Ch.29: Hunter Town, U.S.A

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So I'm updating again... Shocking, I know.

"So, wait. You're telling me that there's an army. Of hunters?" Joseph scoffed. "Hey, just up and hurry. You can see when you get here." Dean snapped at him through the phone, which was on speaker. "We're about 20 minutes away. Can you hold on that long?" I rhetorically asked. "Seriously, hurry. This place is seriously giving me the creeps." Dean said before he hung up. "Geez. Isn't he a happy camper?" I heard Joey mutter. "Yeah. He's a real Debby Downer sometimes. Just like someone else I know." I muttered. "Don't be a bitch, Ashley."   "I'm not the one who's been being a twat waffle recently." I sassed back. I went with Joey to 'hang out' as far as Dean knew, but in actuality, we went on a hunt. It was just a ghost, but it was still exciting. My first ever hunt, start to finish. Usually, with Sam and Dean, I was in the motel most of the time, or they have someone drag me away when shit starts to hit the fan. It was fun, but Joseph was being a douche bag on the way back to Bobby's house. For no reason. 

"So Rob tells me you boys hunt demons." Pastor Gideon got straight to the point, looking Sam, Dean, and Joey in the eyes, but skipped me. "Uh...yes sir." Sam awkwardly answered. "You missed a few."  "Yeah. Tell us about it. Any idea why they're here?" Dean asked, making the pastor shake his head. "They sure seem to like us, though. Follow me, gentlemen. I think some of the other church ladies are hanging out in the other room. Manicures, pedicures. Stuff like that if you want to join. I know how you ladies like that stuff." He gave me a smile. "I think I can handle the big boy talk." I gave him the bitchiest smile I could muster. He had a slightly shocked look before he smiled again, walking towards a back room, making all of us follow him. "So you're a preacher?" Dean asked. "Not what you expected, huh?"  "Well, dude, you're packing."  "Strange times." He said as we walked down the stairs to the basement. "Is that a twelve-year-old packing salt rounds?" Joseph asked. "Everybody pitches in."  "So, the whole church?" Sam asked. "The whole town." He clarified. "A whole town full of hunters. I don't know whether to run screaming or buy a condo."  "Well the demons were killing us. We had to do something."  "By 'we' do you mean the strong manly men?" I muttered to myself, still very offended he just assumed I would like to 'hang with the ladies, manis, pedis, and stuff like that'. "So why not call the National Guard?"  "We were told not to."  "By who?" I asked. Pastor Gideon ignored me slightly, making Dean speak up, "Come on, Padre. You're as locked and loaded as we've ever seen. And that exorcism was Enochian. Someone's telling you something."  "Look, I'm sorry, I, uh, I can't discuss it." He said. "Dad, it's okay." Some chick came up to us. "Leah-"  "It's the Winchesters. They're safe. I know all about them." She interrupted him softly. "You do?" I asked. It's still weird that everyone knows about the Winchesters. "Sure. From the angels." She gave me a smile. "The angels. Awesome." Dean said, slightly annoyed. "Don't worry. They can't see you here. The...marks on your ribs, right?"  "So you know all about them because angels told you?" Joey asked. She turned to him, "I'm sorry. And you are?"  "I'm Joseph. A... family... acquaintance." She nodded, "Yes. Among other things."  "Like the snappy little exorcism spell."  "And they show me where the demons are going to be, before it happens. How to fight back." Okay... Wait a damn minute.  "Never been wrong. Not once. She's very special." The pastor boasted. "Dad..." She said embarrassed. "And let me guess. Before you see something, you get a really bad migraine, you see flashing lights?" Dean asked. "How'd you know?"  " 'Cause you're not the first prophet we've met." I said. "But you are the cutest." Joseph smiled at her, obviously trying to annoy me. He was just met with a nasty look form Pastor Gideon. "I mean that with total respect, of course." He tried to cover.

"I'm telling you there's something off about that girl." I told Joseph as we walked up the outside stairs so we could get to our motel rooms. "You're just being paranoid. She seems perfectly fine."  "But there is! I know there's something wrong with her!"  "Just because you have super fucked up problems, doesn't mean everyone does." He angrily muttered before he shoved his door open, stepping inside. "You don't have to be such a prick, ya know!" I yelled, getting some nasty looks from some uptight church goers. "What? He should try being nice every now and again." I said loudly towards them before walking next door to my room. I was almost all settled in when I heard loud, obnoxious church bells ringing. After an insane amount of ringing, I opened my door, scanning around to everyone dropping what they're doing, heading to the church. "Was just about to get you. Leah's had a vision. Come on." Joseph told me. I quickly grabbed a sweatshirt off a chair in my room before racing out, towards the church. "Three miles off Talmadge Road." Leah whispered into her dad's ear once again, "Five miles. There are demons gathered. I...don't know how many, but a lot. Thank you, Leah. So, who's going to join me?"  "Wouldn't miss it." Rob said. "Someone's got to cover Rob's ass." Paul offered, too. "We're in, Padre." I added. He looked at me, "This is a man's war. I refuse to let a girl come with us."  "Okay. Listen here, ya prick-" I started to blow up on him, rightfully so, but Sam quickly grabbed my arm, dragging me away. "Why'd you do that?" I asked, fury lacing my voice. "Just listen to him for right now. Just let this one slide."  "I'm not gonna let that chauvinistic, sexist pig tell me what to do! That is ridiculous! That's literally letting the terrorist win!"  "I know, he's a douche bag. But the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can leave. Your long rants, even though they're right, won't help us leave sooner." He said. When I didn't reply, he began to walk back. I took a deep breath before slowly walking back. "Thank you. I'd like to offer a prayer. 'Our Father in Heaven-"  "Yeah, not so much." Dean interrupted him. "Help us to fight in your name. We ask that you protect us from all servants of evil. Guide our hands in defeating them, and deliver us home, safely. Thank you, Amen." Pastor Gideon ignored him.

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