Ch.12: Don't Fear The Reaper

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Ashley woke up to a phone buzzing. She brushed her hand around the car floor, trying to find hers to see if it's the one buzzing. "Shut it up." Dean tossed it in the back seat, hitting her in the leg. She grabbed it, opening it. 'Are you on a hunt?' Joseph had sent her. Every few days, he would send her that text, then would ignore her the next few day, until he would send the text again. The answer was always the same though. She had been at Bobby's house. 'Yes.' She sent him, before she tucked it in her pocket, closing her eyes to go back to sleep. "Who's blowing up your phone?" Dean asked. "Sami." She lied, wanting this conversation to be over. "Who?" "Samantha." She snapped in an annoyed tone, just wanting to sleep. "Don't use that tone on me, young lady." He boomed loudly, but not loud enough to wake Sam up. "Whatever." She mumbled once again.

"Look who's finally awake." Dean sarcastically said from his laptop when Ashley stepped in the motel room. "Yeah, awake and starving. Do we have any food in this joint?" She asked just as Sam stepped in the room. "Hey." He greeted, his arm full of Dairy Queen. Ashley immediately perked up when she saw the food. "Got you chicken strips." He told the young girl. She basically ran over to the table, grabbing the food. "Having fun over there?" Dean asked when he looked up. "This is so good." She moaned, her mouth full of chicken. "Find anything?" "That cancer survivor? He was clinically dead, his wife pulled the plug, and now he's taking her out for their twentieth anniversary." "Any sign of a deal?" "No. What about you? Found anyone dying around here?" Ashley heard her phone Buzz multiple times from the other room. She grabbed a chicken strip to take with her as she walked to her room. 'JOSEPH' lit up her phone. She grabbed it just as it dimmed, telling her she missed the call. She missed that call along with 7 others. She was about to call him back, but her phone lit up again. "Yeah." She answered. "Why haven't you been answering?" "I was eating." She simply said, taking another bite of her chicken strip. "Where are you? I'm gonna come pick you up, take you somewhere safe." His voice sounded angry, yet concerned. "Hold on." She told him, taking a look at Sam and Dean, who were having a conversation, but kept looking at her with a curious look. She walked over, phone in hand, shutting the door between her and her father and uncle. "I'm not telling you where I am." She whispered. "Ashley. You need to get out of there. I have a bad feeling." "Nothing bad will happen." She whispered. "Ashley, where are you? And why are you whispering?" "I don't want Dean to overhear this stupid conversation." "Ashley, this is seri-" "Look, I've gotta go." She said in a normal tone before hanging up. She made sure to turn off her phone before heading back to the other room. "I love how matter-of-fact you are about that. Strange lives." Dean said before taking a gulp of coffee. Ashley hoped that no one would mention her odd phone conversation, but basically had an aneurysm when Dean opened his mouth. "Who was that?" "Sami. Girl stuff. You wouldn't understand." She waved her hand. "Oh really?" He asked, leaning his chin in his hands, trying to catch her in a lie. "She was asking me which shoes would be better to go with a robin eggs blue dress that she had. I originally picked the cool silver bling pair she has, which is one of my favorites, but she said that was a bit crazy for where she going, so we chose the weird pair which look like their from the-" "Okay, whatever." He said, making Ashley smirk as she grabbed her food. "I'm gonna go watch TV in my room." She told them. Just as she was shutting the door so she wouldn't interrupt them, Dean spoke up, "Just because you can lie doesn't mean you can lie to me." Her cheeks turned bright red and her eyes widened.

Ashley sat in cold, on a gravestone, watching Sam and Dean set up the ritual on a 12 year old boys grave. 12 years olds. She shoved her hands into the pockets of the sweatshirt Joseph left with her. Even though she had washed it multiple times, the intoxicating smell stayed. "You sure this is gonna work?" Dean asked while he flipped through John's journal, sitting on the gravestone next to Ashley. "No. But if his spirit's around, this should smoke him out." He said as he poured something into a bowl. Dean snapped the journal close. "What?" "This job is jacked, that's what." Dean said. "How so?" "You want me to gank a monster or torch a corpse, hey, let's light it up, right? But this? If we fix whatever this is, people are gonna start dropping dead. Good people." "Look, I don't want them to die, either, Dean, but-" "There's a natural order." Ashley cut her uncle off. "You're kidding, right?" He said to them. "What?" "You don't see the irony in that? I mean, you and me, we're like the poster boys of the unnatural order. All we do is ditch death." Dean said to Sam. "Yeah, but the normal rules don't really apply to us, do they?" Dean started at his brother, "We're no different than anybody else." "She has weird hands-on visions about people she has no connections to. I'm infected with demon blood. You've been to hell." Sam says, making Dean look away. "Look, I know you want to think of yourself as Joe the Plumber, Dean, but you're not. Neither am I. The sooner you accept that, the better off you're gonna be." "Ah, Joe the Plumber was a douche." "You gonna help me finish this?" Sam asked. Dean stood up, handing the journal to Ashley. "Hey!" A man with a flashlight yelled. They all looked towards him. "What are you doing here?" "Uh, just take it easy." Sam said. "What the hell is this?" Sam looked at Dean, telling him to take the lead. "Okay, this—this—this is not what it looks like." He laughed. "Really? 'Cause it looks like devil worship." "What? No! No, this is not devil worship. This- this is- this- this is, uh-" Dean looked to Ashley to see if she had a lie. She just looked at him with a blank look. "I don't have a good answer." Dean finally gave up. "We're leaving." "You're not going anywhere... Ever again. Sam." That made Ashley look up at the man who's eyes were yellow. "Alastair." The demons eyes went back to normal. "I thought you got deep fried, extra-crispy." "Nah. Just the pediatrician I was riding. His wife's still looking for him. It's hilarious. Anyway. No time to chat. Got a hot date with death." The demon said before flinging his hand, sending Dean flying. Ashley took a few steps back when she saw Deans head hit a gravestone, knocking him out cold. "Oh, you gotta go too, sweetheart." He said before making Ashley fly into a nearby tree, were she also left consciousness.

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