5. First Day

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Y/n's Pov

It's currently 6:30 am, and I am rushing out of my house to make it to work on time.

"Bye, mom! Bye Young-mi! I gotta go!" I shouted it out towards them before leaving the door.

I was scared since time kept ticking as I drove to the building. But, thankfully, I made it on time with 5 minutes left to spare.

I quickly left my car and walked inside the building to the front desk.

"Hello, Ma'am. I am Kim Y/n. I am the new employee." I kindly introduced myself to the receptionist.

"Hi, I want to inform you that you will be working in the department that the CEO is in charge of managing." She said.

I was confused about what she meant, but I nodded to make it seem like I was listening.

"The employee that will be in charge of managing you in replacement of the CEO when she is busy is an individual that goes by the name of Park Jihyo." She told me as I smiled.

"Thank you for your help!" I excitedly said as she smiled.

Then I excused myself and quickly walked to the department that the lady told me to go to.

As I found the department, I spotted everyone at their desk working hard. Damn, already? It's 7 am... how are they wide awake? I still feel like I'm in a fever dream.

"Ms. Kim?" A voice called out my name as I turned my head.

"Oh! Hello!" I bowed as in front of me was a girl with big round eyes, they were I want to say, double eyelids? She reminded me of an owl.

"Hi! I am Park Jihyo." She stuck out her hand as I shook it. She smiled widely at me. She has a friendly smile.

"I guess you are the one who will be in charge of managing me." I chuckled.

"I suppose I will." She looked at me in the eyes while pushing her hair behind her ear.

Oh wow, if I were gay, I would've fallen for her. But I am not.

"So, what would you like me to do?" I excitedly said as I smiled.

"Well, as of right now. The only thing that seems to be needed is copying these papers." She told me as she handed me a stack of papers on her desk.

"Do you know how to use the copy machine?" She curiously asked me.

I turned my head to face the copy machine. I honestly have never used one before...

"Uhm... no, sorry..." I nervously chuckled as she giggled at me.

"It's okay! Follow me. I will teach you." She motioned me to follow her as I did.

I turned my head and saw Ms. Myoui leaning on the doorframe as I was walking. She seemed to be watching me, and I quickly turned to face Jihyo.

"Oh my gosh... She's going to see me suck at this!" I thought to myself.

"Y/n, so what you want to do is place these papers in the copy machine." She lifted the copy machine lid and motioned me to place the papers.

Suddenly, my clumsiness came for me as I dropped the papers, causing a paper cut on my finger. I'm an idiot!

"Agh." I quietly winced in pain from the paper cut.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Jihyo worriedly asked as she glanced at my finger.

"Y-Yeah... Sorry, I am still not used to this yet. But, I promise I will learn it..." I reassured her.

She grabbed my finger as I was about to pick up the papers.

"Hey, your finger is bleeding." She examined closely to my finger as I was startled. Why is she so close to my finger?

"Stay here. There is a medkit somewhere in the building." She said to me as I nodded. She then quickly left.

I sighed. I am such an idiot... I can't even do a simple task correctly.

"Ms. Kim, is there some sort of problem?" Ms. Myoui walked towards me and asked as I gulped.

Shoot, I am screwed...

"N-No... I am just learning." I faintly smiled as I hid my finger away.

"Then, how did the papers end up on the floor." She asked with a straight face.

I awkwardly glanced at the papers before looking at Ms. Myoui again.

"Y-You see... I don't know how either..." I ended up awkwardly laughing a bit, but she didn't react.

"I see..."

"Well, here. Continue... learning?" She handed me a bandaid and medicine before walking off.

Ugh, I embarrassed myself today. This wasn't how I imagined what my first day would be like.

I quickly put on the ointment and medicine and picked up the papers.

"Y/n, I am back. Oh! Looks like you already have a bandaid." Jihyo tried handing me a bandaid before she saw the one Ms. Myoui had given me.

"Yeah, Ms. Myoui handed me one," I told her.

"Ms. Myoui did?" Jihyo seemed confused.

Why was she so puzzled?

"Yeah, she did."

"Okay... Uhm... anyways, let's continue. I will teach you how to do it." She decided to move on and teach me.

The rest of the day was me doing mini errands that I could at least handle. Besides that mini incident, the rest of the day went well.

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