19. Intimidating Meeting

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Y/n's Pov

I am currently in the meeting room with Mina and multiple higher-level individuals. This meeting seems quite intimidating and tense.

I'm not sure what to do in this meeting. I know Mina is finalizing numbers and data and making choices today in this meeting. But, I wonder how Mina will act since this is my first time seeing her in a conference like this.

I glanced over at Mina, focusing on the screen as the man talked about the data.

Mina noticed me staring and leaned in closer to my ear to whisper something.

"Hey, you okay?" Mina didn't smile or anything, but she asked me. I could tell she was genuinely worried.

"Yes, I am,"

"Are you sure? You are just staring."

"Well, I feel like I am seeing a whole new side of you," I told her.

"Of course, after all. You are my secretary." She faintly smiled at me, making sure no one else saw.

What did that mean?

She turned her head at the projection screen again and suddenly raised her hand.

"Mr. Park, If I may intrude." Mina's attitude changed tremendously fast. She seemed to be glowering.

"Y-Yes... Ms. Myoui." Mr. Park seemed highly nervous. Really? Does Mina have that effect on people?

"You said the data 68,400 divided by 240 was 276, right?" Mina was becoming furious.

"Y-Yes... You are correct, ma'am..." He stuttered.

"You're wrong. It's 285."

"Are you trying to screw us over purposely!?" Mina stood up from her seat and glared at Mr. Park.

"Sorry, it's my fault..." He bowed as Mina shook her head as she crossed her arms.

"Show me something worth my time. I am a very busy person."

"If anyone else ends up with a presentation like this, I hope damn well you are all prepared because I am not dealing with anyone's miscalculation! Even if it's simple math like that." Mina slammed the table as I jumped a bit from my seat.

Wow... Mina is aggressive. She seems so lovely and caring, but when she needs to be bold, she will and can be...

This is a new side of Mina I haven't seen before.

"S-Sorry..." The poor guy seemed to be having a breakdown.

"Excuse yourself from the meeting for a moment. I don't want to see you right now." Mina told the guy as he bowed again and quickly ran out. He was about to cry!

Mina is quite terrifying...

"Who's next to present?" Mina sat back down, looking stressed.

This went on for a few more hours as Mina said plenty of harsh words. Such as,

"Do you see the data and the wordings? Why are they such a mess? Did a kindergartener make this?"

"Your goal was to communicate with the other company and come to a conclusion before you walk into this meeting! Seriously, how irresponsible of you!"

"Don't even continue. I'm embarrassed by your lack of knowledge of this topic. How are you even working here?"

"Do you all want to be fired?! You are all asking for it!"

At the end of the meeting, Mina was already so furious that she didn't want to continue the session.

"Meeting is over." Mina aggressively said before leaving the meeting room.

I didn't follow her, but a few seconds after she left. Everyone started gossiping, and I was annoyed by their harsh words that I decided to prank them.

"Oh! Ms. Myoui! Welcome back." I bowed at the door as everyone stood up and became silent.

"My mistake! She wasn't there." I laughed as everyone awkwardly laughed too.

"Just because she is the secretary, she thinks she is higher than everyone else." One of them said as I chuckled. People are just disappointing. I walked out of the room and went to Mina's office.

"Y/n... I am so exhausted." Mina softly said as she was lying on the couch in her office.

"Do you want me to help you with anything?" I asked her as she did seem tired.

"Hmm... I want to take a nap." Mina faintly smiled.

"Well, Mina, then I'll head out to let you sleep." I took off my coat, and I placed it on her so she could sleep.

"Wait! I won't be able to sleep unless you are here." Mina pouted as my heart was racing. Why is she so cute?! What is this duality?

"Okay, then what would you like me to do?" I smiled at her.

"You can... talk to me until I sleep?" Mina excitedly asked.

"Sure." I giggled at her cute actions.

"So, how was seeing the new side of me today?" Mina talked to me while closing her eyes as I sat next to her on the floor.

"It was a new experience. I'm quite intimidated," I awkwardly said as Mina seemed to smile.

"I didn't mean to make you intimidated. I want you to feel comfortable around me." Mina held onto my hand as my eyes widened.

I'm internally screaming, I know she can't hear it but it's really loud.

"The only reason I am acting like that is because I want them to take me seriously. They won't work well if they don't fear me." Mina said as I sighed.

"Disappointed?" Mina pouted.

"Well, I don't have experience in being a boss... But, I think you should try to make some changes." I told her as Mina seemed confused.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, people are intimidated by you because you are scolding them, which can, in the long run, possibly hurt your company. You want to be more inviting and more open to mistakes and ideas because not everyone is perfect. Kindness can build relationships, not break one. But, that is my idea." I told her as Mina stayed silent.

"You're right, but I have always been this way. It'd be weird to change now." Mina sighed.

"Not exactly. Everyone can change and develop into a better person, and everyone is still improving till this day." I tightened my grip around Mina's hand as she smiled.

"Thank you, Y/n." She suddenly said.

"For what?"

"For believing in me and believing I can change." She smiled.

"Of course. No problem." I chuckled.

After some time, Mina ended up taking a nap. She looked so pretty when she was asleep, and I can imagine waking up next to that face every day...

WHAT DID I JUST SAY? Ugh, what is wrong with me...

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