Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

THIS WHOLE CHAPTER IS MATURE CONTENT FRIENDS. I feel like I get comments and messages about the cringe and the vulgarity a lot. But that's what intimacy is. Being vulnerable is cringey, and intimacy can sound vulgar. I don't write PG chapters, you can skip this part completely if you'd like... but for those that have been waiting... you're welcome. 


"I wanted to go on a fancy trip after our ceremony, but with the things going on right now I don't think it's the best idea." Deacons spoke as we pulled up to the house.

"I don't need a fancy a trip, I just need you." I assured him. He smiled and got out of the car.

I watched as he quickly made his way to my side. Helping me out carefully, he lifted me before my dress could touch the ground.

Spinning me around I giggled in his arms, loving how playful he was being. Seeing his smile and hearing his laugh warmed my insides. I wiggled out of his grip and balled the dress in my fists before running away from him.

I could hear him chasing me as we made it inside, he caught me once I made it to the living room. Wrapping his arms around me he nuzzled my neck, kissing and nipping the sensitive skin. I shivered in his embrace as he pulled my back against his chest.

Quickly turning in his arms I pulled at his neck, standing on my toes to kiss him properly. He hummed into the kiss, tugging at my waist wanting me closer.

His mouth burned against mine. We were both heating up drastically. I tugged at the dress zipper, wanting it off already.

"Take this off of me." I whined into his mouth. He pulled away and smiled down at me. His eyes were glowing the brightest yellow I had seen yet. I felt my hands to his tense face, letting my thumbs graze the skin under his eyes.

"Turn around." He whispered. I did as he said, turning for him. I could feel the heat radiating off his large body behind me. He slowly unzipped the dress, moving my hair over my shoulder. There was a moment of serene silence between us before he leaned down to press his lips to my back while moving the straps of the dress down my shoulders.

His touch was slow, teasingly slow. The dress fell from my body, dropping to the floor. My breath hitched as he let his hands slide around my waist, resting them on my stomach.  He buried his face into my hair, taking a deep breath.

I stood frozen, completely naked besides the white panties Gracie had me wear. Without warning Deacon turned me and picked me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around him. I chuckled to myself seeing him still in his suit. The stiff fabric still radiated his heat onto my bare skin.

He walked me upstairs never once breaking eye contact. I couldn't help but glance from his bright yellow eyes to his warm inviting lips.

As we entered the room I pulled his suit jacket off his shoulders, he shook the coat off while still holding me to his waist. Before he could sit me on the bed I was loosening his nice tie and sliding it off his neck. I wanted so badly to feel his skin on mine.

He sat me down and took a step away, still staring me in the eyes while unbuttoning his shirt.

"I need you to use your voice Ellis." He spoke, breaking my stare from his tattooed chest. I looked up at him, curious about what he meant. He unbuckled his belt, sliding it off with ease.

"I need you to feel comfortable telling me to stop if you need to." He explained. I nodded while my heart raced against my chest, watching him unbutton and take off his pants. He stood in front of me in his black briefs. Whenever Deacon was naked he always seemed to intimidate me. I didn't know wether it was the tattoos that covered his tanned skin, or just his broad lean body. I scooted back onto the bed, feeling my chest rise and fall a bit faster than usual.

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