Ch.26: Cupid's In Town

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I jumped up from my bed, going to Dean's room. "Where's the food?" I asked. "Sam's not back yet." Dean said just as Sam entered the room. "Stop... doing that. It freaks me out." He told me before turning to Sam, "How'd it go?" "Um...No EMF," "Or sulfur." I interrupted, but Sam just kept going, "Ghost possession and demonic possession are both probably out." "Hmm. That's where I was puttin' my money." Dean said, rubbing his eyes, "Well, then what, then? Oh, dude! At the coroner's-- you didn't see these bodies. I mean, these two started eating a- and they just... kept going. I mean, their stomachs were full. Like - like... Thanksgiving-dinner full. Talk about co-dependent." "Well...I mean, we got our feelers out. Not much more we can do tonight. All right. I'm just gonna go through some files. Maybe have Ashley help me. You can go ahead and get going." "Sorry?" Dean asked, confused. I looked at Sam with a confused look, too. "Go ahead. Unleash the kraken. See you tomorrow morning." "Where am I going?" Dean asked. "Dean, it's Valentine's day. Your favorite holiday, remember? I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?" "Nasty." I muttered. "Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year." "So you're not into bars full of lonely women?" "Nah, I guess not." He took a drink of his beer, "Ahh. What?" He asked, finally noticing Sam's worried look. "That's when a dog doesn't eat, that's when you know something's really wrong." "Remarkably patronizing concern duly noted. Nothing's wrong. We gonna work or what?" Dean sat at the table, next to me. Sam slowly joined us, his eyes still worried. "It's probably because I ruined sex for him. The chance of another kid, especially one like me, would ruin it for anyone." I joked, making them both laugh.

I said a small thank you to the waitress as she gave us our food. "So, what, you just happen to know he likes the cosmos at this place?" Dean asked Cas, referring to the Cupid. Sorry, Cherub. "This place is a nexus of human reproduction. It's exactly the kind of-of garden the Cupid will come to-to pollinate." Cas was distracted by Dean putting ketchup on his burger. He picked it up before putting it back down, pushing the plate away. "Wait a minute. You're not hungry?" I asked, concerned. "No. What? I'm not hungry." "Then you're not gonna finish that?" Cas asked as he reached, taking the burger. "He's here." He said, his mouth full. "Where? I don't see anything." I asked. "There." He motioned to a couple basically all over each other. "You mean the same-side-of-the-booth couple over there?" "Meet me in the back." Cas said before leaving.

"Cas, where is he?" I asked. "I have him tethered. Zoda kama mahrana. Manifest yourself." "I still don't see him." "So, where is he-Oof!" I looked to Dean to see a chunky guy hugging him from behind. "Here I am!" Cupid smiled. Did I mention he's naked? "Help!" Dean called out. "Oh, help is on the way. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Hello, you!" Cupid dropped Dean. He then walked over to Cas, hugging him. "This is Cupid?" "Yes." "And look at you, huh?" He then turned to Sam. "No." Sam went to turn away, but Cupid appeared in front of him, hugging him. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" "Is this a fight? Are we in a fight?" Dean said as Cupid turned to me. "No thank you." I said as he walked to me. "This is... Their handshake." Cas said as Cupid rudely ignored me, picking up in a hug. "I don't like it." I said. "No one likes it." "Mmm. What can I do for you?" Cupid asked. "Why are you doing this?" "Doing what?" "Your targets, the ones you've marked, they're slaughtering each other." Cas said. "What? They are?" "Listen, birthday suit, we know, okay? We know you been flittin' around, popping people with your poison arrow, making them murder each other!" "What we don't know is why." I added to Dean's rant. "You think that I- well, uh...I don't know what to say." Cupid started to cry. "Should...Should somebody maybe... go talk to him?" Sam asked. "Yeah, that's a good idea. Ashley?" Dean turned to me. I just turned to Cas, "Give 'em hell, Cas." Cas slowly walked to Cupid, "Um... look. We didn't mean to, um...hurt your feelings." Cupid pulled Cas into a hug, making him cry out. "Love is more than a word to me, you know. I love love. I love it! And if that's wrong, I don't want to be right!" "Yes, yes. Of course. I, uh...I have no idea what you're saying." Cas awkwardly said as I pulled out my phone, taking a picture. "I was just on my appointed rounds. Whatever my targets do after that that's nothing to do with me. I- I was following my orders. Please brother. Read my mind. Read my mind, you'll see." "Send that to me." Dean whispered while Cas read Cupid's mind. "He's telling the truth." Cas turned to us. "Jiminy Christmas. Thank you." "Wait, wait, you said--You said you were just following orders?" Dean asked. "Whose orders?" I asked when Cupid nodded. "Whose?" He laughed, "Heaven, silly. Heaven." "Why does heaven care if Harry meets Sally?" "Oh, mostly they don't. You know, certain bloodlines, certain destinies. Oh, like yours." He said. "What?" Sam asked. "Yeah. You and Hailee, the union of John and Mary Winchester--Very big deals upstairs, top priority arrangements. Mm." "Are you saying that you fixed-up my parents?" Dean asked "Well, not me, but... Yeah. Well, it wasn't easy, either. Ooh, they couldn't stand each other at first. But when we were done with them--Perfect couple." "Perfect?" Dean asked, starting to get pissed. "Yeah." "They're dead!" Dean yelled. "I'm sorry, but... the orders were very clear. You and Sam needed to be born. Your parents were just, uh...meant to be. A match made in heaven- heaven!" He sung. "Son of a bitch!" Dean punched Cupid, making him disappear. "Where is he? Where'd he go?!" "I believe you upset him." Cas said. " I upset him?!" "Dean. Enough!" Sam yelled. "What?" Dean snapped. "You just punched a Cupid!" "I punched a dick!" Dean yelled back. "Um...Are we gonna talk about what's been up with you lately or not?" "Or not." Dean said, walking out. I gave Sam a look before walking out too.

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