Ch.28: Dicks With Guns

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My whole state is on fire (side pic)... so that's a thing. And sorry if I've been absent. I got a job and I've been working full time along with practice. (Kill me). This chapter is sorta crappy, but the next chapter is... fun;););)

I groaned as I heard a loud slam. My head was pounding, and my hangover made me very queasy. Even though I only had 3 or 4 drinks, my body was definitely not used to it. "Sam, don't be a dick and shut up!" I yelled, but was muffled a bit by the pillow that was over my face. "Not Sam, sweetheart." A gruff voice said. I sat up, tossing the pillow from my face. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw beer cans, from, mostly Sam and Dean's, drinking night, Sam was sitting looking at me, holding his face, and there was something else... What was it? Oh, yeah. There was a shotgun pointed directly at my face. I looked at the cowards, who were hiding behind ski masks. Ski masks! The guy with the gun in my face walked even closer, if possible. "hands up. Wrists together." He ordered me, carefully reaching behind him, pulling a thick rope out of his back pocket. "You know, I would... but BDSM just isn't my thing." He replied by pumping the shotgun. I took a deep breath as I reluctantly did as he said. He quickly tied me hands together, very tightly, might I add. "You look absolutely retarded with those wussy masks on."  "Shut up!" One of the guys yelled, stopping Dean's slight snoring. He tried to sneak his hand under his pillow, looking for his gun. But we were all aware of his 'sneakiness'. "Looking for this?" One of the guys said, popping the cartridge out of Dean's handgun, tossing it aside. Dean sat up, seeing both of us a little tied up. "Mornin'." He greeted. "Shut up. Hands where I can see 'em." The guy ordered. Dean raised his hands as he slowly moved to the foot of the bed. "Wait a minute. Is that you, Roy? It is, isn't it. Which makes you Walt. Hiya Walt." Dean smirked, fury in his eyes. Roy and Walt shared a look before Walt took of his mask, followed by Roy, "Don't matter." "Well, is it just me, or do you two seem a tad upset?" I sassed. "You think you can flip the switch on the Apocalypse and just walk away, Sam?"  "Who told you that?" Sam asked. "We ain't the only hunters after you. See you in the next life." He said, pumping his shot gun. "Hear me out. I can explain, okay? Please." Sam pleaded. Walt paused a minute before he pulled the trigger. "Sam!" Dean and I both yelled, trying to get up. "Stay the hell down." Roy ordered as Walt moved to point his gun at my face. "Shoot 'im." He ordered Roy. "Killin' Sam was right but Dean... And she doesn't even look old enough to drive. She's a kid." Roy defended. "He made us and we just snuffed his brother, you idiot. You want to spend the rest of your life knowing you have Winchesters on your ass, 'cause I don't. Shoot 'im."  "Go ahead, Roy, do it. But I'm going warn you, when I come back I'm going to be pissed. C'mon! Let's get this show on the road." Dean said. "Seriously. Winchesters don't die. They just come back." I added. When Roy didn't shoot, Walt got impatient and shot Dean himself. "You think you're soooo special because you shot the Winchesters. Well let me tell ya something. You're not special. You're stupid. You think Satan himself is gonna be happy when he find out you killed his special chew toys?" I said, "No. He's gonna be pissed. And he's gonna come for you. Dean's not even a blimp on your radar, buddy. Lucifer is gonna come for you. And hard. And while he's skinning you alive inch by inch, just know that you deserve every little thing thing that happens." Tears finally began to spill over my cheeks. Walt looked me directly in the eyes, no regret in them, raising him gun. "Walt, this isn't right. Stop." Roy pleaded, pushing the gun barrel towards the ground. "She's a kid." Walt slowly lowered his gun, but raised it last minute, pistol whipping me. I held my face in pain as they ran out the door. Once the pain faded enough so I could think again, I made my way to the table, where there was an open knife. I grabbed it, stabbing it as far as I could into the table. Once it was in, I wrapped my arms around it, quickly beginning to file at the thick rope. Once the rope was thin enough, I pulled at the rope, breaking it. I ran over to Sam, holding my fingers over his artery, hoping for a pulse, but when I got nothing I ran over to Dean, doing the same. "No, no, no, no, no. This can't be happening." I started to sob, falling to my knees. "Please don't leave me. I need you." My head fell on my hands, which were gripping Dean's hand. "Please don't leave me, Dad." I sobbed even more.

