Ch.22: The Keenans

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I laid on my bed with my hands laying on my stomach, staring at the ceiling. I was grounded. For the first time in my life. Dean took my phone and laptop and put a lock on the TV cord. I could either sit in my room, reading, or help Bobby and Sami around the house. Sami had been living her recently, helping her dad out, too. If I even thought about anything supernatural, he'd add time onto my sentence. I only have 2 weeks to go, but still. It's hard to stop everything supernatural when you have psychic abilities. "Ashley!" Bobby called up the stairs. I groaned as I stood up, going downstairs. "Yeah?" I asked as I entered the living room. "Pack a bag. You're gonna go stay with some hunters while we help your dummy dad and his idiot brother." Sami said. I nodded, going back to my room.

We pulled up to a cabin in the woods, and I hopped out, along with Sami. She walked me to the door, knocking. Some guy, who eerily reminded me of Dean, opened the door, smiling when he saw Sami. "Samantha." He pulled her into a hug. He had medium brown hair and blue eyes. "Hey Jason." She hugged back. "So, this is her, huh?" He said after they let go, looking me up and down quickly, a friendly smile on his face. "Yep, this is her." Sami said. I awkwardly waved. Sami went to say something, but was cut off by the car horn. She groaned, "I've gotta go. Be good to her or else." She pointed at him, a small smile on her face as she began to walk to the car. "Tell Bobby we said hey." He called to her before turning to me. "Hey, I'm Jason Keenan." "I'm Ashley-" "Winchester. You've been in a lot of hunter talk recently." He said. "So I've been told." I readjusted the bag on my shoulder. "Oh, yeah. Come on in." He said, opening the door all the way. I walked in, "Keenan? As in-" "Your lover boy, Joey? Yeah." He smirked. My face turned red, "He's not my 'lover boy'." I clarified. He just let out a small 'Mm-hmm'. "Ladies! Our guest is here!" Jason called, making 2 men come out of different rooms. "This is Justin," He motioned to a guy with dark brown hair, blue/grey eyes, and minimal stubble, "and this is Jonathan, but he goes by Jon." He pointed to a guy with medium brown hair, ocean blue eyes, and hella stubble. "Nice to meet you." I smiled. Justin just gave me a head nod thing while Jon didn't say anything. He gave me a weird vibe. "Don't mind him," Jason whispered to me, "He just bitchy when it comes to Winchesters." "I'm not bitchy. Just... careful." He gave me a nasty look. "Where's Joseph?" I asked. "Joey's probably asleep in his room." Justin pointed to a closed door. I immediately went into the room, dropping my bag by the door. I looked at his sleeping body before jumping next to him on the bed. "Wake up!" I yelled loudly in his ear. His eyes shot open a split second before he fell off the bed. "What the hell?" He yelled at me. "Not my problem. Maybe you should go to bed at a reasonable time." I said to him in a smartass tone. "Ashley? What are you doing here?" He groaned as he climbed back on the bed, laying face down. "Weelllllll.... Bobby and Sami had to go help Sam and Dean on a hunt, and I am still grounded." "You're grounded?" He snickered. "Yeah. Since the last time I saw you. And apparently Jason and Sami are good friends or something?" "I have... no idea about what is going on between them." He muttered. "I can't tell if they're just friends or what." He explained. "Why does Jon hate my family?" I asked. This caused Joseph to turn his head towards me, opening his eyes. "It's... a long story." He said. I just stared at him when something clicked in my mind, "Oh! Him and Hailee?" I half yelled. "Mm-hmm. Then she cheated on him with Dean. Or at least that's what Justin told me." He told me. "Oh that's nasty." I said. "Now hush. I'm trying to sleep." "But, Joooeeeyyyyy." His eyes snapped towards me, "Don't call me that." "That's a no go, Joey." He groaned, "You've only just met them and I already hate you as much as I hate them." "So nice. But seriously. Get up and come with me so I don't have to deal with Jon's nasty looks." I pushed on his arm. "Or," He sat up, wrapping his arms around me, then pulled me down to lay down next to him, "We could lay here and go to sleep so I don't have to hear your annoying voice." I fake gasped, hitting him straight in the chest, "My heart. You break it." I said, making him smile.

"So, where am I staying?" I asked Joey. "I'll show you." We both stood up, walking to the guest. room, which was right next to Joey's room. I opened the door to show a plain full sized bed with a black comforter, a dresser with a mirror and an electric alarm clock on it, and a window. "Dope." I said, walking in. "It's not much, but-" "It's better than nothing." I smiled up at him. He just looked down me, a look in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. He slowly leaned towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist making me place my hands on his biceps. Just as our lips were about to touch, Jason burst in, making us jump apart in shock. "Dinner is ready." He said.

We all sat at the table. Everyone was having a good time, except for Jon, who was being quiet. He hasn't given me any nasty looks or anything, so I think he's warming up to me? I don't know. Boys are complicated. "So, Ashley. Everyone knows who your father is. But who's your mom?" Justin asked. Jason's eyes widened. He probably knows everything. "Can you hand me the ketchup? Speaking of Ketchup, did you know Ronald Reagan said ketchup was a vegetable?" Jason tried to distract everyone. Everyone just ignored him, "Uhh... Her name is Hailee." I said. "Robins?" Justin asked, making me nod. "Where is she now? Why aren't you with her?" Jon finally spoke up. "She, uh, she left me with my grandma." "Really? Why?" "Guys, I don't think-" I interrupted Joey, "I don't exactly know. She's not a part of my life, and I don't want her to be." I shrugged. I would've been so much happier if I would've had an abortion. The world would've been so much happier. I heard her voice echo in my head, causing tears to start to well up in my eyes. "Excuse me." I muttered, my voice shaking a little, grabbing my plate and heading to the kitchen. I scrapped the food on my plate into the trash, then went over to the sink, starting to wash my dishes. "You okay?" Joey asked me. "Yeah, I'm good." I told him. "Seriously." "Seriously." I said, looking him in the eyes. I finished washing my dishes, putting them in the dish rack. My phone started to ring. I walked past Joey, going onto the back porch. "Hello?" "Just checking up." Sami's voice ran through the speaker. "The Keenans seem really nice." I said. "So how rude is Jon being to you?" "He's trying to get over the fact I'm Dean and Hailee's kid." "I need your help." I heard Bobby call out. "I've gotta go help him. I'll talk to ya tomorrow." She said before hanging up.

I laid in my bed, staring at the clock. 11:47 I had went to bed right after I got off the phone with Sami, 3 and a half hours ago. I laid here thinking about my encounter with mommy dearest. You'll always be an accident. Tears began to spill out of my eyes as sobs wracked my body. I didn't hear the door open until I felt someone lay on the bed. "Shh... It's okay." Joey whispered, pulling me into his body. "Am I a mistake?" I asked him, looking into his dark brown eyes. "Of course not. Who told you that?" He asked, moving some hair out of my face. "Hailee did." I began to sob again. He pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. "Trust me, you're like chocolate chip cookies." He told me after a minute. "What?" I asked, laughing for a split second. "They may have started off as accidents, but they ended up saving peoples lives." "How does a chocolate chip cookie save someone's life?" I asked. "Shhh.. Don't question it." He said.

So, this is how old/who plays each Keenan boy.

Justin-29-Ian Harding

Jonathon-26-Brant Daugherty

Jason-25-Colton Haynes

Joseph-18-Shawn Mendes(?)

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