Chapter 2

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Chapter two

The sun's rays warmed my body as I was slowly waking up. My blankets felt extremely warm, warmer than usual, and heavier than usual. That's when I realized I wasn't the only one in my bed.

I went to sit up but I couldn't, I felt engulfed in the heat, the harder I tried to sit up the more this other person was squeezing me closer to them. I was seconds from screaming before I felt a rush of euphoria, that familiar rush. My legs and stomach were humming in ecstasy.

The scream I was hoping to let out, was more of a breathy exhale. This person behind me was waking, their large heater of a hand moving from my stomach to my hip, gently pulling me closer to them. This person behind me was a lot bigger than me, I felt like I could easily disappear in his embrace.

"Good morning." A deep voice purred, I could feel his hot breath brushing past my shoulder, resulting in goosebumps across every inch of my skin. This man made me feel so mindless.

"Are you cold?" He asked, moving his hand from my hip, up my side, and down my arm. His touch made my goosebumps worse.

I went to turn around but before I could he nuzzled his face into my neck. I could feel his warm lips press to my skin, his facial hair grazed my shoulder, resulting in me squirming in his grasp. I couldn't harness this feeling running through my body, I wasn't in control anymore. Every move I made was simply a reaction to his addictive touch.

"What's happening to me." I whimpered. My core was burning, my toes were curling, the more I fought his touch the weaker I was at resisting him. All I could do was surrender myself to him, let him have me.

"Let go Ellis. Let me be in control." He whispered, moving his hand to my hip again, slowly letting it wander up my shirt caressing my bare stomach.

"We have to stop!" I shouted, shooting up from the bed. I went to face this stranger but no one was there. Just an empty place in my bed. My body was drenched in sweat. I was dreaming.

I pushed the covers from my damp body. Shame filled my stomach, I've never had a lustful dream before. I felt guilty, this definitely has something to do with my strange feelings towards Sam's friend. I needed to resolve this. I can't keep having dreams about a man I don't even know.

I felt like a creep thinking of him in that way, he could already be with someone, probably someone his age.

My mind wandered to the possibility of a woman in his life, or even children. He could have children, a family. I'm driving myself insane.

"Ellis, you're gonna be late!" My dad shouted from downstairs. I glanced at the time, it was already eight o'clock, school starts in a half-hour...

I ran to the bathroom taking the fastest shower of my life; rinsing off the sweat from my indecent dream.

Throwing on a pair of skinny jeans with an old t-shirt. My hair was still damp as I ran downstairs to the laundry room, dumping the whole sock bin out in hopes of finding a matching pair.

"Ellis stop that, you're making a mess!" My mom hollered, leaning down picking up the scattered socks.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late. And if I'm late to school, goodbye internship." I rambled as I put the cleanest looking pair of socks on.

"Actually sweetie, I just called in for you. Rachel's here and wants to spend some time with you, I think it's important." She spoke as if it were bad news. I furrowed my brows at her. I wasn't upset about skipping school, but this internship isn't just something I can call in sick for.

"I can't miss work today. Cornell has a meeting this afternoon, and I think it's important I at least need to show my face." I rambled while stuffing my feet into my sneakers.

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