"Dean is very worried about you." I turned my head to see Cas. I quickly wiped the tears off my face, taking a shaky breath in. "What are you talking about?" I asked, reaching my hand out towards him. He (surprisingly) got the hint, and reached out, helping me up off the ground. "I talked to him in heaven."  "Cas, you've gotta give me more than that!"  "It's... hard to explain. I... got in contact with him. He is trying to find Sam so they can travel to find Joshua, an angel."  "What does this angel have to do with anything?" I asked. "He can take them to god."  "Unless god will bring them back, I don't care!" I started to cry again. I could feel the awkwardness radiating off of Cas as he slowly walked closer, patting me on my back. "They're calling." Cas suddenly stopped patting my back, looking up. He looked at me for a split second before he ushered me towards the TV. He said a small phrase in enochian before saying, "I can hear you."  I watched as Sam and Dean walked over to the TV screen, static interfering with the picture. "Is this how you contacted them before?" I asked Cas. He nodded. "Hey! So I, uh, I found Sam but, but something just happened. There was this weird beam of light."  "Don't go into the light." Cas immediately said. "Okay. Thanks, Carol Ann. What was it?"  "Not what, whom. Zachariah. He's searching for you."  "And if he finds us?"  "You can't say yes to Michael and Lucifer if you're dead, so Zachariah needs to return you to your bodies."  "Great! Problem solved." Me and Dean said at the same time. "No. You don't understand. You, hm. You're behind the Wall. This is a rare opportunity."  "For what?"  "You need to find an angel."  "His name is Joshua." I cut in. "Glad to see you're alive and well, Ashley."  "The term 'well' is being worn loosely." I told him. He gave me a small smile before turning to Cas, "Hey, man, no offense but we are kind of ass full of angels, okay. You find him."  "I can't. I can't return to heaven."  "So what's so important about Joshua?" Sam asked. "The rumor is, he talks to God."  "And, so?"  "You think maybe—just maybe—we should find out what the hell God has been saying?"  "Jeez. Touchy." I muttered. "Please. I just need you to follow the road." Cas said. "What road?"  "It's called the Axis Mundi. It's a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it's two-lane asphalt. The road will lead you to the Garden. You'll find Joshua there. And Joshua... can take us to God." The picture started to go bad really fast, "The Garden. Quick. Hurry." Once the TV died, I took a deep breath, looking at Cas, "Will they be able to get back in their bodies without being Zachariah's bitch?"  "I... don't know." I nodded, looking at my hands.

I stood in the bathroom, scrubbing at my shirt, which had Sam and Dean's blood all over it. When I heard a loud, dramatic gasp, followed by coughing, I quickly raced out of the bathroom to see Sam sitting in his bed. I ran over, throwing my arms around him. I didn't say anything as I latched onto him, only breaking when Dean started to cough. I ran over to him, basically tackling him. "Dad."
I breathed out, my tears returning. "You alright?" Sam asked him. "Define alright." He said, wrapping his arms around me. I bit my lip, clenching my eyes shut as I tried to stop crying. I felt him tighten his grip on me as he rubbed my back. "Hey kid." He breathed out after a moment.

"Maybe... maybe Joshua was lying." Cas said, sounding hopeless. We all looked at him, "I don't think he was, Cas. I'm sorry." Sam sighed. "You son of a bitch. I believed in..." Cas looked up, trailing off. "I don't need this anymore." Cas pulled Dean's necklace from his pocket, tossing it to Dean, "It's worthless." Cas said, turning to leave. "Cas. Wait." Sam said. I looked down at my crossed arms when I heard to sound of wings. Sam angrily tossed his shirt on the bed and Dean hadn't stopped looking at the necklace in his hands. "We'll find another way. We can still stop all this, Dean." Sam said. Dean finally looked up, "Ashley, go pack your crap." I nodded, walking out of the room, heading down a few doors to mine. The testosterone was killing me. And another thing; If I ever see Walt or Roy again, I will castrate them with a spoon. A very dull... rusty... spoon.

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