7. Smile More

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The next day~

Y/n's Pov

"Good morning, Y/n!" Jihyo greeted me excitedly.

"Hey, good morning!" I waved at her and smiled.

"Today, you'll be running the errands of another coworker as I don't have anything for you. But thank you for helping me yesterday. It was a new experience." Jihyo smiled as she glanced at my cut that is covered with Young-mi's hello kitty bandaid.

A new experience? Me being an idiot was a new experience?

"Of course, I hope I provided entertainment for you." I chuckled as she did the same.

"You are quite funny, you know." She complimented me.

"Well, I try my best." I giggled.

"Hey, shouldn't you both get to work?" Ms. Myoui said as she seemed angry.

She scared me...

Also, how is she everywhere? I always find her glancing at her workers.

"I'm very sorry, Ms. Myoui. I was informing Y/n about her duties for today." Jihyo tried to justify herself as she bowed.

"You better focus, Jihyo. You are supposed to be the role model for Y/n." She scolded Jihyo. Wow, she is serious about her work...

"Yes, Ms. Myoui." She replied.

Ms. Myoui glanced at me and stared at me. Should I say something? Or maybe she wants me to work?

"I will be going now, Ms. Myoui." I bowed to her. As I was about to walk away, Ms. Myoui said something.

"Wait, Y/n." She suddenly said while crossing her arms.

I hesitantly faced Ms. Myoui as I was waiting for my scolding.

"Y-Yes?.." I replied nervously.

"Is your finger okay?" She glanced at my finger.

I was not expecting that.

"Yes! Thank you for the bandaid and medicine. It's healing quickly." I raised my finger to show her my cut but realized I had a bandaid on.

Ms. Myoui seemed puzzled by my actions. In embarrassment, I quickly lowered my finger.

"I should get going." I told her as I awkwardly chuckled.

"Make sure to focus today, alright?" She softly spoke. She turned her gaze away from mine.

She didn't necessarily scold me, and it was less frightening than when she was talking to Jihyo.

"Of course, I will try my best!" I cheerfully said as she was about to smile but stopped.

If only she smiled more often, she wouldn't be as terrifying.

"Alright, keep up the good work." She quickly turned around and walked away.

I was confused, but I shook my head and ignored it.

I headed towards Jihyo's desk. I asked her, "Who is the coworker I will be running errands for?"

"She is two seats down from me. Her name is Jeongyeon." I nodded.

"Nayeon, Jeongyeon, come here!" She called for them as they both came over.

"I was discussing with them earlier, and we wanted to give you a welcoming dinner celebration," Jihyo announced.

"Aww! Thank you, guys!" I smiled at them.

"We were planning to have it this Saturday, and we should all get Kbbq and maybe drink a little..." Nayeon giggled as I smiled.

"That sounds great! Are we inviting Ms. Myoui as well?" I curiously asked.

I wasn't sure how welcoming dinners work. I've never worked in a company like this before.

"Oh, of course not! We already see her Monday through Friday, and I wouldn't want to see her on the weekends also." Jeongyeon said as they all laughed.

"Is there a reason why?" I awkwardly chuckled.

"She is a ruthless boss, and she is always so nitpicky about what her workers do. She has never smiled once to me or anyone, and she's intimidating!" Nayeon started badly talking about her.

The thing is, she doesn't seem as ruthless to me. She's pretty nice. Plus, she has sort of smiled at me before. Aren't they judging her too much?

"I see. Thank you for telling me." I faintly smiled.

"Well, I can't wait for the dinner celebration!" I excitedly said, changing the subject.

"Alright, we should get back to work before Ms. Myoui fires us all," Jeongyeon jokingly said as I nodded.

Then Jeongyeon asked me for a couple of favors for work which was not bad. Again, another successful workday.

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