43. Happy Birthday, Y/n!

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Few months later~

Y/n's Pov

Agh, I can't believe I am becoming older today. How can it be my birthday already? I swear I just had my last year's birthday not long ago.

I wrapped up filming the movie today as I was excited. In the next few months the movie will release. It'll be insane to see myself in a movie!

All I have to thank for it, is Mina. I love Mina for helping me reach my dreams. Without her, none of this would've been possible.

That reminds me, I should call her to see if she wants to eat dinner with my family tonight.

I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up the call. Once she picked up, I began smiling.

Y/n: "Hey baby! Are you free tonight?"

Mina: "Sorry, no I have a lot of things to do today."

Y/n: "Oh... that's okay... how about any time this week?"

Mina: "I-I'm sorry... I am busy for the next month..."

Y/n: "Is that so? Well, I wish you luck. I'll talk to you later."

I turned off the phone as I began frowning, what is going on? She's going to be busy for the next month?! I thought she had her day off today? Was I wrong?

I sighed and began heading home, maybe I can watch some Kpop with Young-mi. She's been into that more often these days.

As I was about to head home, I came across a cute stuffed animal store. I contemplated for a minute in my car, wondering if I should go or not.

I ended up giving in and buying myself a cute stuffed animal. Before you judge me, don't! It's my birthday!

I drove home and as I reached the front door, I opened it slowly. It was dark. Was no one home?

All of a sudden, the lights turned on as I saw many people. I became surprised as I jerked back a bit.

"Happy birthday!" They all shouted as Mina was smiling, holding onto a cake.

"W-Wh... You guys! You scared me!" I laughed as I held onto my chest.

"Thank you all!" I told everyone as I walked inside the house.

Mina placed down the cake on the table before walking over to me.

"Surprised? Did you think I forgot about your birthday?" Mina chuckled as I glanced away from her, a bit surprised and a bit angry. I couldn't tell which one to feel.

"N-No..." I shyly said as she held onto my waist tightly.

"Gosh, I'm going to melt by how cute you are." She booped my nose, smiling with her gummy smile at me.

"Ahem." Tzuyu coughed, catching my attention as I saw the school meal club.

"Hey, guys!" I removed myself from Mina's grip as I went over and hugged the school meal club.

"Happy birthday!" They all said.

"Yeah, you are old now!" Tzuyu said as I scoffed at her but giggled soon after.

I glanced around the rest of the room and saw Sana and Momo waving, I waved back at them. Then I also spotted Jeongyeon and Nayeon, they were extremely close to each other. I giggled at them, they must be a thing.

Then I saw Jihyo talking to Sejeong at the table. They also must have been working out well. Maybe they will be a thing soon. I always hear Sejeong talk about Jihyo after all.

"You look really happy," Mina chuckled at me.

"Of course I am! You brought everyone here all at once! I love it so much! Thank you!" I kissed Mina on the cheek as she blushed.

"Ahem, she didn't do all the work." Young-mi crossed her arms at me as I chuckled. My mom moved her wheelchair closer to me.

"Thank you Young-mi and mom for helping Mina with preparations." I told them as I hugged them both. As I pulled away I ruffled through Young-mi's hair.

"Mina kindly offered to cook and provide all the food." My mom admitted as I glanced at Mina, she was becoming shy.

"Such a chef! The food looks amazing!" I grinned as I glanced at all the food on the table.

"Hey! Let's all eat now!" I told them all as we gathered around and ate together.

It's the first time seeing everyone together like this. It made me happy. This atmosphere felt warm and comforting. Something I haven't felt since my father was still here.

I suddenly stood up, "Thank you all for coming today to celebrate my birthday. I am thankful for you all. Let's continue celebrating!" I told them as they all cheered.

Nayeon then cracked open alcohol as some of them began drinking.

I took a couple sips but I didn't want to get too drunk, yet.

"Shall Y/n open presents?" My mom suggested as everyone cheered.

I slowly opened everyone's presents as they were so thoughtful and lovely! I definitely could have a use of the singing mug my sister gave me.

Anyways, Mina handed me her box as it was the last gift. I glanced up at her smiling.

"I wonder what it could be?" I chuckled, she was smiling. I could tell she hoped that I liked what she gave me.

As I opened the wrapping paper, I saw a Lego box. The flower bouquet one.

"Surprise!" She happily shouted out as my jaw dropped. I was speechless.

"A-Ah do you not like it?" Mina worriedly said, I looked at her.

"I-If you don't like it I can get you something else..." She panicked as she tried to reach for the box but I instead stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much." I began tearing up in her arms as she was confused.

"W-Wh... Why are you crying?!" Mina patted my back.

I glanced at the others as tears were falling, they looked so concerned.

"I love it so much..." I held onto Mina tighter.

When I calmed down I let go and sat down.

"I wasn't sure if you'd like it but I thought, if you did then we could build it together." Mina smiled, as I couldn't help but grin.

"But, I have a question. Why did you cry over legos?" Sejeong asked, curiously.

"Because, I used to build legos with my family before. This just reminded me of happy memories."

"The best part is that i'll be able to create more happier memories with these legos with you all." I told them as they all were in awe.

We all ended up talking a bit more and soon after it was late as Nayeon and Jeongyeon were already drunk and sleeping on one another.

They all ended up leaving as my mom and Young-mi went to bed too. It's just Mina and me left.

"Baby, I love you." I held onto Mina's stomach glancing up at her.

"Hah, that was so sudden." Mina chuckled at me.

"How did you know I wanted the flower bouquet lego set?" I curiously asked.

"Because i've always known you loved flowers, I just knew that this lego set was calling your name." Mina pointed out as I couldn't help but fall for her more.

"Baby, you make me feel strange." I admitted to her, she titled her head in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" She didn't know how to act.

"Shhh, don't worry about it." I whispered in her ear as I pulled her in for a kiss.

God, okay, I know I kiss her so much but how could I resist? She's Myoui Mina for heavens sake!

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