Ch.7: Meeting Jack Montgomery

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Ashley sat in the back of the Impala, as per usual, listening to the boys' banter. "All right, so we're gonna go have a little chat with this guy- which, you know... I'm down. But I just want to make sure, if push comes, you're gonna shove." Dean says, looking to his brother. "Meaning?" Sams head snapped to look at Dean. "Well, odds are we're gonna have to burn this guy alive."  "This guy has a name and a wife." Ashley spoke up. Human or not, rougarou or not, he still has a soul. "Yeah, who we're probably gonna make a widow, okay? I mean, you heard Travis. He's gonna turn. They always turn." Dean was fed up with fighting Sam and Ashley. Yeah, well Travis seems like an asshole. "Well, maybe he won't. Maybe he can fight it off." Sam reasoned. "And maybe he can't, that's all I'm saying."  "All right, we'll just have to see then, okay?"  "This is what I mean, Sam. You sure your emotions aren't getting in the way here?" Dean asked, making Sam give him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"  "You know, nice dude, but he's got something evil inside. Something in his blood. Maybe you can relate." Ashley could tell this made Dean looks over at him, but Sam doesn't respond with a look of his own. He looks pretty angry though. "Stop the car." Sam ordered, which made Ashley stop listening. Not even two weeks she's been around them, and they've had more fights than she's had in her life. Seriously, she thought, A chill pill would be nice for both of them. After a few minutes, they finally hoped back in the car, the air still tense, and headed towards Jack's house to 'talk to him'. As soon as they got to the house, the brothers hopped out of the car, Ashley following. The walked to a man who was watering plants. "Jack Montgomery?" Sam called out. The man slowly turned his head to look at them. "I'm Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean. And his daughter, Ashley." Sam introduced us, making his turn all the way around. "We need to talk." He looked at all of us for a few minutes, "About?" "About you. About how you're changing." Ashley said. His eyes snapped to her in a split second, "Excuse me?"  "You're probably feeling your bones move under your skin. And your appetite's reaching, you know, 'hungry hungry hippo' levels. How am I doing so far?" Dean explained sarcastically. "Who the hell are you guys?"  "We're people who know a little something about something."  "We're people who can help. Please, just hear us out." 

Ashley stood in between her father and her uncle. "A-a what?" Jack stuttered. "A rougarou. Sounds made-up, I know, but believe me, it's not."  "Alright, I've noticed certain things. I mean, some strange things. But I just, I-I don't know. I'm.. I'm sick or something."  "Your father was one of these things." Jack turned around to look at Sam when he mentioned his father.  "Your real father. He passed it on to you." Ashley explained.  "No. Are-are you guys listening to yourselves? You s-sound like you're-"  "Skip the whole 'you guys sound crazy', shall we? You're hungry, Jack. You're only gonna get hungrier."   "Hungrier for?"  "Long pig. You know, a little manburger helper, may have crossed your mind already."  "No." " It doesn't have to be like this, Jack. You can fight it off."  "No." Jack insisted once more.  "Others have."  "We're not gonna lie to you, though. It's not gonna be easy. You're gonna feel like an alcoholic swimming around in whiskey. But I'm telling you. You gotta say no... or-"  "Or what?" Jack cut Dean off.  "You feed once, and it's all over. And then we'll have to stop you." "Stop me? My dad, did uh, somebody stop him?"  "Yes." Ashley answered emotionlessly.   "Get off my property right now. I see you guys again, I'm calling the cops." "Jack, your wife, everybody you know, they're in danger." Sam tried to press it into Jacks mind. "Now!" At the sound of his raised voice, a neighbor looked over and began to listen in, making Sam sigh as they walked away. "Good talk." Dean said sarcastically to no one.
"Can we get pizza?" Ashley asked, reading the brother's minds. "Yeah, whatever." Ashley smiled at Dean's answer.

"So, we've signed you up for online classes." Sam announced, making Ashley shrug. "Okay." She responded. "What? No crying from your loss of freedom?" Dean sarcastically asked, taking a bite of pizza so big, Ashley was worried about him choking. "No, school isn't that bad, so..." She trailed off, taking a bite of her pizza. "Jesus, I'm surrounded by nerds." Dean muttered, making Sam and Ashley both give him an annoyed face. "So, what's your favorite subject?" Sam asked after a few minutes of silence. "French." She spoke softly, shrugging slightly. "You speak French?" "I've only taken it for a few months, but I enjoy it. It's really fun." She shrugged once more. All of the sudden, Ashley got this uneasy feeling in her gut as an image of a bloody Travis popped into her head. "Have you heard from Travis?" She randomly asked, a wave of pain flooding her mind. Dean gave her a weird look. "No. I tried to call him earlier, but there was no answer." She just nodded. "And he hasn't called back?" Sam asked. "Nah. But he's probably fine." I wouldn't be so sure. "I'm gonna call him." Sam grabbed his phone. After a few calls going unanswered, Dean grabbed his car keys as Sam shoved his shoes onto his feet. "Stay here. Don't answer the door, and yeah... That's pretty much it." Dean said as he left the room. 

Ashley, between waves of excruciating pain in her head, she sat in the hotel room, worrying about her father and uncle. Finally, her phone rang, making her immediately jump up and grab it. She sighed when the name 'DEAN' popped up. "Hey, you're alive!" She started to calm down. "Yeah, surprisingly. We're gonna head back to Bobby's, so start packing your stuff." "Alright, sounds good." She said. "Bye." She heard swiftly, before Dean hung up.

Sorry this really short... And really late. I've just been super busy recently with my dance team. I got elected co-captain, which is surprising, since I'm only a sophomore, but I'm super happy about it. It just took a while to get use to everything. The responsibilities, our new coach, etc. It looks like I'm gonna become captain soon, though, since our current coach is having some serious issues with her attitude. But everything's evening out quite nicely, which is really good. I'm probably gonna update at least 3 chapters in the 2nd week of November, because I will be getting my wisdom teeth removed. I'll be taking a week or so off of school to recover, so I'll have hella time to write. 



P.S. This hasn't been edited or even read through for spelling mistakes. It'll happen soon tho :/

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