25. Sandy Beach | pt. 2

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I placed my phone in my pocket and sighed while glancing at the scenery.

The view was lovely, the swaying oceans with the birds chirping. The sand on the floor, parts of it being swept away from the sea. The people were all conversing with one another while lying on beach towels. The surfers rode the waves so gracefully.

It was beautiful.

I shouldn't be so caught up thinking about Mina. I should enjoy my time here. I've got to.

But why does it hurt so much?

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the sliding door. It startled me as I jumped.

"Ah, sorry... did I scare you?" Mina opened the sliding door and worriedly spoke.

"Just a bit..." I awkwardly chuckled.

"Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you'd like to go to the beach? It would be sad to travel all the way here without at least exploring." Mina asked as she leaned on the sliding door frame.

"Sure, why not," I largely smiled before following after her outside of the room.

Once we reached outside of the lobby, I was walking beside Mina in the streets of Hawaii as I was thinking once again.

Wouldn't Mina want to be here in Hawaii with the person she loves? Why would she want to be here with me?

Suddenly, I felt an arm grip my waist. What is going on?

Mina was pulling me closer to her. We were intensely staring at one another. I gulped, and time felt like it stopped.

She let go quickly as it took me a minute to get back to reality.

"Are you crazy, Y/n?!" Mina began shouting as I became afraid. I'd never heard her yell at me before.

"You were going to walk into the street! There were still cars passing by!" Mina frustratingly shouted.

"I-I'm sorry..." I apologized.

"What's going on with you?" Mina genuinely seemed worried about me.

"I-I just wasn't thinking straight..." I glanced down at my feet.

I hate when people start yelling at me, it always makes me feel terrible. But I felt even worse because I made Mina upset at me.

"I'm sorry..." I apologize again, but this time, I started tearing up.

"Y/n?! What's wrong? Tell me what's wrong!" Mina held onto my arms before pulling me in for a hug, and she rubbed my back.

"I-It's nothing..." I slowly pushed myself away from the hug and turned around to walk across the street. I wiped my tears with my hand.

I am probably overreacting but, I can't control my feelings for her as it is growing too strong. It's harder for me to accept that she is in love with someone else.

Why? Why did it have to be her?

At the end of the street, she held onto my hand, and I turned my body to face her.

"It must be hard to talk about it. I won't ask any more questions but hold onto me. I don't want you to get into an accident." She gripped my hand to make sure I wouldn't let go.

"Okay..." We continued walking to the beach while holding hands. Her hand was so soft, so smooth, so lovely.

Once we reached the beach, she let go of my hand and placed down a towel. She offered me to sit with her, and I complied.

"The view is very lovely today," I told her as I glanced out at the ocean.

"I agree. The view in front of me is breathtaking." She spoke as I turned to her. She was staring at me.

There is no way she means me...

"Do you like the beach, Y/n?" Mina suddenly asked as I smiled.

"I do. It reminds me of lovely memories." I admitted as she seemed curious.

"Like what?" She asked, and it made me remember my old memories.

"When I was younger... my father often took me to the beach because he loved the ocean. He said that even if we don't know many things about the ocean, and it still gives some sort of comfort to watch and listen to." I began smiling uncontrollably.

"You seem to be close with your father," Mina said, smiling at me.

"Yeah... I miss him. I really do." My smile faintly faded as I laid back on the towel and stared at the sky.

Mina laid next to me as well.

"Did you ever get to go to the beach with your family?" I suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"I didn't. The only time I could ever go to the beach was when I owned the company. But I never went with anyone else." She replied.

She never went to the beach with her family? Or friends?

Then, my mouth blurted out words I regretted.

"Wouldn't it be better to experience the beach with that person you love?" I spoke, regretting my decision.

"That was very sudden..." Mina glanced away as she was blushing. Hah. She must be thinking about the person right now.

"That's true. But I'm enjoying being next to you right now." Mina smiled widely with her gummy smile. She's making my heart run a marathon.

"Can you tell me more about the person you love? What is she like?" I curiously asked. I'm being nosy, but I don't care.

"Only if you talk about the person you like."

"Okay, fine." I complied.

"Well, the person I love. I guess she is family orientated. She is a hard worker. She tries her best to take care of others, but she doesn't like to depend on others. She is someone that makes me feel comfortable and happy whether we are talking or not."

"Having her by my side makes me the happiest. She truly has never changed from the moment I met her in elementary school, and I just wish she felt the same way." Mina admitted, which surprised me.

"I'm sure maybe one day she will notice. You never know." I told her as she sighed.

"I don't know... I know they like someone else." She seemed pretty upset...

"Anyways, what about yours?" She suddenly switched the topic before I could reply.

"Well... Mine? It isn't straightforward. You see, I was never able to fall in love with anyone because I had to care for my family."

"But meeting this person. They are the only one that makes me want to open up every detail about my day to them. They are extremely caring but are oddly complicated to read. Being with them makes me feel comfortable, almost like... I want to hug and kiss them..." I admitted but then froze.

What the hell did I just say in front of my boss...

"Uh, disregard that last part..." I awkwardly spoke. I couldn't bear to glance at Mina.

"Don't worry about it. Feel free, to be honest. I like listening to you." Mina said before holding onto my hand.

Why is she doing this to me? She is unconsciously trying to make me unable to move on...

After some time we went back to the hotel and had to sleep.

I felt awkward in the bed with her. I knew she was just a few inches away from me, but I wanted to hug her tightly.

I can't have these thoughts about my BOSS! I can't do it... She's in love with someone else...

Then, arms were wrapped around me as I realized it was Mina.

"M-Mina?" My face burned up by her actions. But her soft arms were so comforting.

"I-I just wanted to hug you. Is that okay?" She softly spoke into my ear and asked.

"Y-Yes, that's okay..." I was blushing, thank goodness for the lights being off, or else she would've seen it.

I just hope she doesn't notice my heart racing...

In Love With My Ceo | M. Mina x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now