13. Wealthy Party

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A month later~

I opened my iPad as I checked Ms. Myoui's schedule for the day. Her schedule says she has a party to attend, and I believe it is a family party. I should ask her if she wants me to attend with her or not.

I lowered my iPad from my face as Ms. Myoui walked into her office. I quickly stood up and greeted her.

"Good morning. What is my schedule today?" She asked me as she took off her coat. I took some time before answering because I was distracted by her figure as she took off her jacket.

"U-Uhm... Today you have a family party to attend." I told her as I looked down on the iPad.

"Ugh, great..." She sighed as she plopped down on her seat.

"Ms. Myoui, does there seem to be a problem?" I walked closer to her and asked.

"It's nothing that should concern you." She said as I felt a bit offended. But, I understood since it was her matter, not mine.

"I see. Well, I have one last question before I have to head out to write some reports."

"What is it?" She curiously asked as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Would you like me to attend the family party with you or not?"

"If you could, can you attend it with me? I already have an outfit planned for you." She said as I was surprised. I guess she already thought this through.

"Of course, Ms. Myoui. I can attend." I told her as I smiled a bit.

A party? I don't even know how parties work in general... how am I supposed to know how parties work with wealthy people?...

"Also... I have a favor to ask of you." She walked closer towards me as she stood in front of me. She had her arms crossed.

"Can you call me by my first name in front of my parents?"

"Ms. Myoui! That is completely wrong, and it isn't formal at all. Your parents might find it disrespectful."

"Then... you can call me Mina instead of Ms. Myoui from now on, regardless if others are around us or not." She smirked as she stared into my eyes.

"Ms. Myoui, this is very sudden." I found my face heating up.

"You are my boss, and I'm your secretary. It's weird to use our names." I tried to justify myself.

"Well, as your boss, I think it's appropriate, and I'm allowing it." She suddenly said.

Her statement made no sense at all. Why is she doing this to me?

"You can practice saying it right now," She smiled a bit. What is going on?!

"Okay, M... M-Mina..." I suddenly felt my face burning up as I was getting extremely flustered. I have never called my boss by their first name before...

"It was a cute attempt," Mina said as I was surprised by her words.

"Okay, Y/n. You can go work on the reports. Stop by my office before we leave so that I can give you an outfit to wear." Mina told me as I nodded.

I turned around and quickly tried walking out the door. But I stupidly ran into the door, thinking it was open.

"Oww..." I said before turning my head and seeing Mina laughing at me. I became embarrassed and quickly walked out. Then I left her office as I went to my desk.

I sat on my seat as I sighed. "What was that? Was that my boss? Why is she making me call her by her first name? It feels so odd..." I replayed the memory in my head every time, and I became more confused.


After work, I went to Mina's office to wear the outfit she had planned for me.

"M-Mina... I am here." I nervously said as she stood up and smiled.

"Y/n! I have the perfect outfit for you!" She walked towards me and placed her arm around my shoulder. She walked me to her private dressing room.

I jumped from her actions. She is making me feel too flustered, and I have never felt like this before.

Also, who knew there was a dressing room in an office like this?

"Here we are. I hope you like it!" She surprised me with an outfit that I thought fit me perfectly.

"I-I love it!" I excitedly squealed as she cheerfully smiled at me.

"Really?!" She seemed super happy as she could not contain that gummy smile of hers. It was so cute.

"I will put it on now." I smiled before grabbing a hold of the outfit and going to the dressing room.

I dressed up and went outside to show Mina.

"So? Does it look okay on me?" I curiously asked her. It was an outfit that I was not completely comfortable wearing because I don't usually wear it, but I loved how it looked.

Mina stood in front of me, examining my outfit as she seemed like a bit of a child. She was smiling and was about to squeal.

"You look gorgeous!" She pointed out as she was excited over an outfit.

"Can you help me zip up the back of the outfit?" I asked as she seemed startled.

"S-Sure... T-Turn around..." She nervously spoke as I turned around. She then fixed my outfit.

I turned around and noticed that her face was red as she refused to look at me.

"Are you okay, Mina?! Your face is red!" I reached my hand over to her cheek as she jerked away from my hand. Shoot... did I do too much?! Ugh, I did that out of instinct, and I almost forgot she was my boss!

"I-I'm okay..." She turned away from me as I frowned.

"S-Shall we go Y/n?" I nodded as I regretted my actions.

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