1. Emergency

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Present time~

Third-person Pov

The door was shut behind you as you were called into your boss' office. Your boss went around the room and closed all the curtains.

As she closed the last curtain, she turned her body towards yours, staring intently into your eyes.

She started walking closer towards you, refusing to remove her gaze from yours. She started smirking and stopped walking until she was in front of you.

"Look at me." She gently lifted your chin to make you look at her.

"You are mine." She seductively said as she smirked before holding onto your tie and pulling you in for a kiss...

Confusing right? We need to start this story a few months prior for it to make sense...


A few months prior~

Y/n's Pov

"Y/n! Y/n! You're home!" My sister yelled as she ran down the stairs and hugged me tightly around my torso.

This is my sister Young-mi, she is only 12 years old. As for me, I am 22 years old.

So maybe the 10 year age gap between us may be weird to most. But we are pretty close despite having such a significantly large age gap.

"Did you miss me?" I jokingly said as I ruffled through her hair.

"Of course I did! Can you please come with me to my room? I want to play video games with you!" My sister let go of the hug as she excitedly asked.

"Alright, fine! But, I need to prepare dinner before mom comes home." I chuckled at her as she excitedly nodded.

She took my hand and pulled me up the stairs. She has been playing Minecraft often after coming home from school. Is that just a 12-year-old thing? Or maybe it's just my sister's weird obsession.

"Y/n, you can use the laptop, and I'll use the computer." She smiled at me.

Of course, she wanted to use the better device.

"Fine... fine." I complied as I tried to turn on the laptop.

"Oh darn... Looks like the laptop needs to update." I said as I saw the laptop was only 23% updated. I turned my laptop around to face my sister as she pouted.

Suddenly, I received a phone call from an unknown number.

"Are you gonna answer that?" My sister tilted her head and asked.

"I probably should..."

"I'll excuse myself. Here, let me know when the laptop updates." I stood up from her bed and placed the laptop next to her on the desk.

"Okay!" She said as she turned around to face her game.

I picked up my phone and quickly left Young-mi's room to answer the call.

"Hello, who is this?"

"This is the hospital. We wanted to inform you that your mother got into an accident while working, and due to the incident, her legs are now paralyzed."

"What?! What hospital is this?!" I shouted in frustration.

"XXXX hospital."

"T-Thanks for letting me know."

I quickly ended the call as I took a deep breath. My sister walked out of her room cautiously and slowly.

"W-What happened?" Young-mi seemed startled from my sudden yelling.

Shit, what do I tell her? I need to see mom, but I am afraid of Young-mi's reaction if I tell her. Ugh, frick it, she will know eventually.

"Okay, I need to tell you something, Young-mi." I gulped as I kneeled to be her height and looked at her eye to eye.

"Mom got into an accident during her work today." I let it all out as Young-mi's eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Now, I need you to come to the hospital with me. We are going to visit mom..." I sighed as she eventually understood and nodded.

"It'll be okay, alright?" I hugged her and rubbed her back to comfort her.

"Shall we go see mom?" I let go of the hug as she nodded, she was still frowning, but there was nothing I could do.

I held onto her hand and walked her down the stairs as we headed to my car. Then we shortly drove off to the hospital.

A/N: Hello! I am back with my second story! Finally, I found the motivation to start writing again. The first few chapters are meant to set up the main story, so please be patient. Thank you so much for your support! Have a fantastic day/night! :)

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