28. Confusion

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A few days later~

As I walked into the office, I sat down at my desk as Jihyo came up to me. I waved at her as she waved back while smiling.

"Welcome back, Y/n!" Jihyo excitedly announced to me.

"Hey! Good to see you again!" I happily replied.

"How was the trip?" Jihyo asked as I had to think about it.

I began feeling my heart race, remembering the trip.

"U-Uh, it was alright. It was soooo boring, and all we did was go to meetings and meet with executives." I fake sighed and lied to her, hiding my smile.

"Aww, I'm sorry Ms. Myoui put you through that torture." Jihyo sympathized.

"It's okay, don't worry about it!" I told her.

"Can I be honest about something with you, Y/n?"


"I feel quite upset, Y/n." She frowned as she pulled a chair and sat next to me.

"Why?" I worriedly asked.

"I feel like I haven't been able to talk to you as much..." She clung on my arm as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Ms. Myoui seems to be taking you away from me." She sighed as I felt guilty.

I have been so occupied with Mina and the trip that I have not hung out enough with my friends...

"How could I make it up to you?" I asked. Hopefully, she will feel better after I let her take me anywhere.

"We could go drinking! Just the two of us. What do you say?" She excitedly said as I smiled.

"Sure! I could use a couple of drinks," I told her as she jumped up from her chair.

"Yay!!! Let's get wasted!" She shouted, a bit too loudly that the others glanced at her.

"Sorry..." She bowed to them all as she turned to me, and we laughed at one another.

"It's a plan then!" I smiled at her.

"Hi, Good morning, ladies. What is the topic of the day?" Mina came over as Jihyo seemed startled.

"O-Oh... nothing." Jihyo nervously spoke.

"Then we should be focusing at work, shall we?" Mina angrily glared at Jihyo.

"Y-Yes, Ms. Myoui..." Jihyo quickly left and sat on her desk.

"Y/n, please come with me to my office. I need to talk to you." Mina seemed quite angry. I nervously gulped.

Is she going to scold me? Did I do something wrong?

Third-Person Pov

The door was shut behind Y/n as she was called into her boss' office. Mina went around the room and closed all the curtains.

As she closed the last curtain, she turned her body towards Y/n, staring intently into her eyes.

She started walking closer towards Y/n, refusing to remove her gaze from her. She started smirking and stopped walking until she was in front of Y/n.

"Look at me." She gently lifted her chin to make Y/n look at her.

"You are mine." She seductively said as she smirked before holding onto Y/n's tie and pulling her in for a kiss...

Y/n didn't back away from the kiss. Instead, she fell into it. Y/n leaned in carefully, smashing lips onto one another. But it wasn't rough. Mina's lips were soft against hers. Y/n and Mina both felt the energy of one another, and it matched perfectly.

After some time, Mina and Y/n backed away and stared at one another while Y/n caught her breath.

"M-Mina..." Y/n was struggling to keep her breath steady. She was utterly shocked.

"I-I'm sorry..." Mina realized her actions as she ran out of the office.

Y/n sat there in amazement at what had just happened. She questioned if the person Mina loved really was her or not. But, she wondered why Mina ran away?...

"What is going on? I don't even think I can think straight after this. Shit, I think drinking with Jihyo won't be such a bad idea then..." Y/n thought to herself.


Y/n is currently sitting in the bar with Jihyo as she ordered drinks.

When the drinks arrived, they were both very excited.

"Y/n! Are you ready to drink the night away?" Jihyo excitedly said.

"I am!" Y/n cheerfully smiled.

"Alright!! Ready!! 3, 2, 1! GO!" Jihyo shouted as they both drank the shot of soju.

Y/n kept drinking with her and talking about random things for hours on end. Y/n was soberer than Jihyo but she were close to becoming fully drunk.

"Y/n..." Jihyo's speech slurred slightly, but y/n waited for her to speak.

Jihyo stood up and walked towards y/n as she sat on her lap.

"You look stunning." Jihyo smiled at Y/n as she was shocked.

"Jihyo, others are looking," Y/n whispered to her.

"Y/n... do you love me?" Jihyo suddenly asked.

"I love you as a friend," Y/n told her.

"No, no! Not that way. Do you love me more than just a friend?" Jihyo asked as she stared at her.

"I-I'm sorry... I like someone else." Y/n frowned and explained.

"Why don't you like me? Am I too ugly?" Jihyo said as Y/n's eyes widened.

"What are you talking about, Jihyo? You are pretty! It's just... I don't have any control over my feelings..." Y/n glanced to the side, feeling upset and too embarrassed to look at Jihyo.

"Is it Ms. Myoui? Do you like her?" Jihyo blurted out as Y/n became stiff, and she couldn't reply to her.

"I guess I was right..." Jihyo said before standing up and trying to leave the building.

Y/n held onto her because she didn't want her to get into an accident.

"Let's just go home, okay?" Y/n said to her as she paid for the drinks and went outside. Then she got Jihyo a taxi and made the driver drive her home.

As she left, Y/n walked on the streets dwelling on the day she just had. The idea that Mina kissed her with no explanation and that Jihyo just confessed... Y/n felt lost...

"Yah! Y/n what are you doing by yourself at this time?" Y/n turned her head and spotted Dahyun driving.

"Ah, hello!!!" Y/n waved largely at her.

"Get in my car!" Dahyun shouted at her as she walked towards her and went into her car.

"Jeez, Y/n you reek of alcohol! What did you do?!" Dahyun scolded Y/n.

"It's a long explanation... I'll tell you later..." Y/n said before closing her eyes as Dahyun drove her home.

When Y/n got inside the house, Dahyun said her farewells before leaving. Dahyun was very confused about what happened but knew Y/n was exhausted, so she decided to ask her another time.

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