18. What Am I Feeling?

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The School Meal Club + a loser

Please help me!!

Why? Are you dying?!

Yah! If you are going to complain about work, then don't. That's a personal problem 🙄

Stfu Tzuyu! Let Y/n speak.

No one asked you to talk, though.

Ignore them. What is going on?

I'm starting to feel things that I don't understand...

I told you, she's gone crazy.

If it's anything dirty, I am out of this convo

Spill the tea 👀

Ugh wtf y'all are wack. Can we meet up? It'll be easier for me to tell you all.

Sure, where and what time?

Excuse me, why are you wasting my valuable time?

Oh, let me guess, Tzuyu, you are fangirling over girl groups?

Shut up! They have a name, you know!

Come over to my house in 1 hour

Hell no, I am not wasting time.

Tzuyu, you are a waste of time. Just kidding <3. Anyways, I'll go.

I'll go too 🥰

Come on, Tzuyu! I'll provide snacks.


See y'all there <3

Y/n left the chat.

The doorbell rang as I opened the door. All 3 of them have arrived already.

"Hey, guys, welcome!" I welcomed them inside as they all sat on the couch.

"What you are going to tell me better be worth it! I was watching performances!" Tzuyu angrily muttered as I rolled my eyes.

I stood in front of them as they all stared at me, it was like I was performing, and they were my audience.

"Alright, so as I was saying. I have been feeling a bit odd lately." I said as they seemed confused.

"Okay, but in what way?" Chaeyoung curiously asked.

"Well... When I am around this person, I get super excited. It's weird, and I've never felt like this before."

"When they do subtle actions for me, it makes my heart race. Or when they call me cute. Or compliment me. It feels euphoric almost..." I started smiling.

"When I realized they only smile at me and not others. I felt happy, and I felt special. I always want to be by them and hug them."

"And... I don't know... maybe... kiss them?" I shyly said, blushing, as I glanced away from them.

"Y/n... HAS A CRUSH?!" Chaeyoung shouted as I jumped from her sudden yelling.

"What the hell? Are you okay?!" Dahyun stood up and checked my forehead.

"This is not adding up..." Tzuyu seemed to be in disbelief.

"A c-crush?!" Dahyun's jaw dropped.

"Y/n! You have never liked anyone before! But the way you describe this person, it's like a crush!" Chaeyoung pointed out as I began to blush.

"SEE, LOOK, SHE IS BLUSHING!" Dahyun screamed as they all squealed in excitement.

"And I thought Y/n was aromantic or something!" Tzuyu laughed as the others did as well.

"Pay up! I won the bet bitches!" Chaeyoung happily celebrated as I walked up to her and slapped her arm.

"You guys all put a bet on me?" I annoyingly said.

"Well, duh, we didn't know if you could ever fall in love," Tzuyu said as she gave Chaeyoung $20.

"Jokes aside. Y/n, could you see yourself with this person in the future?" Dahyun asked.

I thought about it for a moment, picturing us together.

"Y-Yes, I could." I couldn't help but smile.

"AAAA!" They all squealed.

"Well, I don't know what to do now! I didn't think of it as a crush back then. But, now that you're saying it could be. What do I do??" I nervously asked.

"First of all, who is it? Do we know who it is?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Is it that girl you went with to the cafe?" Tzuyu asked as I shook my head.

"No... it's someone else." I said.

"Who?!" They seemed eager to know.

"It's my boss..." I told them as their jaw dropped.

"Holy shit, maybe Y/n is a gold digger..." Tzuyu said as Chaeyoung slapped her shoulder.

"shut up, Tzuyu!" Chaeyoung said, Tzuyu glared at Chaeyoung.

"Okay, well Y/n, how does your boss feel about you?" Dahyun asked.

"I don't know..."

"I think what you should do is kind of flirt a tiny bit, monitor how she reacts, and if she seems interested in you, then I think you should confess!!" Chaeyoung said.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll give it a try." The thought of even flirting with my boss again... is leaving me feeling flustered.

"But wait, isn't it weird to flirt with my boss? What if it goes all wrong?" I worriedly said.

"Don't worry about that. I'm sure nothing will happen." Dahyun reassured me, as I felt a bit less hesitant.

"Guys, this is just like the show What's Wrong with Secretary Kim!" Tzuyu pointed out.

"Y'all can laugh, but the moment I marry her. I'm going to be rich." I jokingly said.


"Yah! you are hurting my ears! Plus, I was kidding!" I made a disgusted face towards Chaeyoung.

"Whatever!" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

The rest of the night, we hung out and had a sleepover. It was a lot of fun to spend time with my friends.

They can be annoying, but I wouldn't trade them for any other friends in the world.

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