14. Fake Girlfriend?

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When we reached the venue where the party was, I felt nervous. It was a massive building with many people who seemed super-rich and intimidating.

"Are you ready to go in Y/n?" Mina suddenly asked as I gulped.

"Realistically, no, I am not... I am nervous..." I fidgeted with my hair as Mina held onto my hand.

"You got this, okay!" She said to me as I panicked from her sudden handhold.

"Y-Yes... I got this!" I cheered along.

She let go of my hand as we walked inside the building. I made sure to follow beside her so that I didn't get lost.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Myoui." A man who was wearing a suit greeted Mina.

"Good afternoon." Mina didn't offer a smile. Wow, so she doesn't smile at others.

"Y/n, may you leave us two to talk for a moment if that is okay with you?" Mina politely asked me as I nodded and walked away.

I turned my head and saw Mina talking to that man. Is he her boyfriend?! Why was my blood boiling all of a sudden? I felt heated.

I shook off the idea and decided to get some water. I glanced around the place and found where the water was served.

I grabbed a glass of water and drank it. As I turned around to find where the snacks are at, I accidentally ran into someone.

"Oh hello, Y/n!" That voice belonged to no other than Sana.

"Hey, Sana," I said as I smiled.

"Where is Mina? I thought she was with you." Sana said as she glanced around the building.

"She is talking with someone," I told her as she nodded.

"I see. Well, I wouldn't want to leave a girl like you alone." Sana clung to my arm as I felt uncomfortable.

"What shall we do Y/n? There is this whole night ahead of us, and we could do... anything we want to." Sana whispered the last part into my ear as I felt a shiver. I wanted her to stop as she was making me feel weirded out.

"U-Uh... I should probably find Mina to see if she is free." I nervously told Sana.

"Calling her Mina, I see... Are you possibly dating her?" Sana asked as she stared at me.

"I'm not... She just told me to call her that." I explained.

"Then... Can I have you?" She let go of my arm as she pointed her finger at me.

"W-Well... I am not interested in dating right now." I tried to back away, but Sana would follow after me.

"I'll make you fall for me." She smirked as she scanned my body once again, making me uncomfortable.

My back suddenly hit a wall as Sana trapped me. She placed her arms blocking my sides, making it hard for me to escape.

"What Sana wants, Sana will get." She seductively said as she touched my side.

She tried leaning in as I closed my eyes, trying to refuse her kiss.

"Sana! Y/n!" I heard someone shout as I opened my eyes and saw Mina. She seemed upset.

"Oh, Mina! You missed the show!" Sana let go and giggled as she ran towards her.

What in the hell was that?

"Sana, what the heck!" She angrily said as she tried to move past Sana.

"Don't you miss me?!" Sana pouted.

"I don't after what you did!" Mina seemed to get angrier.

Sana then went up to Mina's ear and whispered something I couldn't hear. Mina then started blushing.

"I hate that I am friends with you, Sana!" She quietly yelled as she walked towards me.

She went beside me and suddenly wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Are you okay, Y/n? Did she do anything to you?" Mina worriedly stared deeply into my eyes. I nervously gulped. This girl is making my heart run a marathon.

"I-I'm okay..." I glanced away from her gaze.

"Let's go sit down. I don't want you to leave my side from now on." Mina said as she brought me to a couch, and she sat next to me and still held onto my waist.

Then two people started approaching us. It looked like Mina's parents.

"Mina!" The lady happily said. Mina suddenly removed her arm from my waist.

"Mom! Dad!" She stood up and smiled at them.

"How are you doing, Mina?" Her dad asked.

"I'm doing great. The party you hosted is amazing so far." She smiled.

"So, have you thought about the offer we have asked of you?" Mina's dad asked as I was confused.

"What offer?" Mina seemed puzzled as well.

"The arranged marriage, where you have to marry Mr. Lim." Her mom said as my jaw dropped. Does she have to have an arranged marriage?!?


"At least give him a try! He is an amazing person!" Her dad tried to reason.

"The thing is..."

"Is there another reason why you don't want to marry him?" My mom curiously asked, and she seemed disappointed.

"Y-Yes, there is..." Mina nervously said as she seemed panicked.

"I-I have a girlfriend!" Does Mina have a GIRLFRIEND?!

"Who is she?!" Her dad seemed taken aback.

"She's right there..." She turned around and pointed at me. I became startled and panicked.

I stood up and bowed as Mina came over to me and placed her arm around my waist.

"Hello, my name is Y/n." I smiled at them as they kindly smiled at me.

"S-She is my girlfriend. We have been together for a while, and I-I like her a lot." Mina nervously spoke as I glanced at her.

I see what she is trying to do. I decided to play along.

"Yes, Ma'am, Sir. I love Mina very much." I leaned in closer to Mina and hugged her.

"I see. Your mom and I are very sorry for trying to force a marriage onto you." Her dad said.

"It's okay..." Mina replied.

After that, her parents talked more and asked questions about us. Mina ended up having to cover for me.

But thankfully, after, Mina decided to leave. I was so drained and ready to go home.

In Love With My Ceo | M. Mina x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now