Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"I will give you space, I just want to see you." He plead through the phone. I felt myself holding back. When he talked like this it melted me. I closed my eyes after seeing Lenon peer at me from the other end of the room.

"Did you kill Sam?" I asked quietly. There was nothing but silence on the other end. I buried my face in my one hand and felt the nausea coming back. I remembered Rachel when she got rejected and how ill she became. Lenon told me a mates death can do the same to a person. I was pretty positive Samuel was dead.

"I have to go." I spoke quickly, hanging up the phone. I ran to the bathroom and emptied the lunch that Lenon bought me into the toilet.

"Jesus again?" I heard Lenon speak from behind the door. I groaned. It had been a couple days held up in this hotel room, Lenon was the only one allowed outside. And surprisingly Lenon kept my whereabouts to himself. I remember hearing Deacons frightening voice on the other end of the phone when Lenon told him he couldn't tell him anything.

'My Luna's orders' Lenon kept repeating after apologizing to Deacon profusely. It felt good seeing at least one Lycan that respected my place in this pack. Everyone seemed to follow Deacons orders over my own.

"Ellis I think we should at least go see my father. You mentioned there's a possibility you're pregnant." His voice was shakey behind the door. He was walking on eggshells. I told him to drop it the last time we had this conversation. I stood after the nausea past, opening the door to see his worried brown eyes.

"It hasn't even been a week, people don't get nauseas that fast from pregnancy. I've always gotten sick under stress and there's also the blatant fact that Sam is obviously dead." I ranted before walking past him to rest my head on a pillow.

"Actually humans can feel nausea pretty quickly after conception when it comes to Lycan babies." He fact checked me. I always seemed to forget he was training to be a pack doctor.

"I'm fine, your father is busy with our injured people. He doesn't need a human with vertigo on his plate." I turned hoping the conversation would end. Lenon sighed.

"Then let me call Lydia. She will be quiet about where you are and she can help. If you're pregnant you need a barrier spell to protect your body." He persisted. I closed my eyes knowing Lenon was right. I should be more worried, I should be taking better care of myself, at least in the possibility that there is a tiny speck growing inside me.

Anytime I had the energy to shower or eat or even walk around, I felt guilty. I felt an ache in my heart for Samuel. Deep down I felt like I didn't deserve to live knowing Samuel was dead. I was acting Immature, if there was a baby inside me I needed to put that bullshit aside. It wasn't just me I was affecting.

"Okay. Tell her to be careful." I finally agreed. Aldrich and Cornell's pack were able to cross the border. However they weren't mass murdering our people like I thought they would. They were in town, keeping a low profile. Deacon was making rounds with Arlo, trying to track ever single non allied wolf that seemed to slip through, but this was a big city.

Lenon was worried that they were after me. One of the reasons he felt uncomfortable keeping my location secret from Deacon. After Deacon yelled at Lenon, Deacon seemed to understand why I needed space, dare I say even respect it. Which was why Deacon himself was searching inside the borders to insure that all wolves that slipped through were eliminated.

I closed my eyes and tried to block out Lenons phone conversation with Lydia. I felt terrible for thinking it but I hoped I wasn't pregnant. I didn't want to bring a child into this chaos.


I perked up when I heard a knock at the door. Lenon immediately got up and listened closely to make sure it was just Lydia.

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