Chapter 1: Give A Life, Take A Life

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**Edited 6-3-17**
Ashley flicked her blonde hair hair over her shoulder, her green eyes showing how tired she is. She had been up all night the past few weeks with the same nightmare. Chains and hooks everywhere, sharp instruments stabbing into waiting organisms. Some were people, others weren't. "Better get started, Ms. Robins." Her math teacher, Mr. Burke, told her, snapping the 15 year old back to reality. Ashley rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat. She didn't see the point of starting her homework when class ended in 3 minutes. Mr. Burke saw her actions and glared slightly at her. A month into school, and she had yet to turn anything in. But, of course, he had to give her a little slack. She is taking care of her grandma, who is... perishing... To stage 4 stomach cancer. Ashley spent all of her free time with her grandmother, no matter how much her grandma begged her to have a normal life. Ashley always refused, she never got the concept of friends. They're nice to your face, but turn around seconds later and bash you to your other friends. Well, at least the people at her school. She usually just kept to herself, reading, drawing, or writing. What she was writing, nobody really new, so they assumed it was fan fiction or something insane, like details about killing someone or something of that nature. Ring, ring. The classroom phone rang. "Ashley, go to the office. You're leaving." Ashley knew what this meant. She knew this day was coming for months, but it didn't make it any easier.

Anne Robins picked up the white phone with shaky hands, slowly dialing the familiar number. "It's time." Anne said as soon as the person picks up the phone, talking deep breaths. "Oh, Anne. I'm so sorry." Bobby Singer sighed. He knew Anne for a long time, so the news was really hard. "Just keep her safe." Anne demanded, hanging up the phone. Anne's breaths grew more shallow, and with each breath, it got harder. She knew it was her time. She heard a slow, high pitched beep, then saw white. After she was gone, the doctor called time of death. "Go call the family." He told one of the nurses.

Ashley sat in the Principles office, waiting for a social worker. The door opened, so Ashley stood up, turning around to face the door. "Hi, I'm Sarah, your social worker." Said the mid-to-late-30's woman with dark brown hair, which was pulled into a bun, with brown eyes, wearing a dark gray pants suit. "Ashley." She said, putting out her hand. Sarah took Ashley's hand. "I'm sorry for your loss." Ashley nodded, trying to keep her tears at bay. "Alright. I have specific instructions to have you call this number," Sarah explained, handing Ashley a card with a couple phone numbers on it. "It was all in your grandma's will. Along with legal forms for your guardian to keep her house until your 18th birthday, all the paper work for you, practically everything you need." Sarah explained. "Wait, my guardian?" Ashley asked. "Yeah, uh..." She rifled through some papers, before pulling out the right one. "Bobby Singer." She answered. Ashley nodded, furrowing her eyebrows. "I'll leave you to call that number." Sarah said, standing up. Once Sarah left the room, shutting the door behind her, Ashley pulled out her phone, dialing the number. The number went straight to voicemail. "Ashley," She heard the message say. Ashley gasped, hearing her grandmas voice. "If you're hearing this, I'm gone. I know. I'm so sorry I had to leave you. Bobby Singer is a hunter, and a good friend of mine. I trust him to protect you. He's really smart, but if you piss Bobby off, your life will be a living hell. To contact him, call the second number on the card I made for you. I love you. Remember, whenever you see the sun, the moon, or the stars, I'll be by your side." Ashley smiled at the sound of Anne's voice.

Ashley sat and listened to the voice mail a couple times before dialing Bobby's phone number. "Hello?" A gruff voice answered. "Hi, is this Bobby? Bobby Singer?" She asked. "Yeah, who's this?" Bobby knew who this was, but wanted to make sure that it was Ashley. "Uh, my name is Ashley Robins." She answered, awkwardly. "I'll be by your house in an hour or so." He told the young girl, before hanging up. "Alright, then." Ashley muttered, shoving her phone in her pocket. She stood up, wiping her face, then opened the door. "Can you take me home?" Ashley asked Sarah. "That sound okay to me, sweetie." Sarah told her, smiling. Ashley grabbed her pink Jan-sport backpack, throwing it over her shoulder.

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