reasoning and my anger and hurt had faded a bit I could see he had done the right thing and protected me like always.

Mara will see it's not Shadows fault soon enough and be her floozy self once again.

I remember Nic's whole body slumped in reaction before he pulled me into his strong arms, holding me close to his chest inhaling my scent to calm himself down.

Hearing someone clear their throat, my head swings in that direction.
Nic stands there watching me and I realise a little to late that I have forgotten to close the link between us...whoops!

He clears his throat again and as he takes my hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze, I know the time has come for us to leave.

The weight of some of us not coming back from this weighs heavily on my heart.

Especially knowing that not only are every pack member willing to die for their Beta, they are willing to die for my brother as well, and that emotional burden will stay with me forever.

I am truly honoured to be the Blood Moon Packs Luna.

Nic's voice booms through the air for every pack member to hear.

"We stand here today under no fault of our own.
The rogues have declared war on our pack the moment they stepped foot on to our territory.
But not only will we respond to their threat, we will succeed in destroying every single one of them that gets in our way.
We will be victorious and we shall do it together."

Nic's hand tightens over mine and I know he's struggling with the thought of me coming too. But I wouldn't miss this opportunity to get my twin and Ana back.

The roar of both human shouts and wolf howls fills the sudden silence and I can't help the extra little thump of my heart on hearing them all.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I glance and see my father standing next to me.
The look of apprehension covers his face as he watches me and I can't help the smile that reaches my lips.

Raising a hand to his own, I squeeze it tightly.

No words.

Just actions.

I now know that everything he has ever done was for me and Jake.

Every decision, action and sacrifice.

It all leads back to us.

My father's hand falls away from my shoulder as Nic pulls me more in to him.

I guess it's going to take him longer to forgive and trust my father more than me.

I quickly send an apologetic look my father's way and an even quicker mindlink, 'I'm sorry about Nic. He will come around, I promise.'

'It's okay Eden. He's protecting his mate. That's all I ever wished for you.'

'I don't want to go in to this battle without telling you that I'm sorry for doubting you. I know everything you did was for Jake and me.'

The sound of laughter vibrates through the link, 'It makes a change that it's not me apologising this time.'

'Way to ruin the moment Dad.' I grin.

'I have waited eighteen years to hear you call me that. I'm proud to be yours and Jake's Dad and no one will separate me from you both again.'

I don't know if it's the impending battle or we have somehow bonded as father and daughter over the last hour but I can't stop myself when I say, 'I love you Dad.'

The look of surprise on his face makes me want to laugh, that is until I see the smallest tear run down his cheek, as he wipes it away as quick as a flash.

But it's to late. I've already seen it and letting go of Nic's hand, I walk over to my father and hug him tight.

What he must of gone through for all those years is unimaginable and I pray to the moon goddess that after today we will have a future where we can finally be a family at last.

Hearing Nic shout out to everyone coming with us that they have one minute to say their goodbyes to their family, hits me hard.

This is it.

It's time.

Just as I'm about to go and say bye to my crazy best friends, who are staying behind because Jess doesn't shift until tomorrow and Meg hasn't shifted yet either, my father holds my wrist gently preventing me from moving away.

It looks as though he wants to say something but doesn't know how.

Actually he looks pretty awkward right now.

"Eden, I just wanted to say. Umm, just incase I don't make it back. That I, umm."

Nic's voice shouts behind me making me jump, "Just fucking tell her, we haven't got all day."

My father looks down at me, his face full of emotions.

"I love you." He says as his chest heaves in and out nervously.

I don't even get the chance to answer when I hear Nic grumble, "About fucking time."

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