Chapter 48

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Why the guy that had helped us in the woods the night of Logan's first attack was here puzzled me. I remember seeing him when I was in the cell but my memory is vague on details. But one thing I do know for sure is how grateful I am to him for stopping Nic's Alpha aura from forcing me to submit fully.
The pressure of submitting to him was becoming to much to deny and it worried me probably just like everyone else here that as soon as me and Spencer bowed our heads, Logan would have attacked again.
I didn't think I could have coped much longer and after everything that's happened to me over the last few days or weeks or however long I've been stuck down in that shithole, the last thing I had, was the strength to fight it.

Though on saying that my strength does seem to be getting stronger. It's weird, I went from blacking out during the last torture session to waking up to my sisters hands on my face, and ever since then I feel stronger with each minute that passes.

I think back to when we were younger and the same thing happened then, so I should be strangely used to it by now.

I pull my hand away from her shoulder when I see Ana walk into view and how Eden tries to rush forward when Nic stops her, whispering something in her ear that I can't hear.

It seems to stop her in her tracks but when I watch in slow motion Ana reach out for Logan's hand and call him father, I can feel the betrayal coming off of Eden in waves.

Not only is she angry at her newly found bitch of a friend but I can feel her wolf is out for Ana's blood.

I try to reach for her to help calm her down, but it's pretty difficult when Nic has his arms wrapped around her like a blanket.
How she managed to persuade him to come into this battle is beyond me. Yet I feel proud of my sister for coming to help and not shying away from a fight like other Luna's do.

I'm pulled from my wandering mind when I hear Spencer speak. He sounds broken yet furious and I feel I'm missing a part of information that is crucial.
My mind is such a mess trying to keep up with everything going on that in the split second of trying to work it all out,  Spencer has already lunged at Ana killing her instantly. I don't even think she had time to realise what was happening until it was to late as a sinking feeling hits me. I only know one thing that could make someone snap like that because that's exactly what I would do if it was Jess that had betrayed us.

Ana was Spencer's mate.

My mind slowly catching up on the information I've been missing is like getting hit by a speeding truck.

Ana was Spencer's mate, yet he killed her without hesitation for his pack.
A pack that will be there for him no matter what.

I was about to rush forward as Logan's furious growl tore from his throat at his daughters death, only to be stopped by Nic's fathers wolf just as he was about to lunge at Spencer.

Logan shifted immediately and the silence between them both was deafening as they faced off against each other.

I can see the struggle in Nic's body language, I know he wants to protect Eden but now he wants to help his Dad to kill Logan.

I think even Shadow is having a difficult time in making a decision on what to do.

Nic's arms are still wrapped tightly around his mate but his eyes fixed on Logan's wolf form, showing his anger that has given my best friend the title of the most ruthless Alpha in the world.

I could never see what others could but watching the predator in front of me, I can see why everyone is scared of him.

Hell, even I am at the moment.

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