Ch.3: Ghost Meeting

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Bobby walked in the door, not saying a single word, so Ashley didn't talk either. It wasn't until Bobby had looked through the same stack of books almost 4 tines before he spoke up, "Have you seen my legal pad?" Ashley pointed to the coffee table, flipping the page of the book. When Bobby flipped to the last page that was written on, he stopped. Looking at the young girl suspiciously. He put his hand near his gun before talking, "Why is Jeds name written in the middle of your notes?" Ashley turned white. She knows in the hunters world, when you have visions, nothing good comes out of it. "Tell me." Bobby demanded when she didn't answer, pulling out his gun. He knew how to survive in the hunters world. Trust (almost) no one. He had just met this girl, and now she has his murdered friends name in the middle of her (almost unreadable) notes. "I... Have something to tell you." She turned around to see a gun in Bobby's hand. "What were ya gonna do? Shoot me point blank?" Ashley shook her head to get her back on topic, "I had a vision. And I was gonna tell you, but... Nothing ever good comes from visions." She pleaded. Once Bobby put his gun away, he sat down. "What did you see in the vision?" He asked. "There was a body, looked like it was blown up from the inside. And I knew his name because the answering machine said it." Bobby nodded, opening his mouth to say something, but was cut off by giggling. "What in the Hell?" Bobby stood up. His chair went flying up against the wall. "Ashley, go get a salt bag, and go to your room. Make a circle." Ashley nodded, picking up a bag of salt that was the size of her torso. When she ran to her room, she make a circle around the chair, then sat in the chair. What? Did you expect her to stand around all day?

For a couple hours Ashley sat there, ignoring all the phone calls and the whispers from the hall way. It wasn't until she heard a car pull up that she gained interest. "Bobby? Ashley?" Dean called out. Ashley was about to call out, but stopped when she saw her aunt. "You were there. And you didn't stop it. I had to take you, and run. He wanted you when we wrecked!" She shouted. Ashley was with Jill when she drove into a ditch. Jill was killed, and Ashley survived, only having to get stitches on her right shoulder. Even though Ashley could hear her father calling her name, she'd stayed frozen in fear. "It was you, he wanted. Not me! Why did I die when you were a few feet away?" Jill screamed. There was a loud crash, knocking Ashley out of her trance. She quickly grabbed a handful of salt, throwing it through Jill. Dean opened the door just as she disappeared. "You okay?" Dean asked, leaning slightly on the door frame. "I'm a little hungry to tell the truth." Dean's lips curled up in a slight smile. Ashley stepped out of the salt circle, following Dean down to the study.

"So, they're all people we know?" Sam asked."Not just know. People we couldn't save. Hey, I saw something on Meg. Did she have a tattoo when she was alive?" "I don't think so." "It was like a-a mark on her hand -- almost like a brand." Dean continued. "I saw a mark, too, on Henriksen." "What did it look like?" Bobby asked. Sam grabbed a paper that Dean handed to him, muttering a thanks. Once he was finished sketching, he held it up for everyone to see. "Yep, that's it." Dean confirmed. "I may have seen this before. We got to move. Follow me." Bobby told everyone. "Okay, where are we going?" Sam asked. "Some place safe, you idiot."

Bobby picked up some books and lead everyone to an iron door in the basement. "Bobby, is this..." Sam trailed off. "Solid iron. Completely coated in salt. 100% ghost-proof." Bobby explain, pulling the heavy door open, holding it open for Ashley as she walked in, awestruck written all over her face. "You built a panic room?" "I had a weekend off." Bobby defended himself. I can barely get the energy to get off the couch on the weekend. How did he get the energy to build an iron room? "Bobby." "What?" "You're awesome." Dean laughed. "Oh..." He trailed off 0.0002 seconds after, staring at a poster of a swimsuit model. Ashley rolled her eyes, Men.

After a few hours of making bullets or researching, a few small conversations here and there, Dean broke the silence, "See, this is why I can't get behind God." "What are you talking about?" Sam asked, surprised at his sudden outburst. "If he doesn't exist, fine. Bad crap happens to good people. That's how it is. There's no rhyme or reason -- just random, horrible, evil -- I get it, okay. I can roll with that. But if he is out there, what's wrong with him? Where the hell is he while all these decent people are getting torn to shreds? How does he live with himself? You know, why doesn't he help?" Dean explained his reasoning. Sam looked at Bobby. "I ain't touching this one with at 10-foot pole." Bobby scoffed. "I agree with him." Ashley said, surprising everyone. They had all known Anne, her grandma, and she was as religious as anyone could be. They had just assumed it rubbed off on Ashley. "Why do you think that?" Sam asked her. She just shrugged. "Found it." Bobby called. "What?" Sam asked. Really? You have to ask what he found? "The symbol you saw, the brand on the ghosts..." Bobby trailed off. "Yeah?" "Mark of the Witness." Ashley gasped. She read up on it earlier. "Witness? Witness to what?" Dean asked, causing Ashley to speak up, "The unnatural. None of them died what you'd call ordinary deaths." "See, these ghosts -- they were forced to rise. They woke up in agony. They were like rabid dogs. It ain't their fault. Someone rose them... on purpose." Bobby further explained. "Who?" "Do I look like I know? But whoever it was used a spell so powerful it left a mark, a brand on their souls. Whoever did this had big plans. It's called 'the rising of the witnesses.' It figures into an ancient prophecy." "Wait, wait. What -- what book is that prophecy from?" "Well, the widely distributed version's just for tourists, you know. But long story short -- Revelations. This is a sign, boys." "A sign of what?" When Bobby spoke, he made is voice as dramatic as could be, "The apocalypse."

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