Ch.15: Mommy Problems

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"Please?" I asked Sami, tears welling in my eyes. "I'm not gonna come and get you if you're not gonna tell me what's wrong?" I was currently locked in the bathroom in my room. "I can't. Just please come get me." I cried. "Ashley." "My mom's here." I cried even more. "What? I thought she was dead!" Sami exclaimed. "I lied about that!" I told her. "I'll be there in a few hours. Can ya hold on until then?" She asked. I nodded my head, "Yeah." She hung up as I waited for her to get here.

It was probably midnight by the time Sami was knocking on my door. She immediately engulfed me in a hug. When she let go, I took one of the bags she had in her hand. "I got ice cream, Reese's Cups, and some comedy movies. I don't do romance. Sorry." She shrugged. I nodded, sitting next to her at the table. All the lights were off except the lamp on the table. "Now, tell me." She popped the lid off the chocolate ice cream while I grabbed the Java Chip, taking the lid off. As we both ate straight out of the tub, I began to explain, "After my mom had me, she didn't die. I just say that because it's a hell of a lot easier than explaining that my mom just left me. She kept me after I was born. On my 2nd birthday, she dropped me off at my grandma's while she went to get some birthday supplies. And she didn't return. So, since there was no father on my birth certificate, my grandma was the first person who had dibs on me." I explained. "But you don't know how hard it was. When she was suppose to be taking care of me, I was taking care of her. Worrying about her health, and her mental status." I laughed as I cried. "My god was she crazy." Sami scooted her chair closer, giving me a hug. "She was my parent, but she wasn't a mom, as mean as that sounds. She couldn't do things a mom could." "I know how hard it is not to have a mom, sweetie." "You do?" "My mom cared more about how to get more booze than she was with me." She explained, making me laugh at how blunt she was. "I know how tough it is to have to figure out things for yourself. And even moving into this crazy world in this hormonal point in your life is so hard. This sounds cheesy, but you've just gotta keep your chin up, 'kay girly?" I nodded at her advice. "And besides," She continued, "As far as I'm concerned, you're my kid now. Im offically unoffically adopting you. Now, let's watch this." She said as she showed me Accepted. "Yeah. Let's." I agreed.

I sat in the small motel room with Sam, Sami, Dean, and Adam. Sami wouldn't take no for an answer. "Okay, so...basically, you're saying that every movie monster, every nightmare that I've ever had, that's all real?" Adam asked. "Godzilla's just a movie." Dean joked. "We hunt them. So did Dad." Sam explained, making him nod, "Okay."  " 'Okay'? That's it?" "What am I supposed to say?" Adam asked. I can tell he's a bit annoyed with Deans attitude. "That we're liars, that we're crazy. Nobody just says 'okay'." "Well, you're my brothers. You're telling me the truth, right?" "Yeah." "Then I believe you." "And I said 'okay'." Sami pointed out. "No, you said 'okay'." Sam said 'okay' in the most sarcastic way possible. "I hear no difference." She shrugged, making laugh a little. "Now, what took my mom?" Adam asked. "We're not sure. Something's in town stealing bodies, living and dead, but we don't know what." "There's a long list of freaks that fit the bill." Dean explained. "You think maybe she might still be alive?" There was desperation in his voice. When Dean looked down, Adam look to Sam, who also looked down. He then looked to me, and I gave him a sad look. He understood, looking down and nodding. "Oh. How can I help?" He asked. "You can't." "This thing killed my mom. If you're hunting it, I want in." "See, this is how we can tell he's actually a Winchester." Sami said, making Dean give her a look of pure rage. "No." "Dean, look, maybe-" I was cut off by Dean. "Maybe what?" "He lost his mother. Maybe we can understand what that feels like." Sam stepped in, giving me a small smile. "Why do you think Dad never told us about this kid, Sam? Huh? Why do you think he ripped out the pages?" "Because-" "Because he was protecting him!" "Dad's dead, Dean." "That doesn't matter! He didn't want Adam to have our lives, okay? And we are gonna respect his wishes." "Do I get a say in this?" Adam asked, just to have his older brothers yell 'no' at him. Dean started to head to the door, "Babysit the kids." He told Sami. "Where are you going?" Sam asked as Dean grabbed his jacket. "I'm going out!" He yelled before storming out. "I'll go deal with the tantrum." Sami told us, before she left too. Adam his this uncomfortable look on his face. "Daddy issues." I explained to him, leaning back in my chair. "Is he always like that?" Sam just laughed, "Welcome to the family." Adam looked down. "Here." Sam pulled out his gun, and ejected the clip, "I'm gonna teach you a few things." "Uh, Dean said-" "I know what Dean said." Sam held the unloaded gun to Adam, "And I know what it's like to want revenge." Adam reluctantly took the gun. "So he gets to learn, but I don't?" I whined. "Shut up. May I remind you that I'm teaching you to drive." I groaned, going back to my room. I grabbed the Java Chip ice cream tub out of my freezer, then walked back. When Sam tried to reach for my spoon, I took it out of his reach. "Sorry. This isn't for you." I told him, making Adam laugh.

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