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"I'm pregnant." Hailee Robins told her mother. The 16 year old had tears pouring onto her face. Her heart was pounding in her ears, and her knees felt as if they were gonna give out on her any second. It had been 2 months since the love of Hailee's life had gotten out of dodge. The father of her... her baby. Even thinking about the... situation... made her break down crying. Anne, Hailee's mother stood quiet for a few minutes, choked up. "What?" Annes voice was laced with disappointment. That one word sentence echo'd in Hailee's head for the next 7 months.

Hailee was 7 months pregnant, and just moving on from the last romance she had, which had gotten her pregnant. She spent most of the time moping around and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. The only time Hailee was happy was when she was looking at sonograms of her little girl. She was so happy when she found out it was a girl, she cried for hours. Tears of joy. Anne had warmed up to the idea of her little girl having one of her own, and was helping Hailee as much as she could. Anne talked to Bobby Singer almost daily. They grew up together, so they were really close. Bobby helped her not smother Hailee in her in her sleep. Anne was so furious when Hailee told her she was pregnant. But Bobby calmed her down, and showed her that Hailee was probably twice as scared as she was angry.

At 8 and a half months pregnant, Hailee went into labor. Hours of searing pain, sweating, and pushing, Ashley Daisy Robins was born on May 9th, at 12:38 A.M. Anne looked at Ashley like she was an angel. But Hailee had more trouble loving the baby girl. One look and all she saw was the man that left. All the memories they had in flashes each time she looked at the baby girl.

Months went by, and eventually it was Ashleys 2nd birthday. Hailee couldn't take it any more. The little girl shared everything with her father, green eyes, the way they looked at things, lips, everything. Hailee, after thinking about it decided it was the best thing possible. She dropped Ashley at Annes house, saying she needed to go shopping for a few things, went home and packed. Hours went by and Anne called Hailee, only to go to voicemail. When Anne went by Hailees apartment, nothing of Hailees was there. She left all the pictures of her and Ashley behind, every memory of Ashley was there. Every picture, home video. Anne quickly realized what happened, devestated for the little girl, and took her in.

As years went by, Hailee thought of Ashley less and less, and within 5 years, Hailee wasn't bothered by the thought of Ashley, and continued her life as if she had never had a kid in the first place. Dating guys, partying, socially experimenting, and doing all the things in life she never though she'd never get to do.

Hey, everyone. If you have any questions or concerns, just comment. And really, no hate, please. This took me a long ass time. And PS, there will be some profanity, since the writer (Yours truly) cusses like a drunken sailor on crack who just stubbed their toe.

Comment, vote, tell your friends, what ever, just... No copying, please and thank you.


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