Chapter 24

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Namjoon: Okay- wait, what?

You laughed as his reaction was very cute. He was bewildered that you might want to eat that flavor.

Y/N: I said hazelnut!

Namjoon: Okay.

He went away shaking his head, as you faced the sea again. He ran away to bring your ice creams and returned with two cups in his hands. He settled down and you started eating your ice creams.

After you finished you sat there in silence watching the waves come and go.

Y/N: Namjoon...

He hummed in response.

Y/N: Why are you doing this for me?

Namjoon: I think I answered that a few days ago.

Y/N: Don't you think I'm weird?

Namjoon: Yes I do, but what does that have to do with anything?

Y/N: If you think I'm weird then why would you spend your time on me? I mean I'm a girl who chose violence.

Namjoon: If you're talking about Jason then I'll stop you because it wasn't violence, it was defense which in my opinion was very much needed at that time.

Y/N: I have a lot more flaws than you think Namjoon.

You closed your eyes but listened to him.

Namjoon: Humans are meant to be flawed. If humans were perfect, they would've achieved everything and gotten bored of life. When we have flaws we constantly work through it, fight our fears and learn to overcome things. Also having flaws makes us realize who truly loves us and accepts us. Having flaws makes you realize who loves you for you and deserves to be in your life. Having flaws makes us realize how much we need that other person in our life. So if you have many flaws, it's not a bad thing. You might feel like you're unlovable but there will always be someone who loves you and is there for you.

Y/N: Not everyone has a person who is always there for them, Namjoon. The more flaws you have, the more you become unacceptable to the world, don't you?

Namjoon: I don't have the answers to all the questions but I'll try to make the tiniest difference I can in other's lives.

Y/N: You make a lot of difference in other's lives, trust me.

Namjoon: Well then I'm thankful for that.

You stayed in silence watching the waves come and go. After a while you yawned loudly catching his attention.

Namjoon: Sleep if you want to. I'll wake you up when it's time to leave.

Y/N: I don't want to put my head on the sand. My hair will get messy.

Namjoon: You can lay your head in my lap.

Y/N: R-Really?

He nodded his head with his cute dimple smile and you gave in. You laid your head in his lap and fell asleep soon.

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