26. Waterfall | pt. 3

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Y/n's Pov

"Good morning," I was awoken by a soft voice speaking into my ears. It was pleasant, and it had to be some dream.

I opened my eyes and noticed Mina still had her arms around me. The thought of her hugging me made me panic as I quickly got out of bed.

"A-Ah, good morning!!" I freaked out as Mina seemed confused.

"Did you sleep alright?" Mina asked as I was still too stunned to speak.

"I-I did..." I quickly walked across the room and tried to make myself look busy by opening my luggage.

"What time is it?" I asked her, and I didn't have my phone to check.

"1:30 pm."

"What?!" My body shot up.

"Wait, you have a meeting in less than 30 minutes!" I began panicking. If she is late, it is not good.

"Y/n, calm down. I canceled the meeting today."

"Wait, why?!" I was puzzled and confused.

"I wanted to take a break, and I thought you should take one too." She told me as my jaw dropped.

"Mina..." I sighed.

"Don't worry about it. The meeting was not important." Mina tried to reassure me.

"Anyways, get dressed. I have a plan for what we can do today!" Mina excitedly jumped up from the bed.

I was curious as to what Mina had planned for the day. I changed quickly, and we both headed down the hotel and outside the lobby.

Once we got a taxi, Mina told me we were going to see the waterfall, which amazed me. I loved going to see beautiful scenery.

When we arrived, I could already hear the water rushing as I was so ready to take pictures.

As we reached the waterfall, I loved the breezy air swiftly moving against me.

"This feels great!" I opened my arms, closing my eyes, as I was taking in the air.

Then I heard a camera take pictures. I glanced at Mina and realized she was taking pictures as I became embarrassed.

"I'm guessing this is your first time seeing a waterfall?" Mina asked as she stood next to me and began taking pictures of the waterfall.

"Yeah, it is, it's nice. Thank you for taking me here." I told her as I smiled, she smiled back at me.

After enjoying the view, Mina brought me to a nice restaurant that was facing the waterfall as I ordered spam musubi and poke. My mom suggested that I try it.

"Mina, I am curious. What was your childhood like?" I asked her as we were waiting for our orders.

"My childhood? Well... I was timid back then."

I can't imagine Mina being shy, and she is now so straightforward and confident as my boss.

"I was very closed off until I met this person in elementary school. But after elementary school, I never saw them in middle school, and I only saw them again in high school."

"But by that point, I had to leave because my parents wanted me to become the heir of their company, so I had to train."

"From then, my childhood was nothing more than work-focused already, and I never really had the chance to take a break."

"Until now, until I am here with you. I feel like this is the first time I have truly taken a break, and it feels amazing..." I smiled at her, she must have felt free.

"What about you? What was your childhood like?" Mina curiously asked.

"I had a pretty normal childhood in elementary school. I was always with my family spending time with them and playing legos all the time because it was my favorite hobby."

"I had many friends, and I was super social. I still am. But, when my father passed away. It was hard for me, and I had to adjust to helping my mom with my sister because she had to pick up two jobs to help my family."

"I felt bad, so when I graduated high school, I picked up the job at the cafe with my friends who have been here for me since the beginning."

"I owe them one. They are always there for me."

"Since then, I have been a workaholic as my mom often jokes with me, saying that I act more mature than her sometimes." I chuckled.

"Y/n, did you have any dreams that you wanted to achieve after graduating high school?" Mina seemed to be asking deeper questions.

"Yeah, surprisingly. I wanted to become an actor, and I wanted to play on the big screen and be able to watch myself in my home theater one day." My smile slowly faded as I realized my dream was never able to come true.

"But, I'm gonna guess you were never able to make that happen because of your circumstances." Mina pointed out as I nodded.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I wouldn't trade the time I spent working to provide for my family for anything else. I love my family." I smiled, but part of me knew that I wanted to follow my dreams.

"You truly are a work of art Y/n." Mina softly said, staring intently at me.

"W-What do you mean by that?" I nervously said, she was leaving me flustered

"You have such a kind-natured soul. It's no wonder why so many people love you, Y/n. You easily make people comfortable, and you are always willing to help others." She said as she stared at me, smiling.

God, that smile she is giving me is enough to provide me with a heart attack. Part of me wanted to scream, "I LIKE YOU!" but I knew the consequences that could happen if I did.

Then the food arrived as we both excitedly ate our food.

Another successful day, It felt weird being so open about my life with Mina so quickly, but it felt almost natural. It was almost like I knew her before, which made it easier for me to tell her.

I hope she feels the same way I do about her. I really do, even if it's nearly impossible. Part of me just wants to hold onto that hope.

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