Ch.2: Angels Are For Real

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Ashley woke up, her brain pounding against her skull. She sat up, looking around to see she was in the room she was staying in at Bobby's house. As she got up, the pounding lessened a little, but not a lot. She went downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water and a few ibuprofen capsules, then walked to the common room. Bobby was sitting at his desk, a mountain of books in front of him. "How ya doin', kid?" Bobby asked the blonde. "I'm good, and you?" She asked back, trying to be polite. "I'm fine." He gave her a smile that reminded her of Anne's smile. With her head still aching, she slouched on the couch, listening to pages being flipped and Sam and Dean talking. Sam was sitting in a wooden chair, while Dean stood, slowly pacing. "Well, then tell me what else it could be." Her uncle pressed. "Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel." Dean sounded a bit annoyed."Okay, look, Dean. Why do you think this Castiel would lie to you about it?" Castiel? Angels? What? "Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie." That is true. You can never trust a demon. Both Ashley and Bobby looked up at the boys while they argued. "A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!" Sam pointed out. I'm so confused, Ashley thought, Who is Lilith? "Don't you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?" Dean ranted. "Yeah. You just did, Dean." "I'm trying to come up with a theory here. Okay? Work with me." "Dean, we have a theory." "Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please." Ashley laughed. "Okay, look. I'm not saying we know for sure. I'm just saying that I think we -" Dean cut Sam off, "Okay, okay. That's the point. We don't know for sure, so I'm not gonna believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so!" Just then, Bobby spoke up, "You two chuckle-heads want to keep arguing religion, or do you want to come take a look at this?" Ashley's eyes flickered to Bobby's desk, lingering for a couple second, then she stood up, looking at the floor while looking for the kitchen. While she got a cup down from the cupboard, she could still hear everything. "I got stacks of lore -- Biblical, pre-Biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an angel can snatch a soul from the pit." Bobby stated. "What else?" Dean asked. "What else, what?" Bobby asked Dean. "What else could do it?" "Airlift your ass out of the hot box? As far as I can tell, nothing." "Dean, this is good news." Sam told his older brother. "How?" "Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?" "Okay. Say it's true. Say there are angels. Then what? There's a God?" Ashley looked at her hands, which were holding the glass cup. Her grandma raised her to believe in God and everything, but she never truly had faith. Ashley thought that he was real, one upon a time, but he left. A long time ago. He saw that people weren't perfect, and abandoned them. Her grandmother, on the other hand, was very religious and believed he was still up there, making plans for everyone. Religion is something Anne and Ashley would argue over constantly; Ashley could never understand how someone could have such blind faith in some 'all mighty, do good-feel good' force, while Anne thought lowly of people who chose to 'disregard His presence and importance'. "At this point, Vegas money's on yeah." Bobby said. "I don't know, guys." "Okay, look. I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof." Sam told Dean. "Proof?" "Yes." "Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it." "Why not?" Sam asked. "Because why me? If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?" "Dean -" Sam was cut off once more. "I mean, I've saved some people, okay? I figured that made up for the stealing and the ditching chicks. But why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy." "Apparently, you're a regular guy that's important to the man upstairs." "Well, that creeps me out. I mean, I don't like getting singled out at birthday parties, much less by... God." I have to admit, it is a little creepy. "Okay, well, too bad, Dean, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat." There was a pause. "Fine. What do we know about angels?" Dean asked. Ashley walked back into the room in time to see Bobby pick up a stack of books and drop them in front of Dean. "Start reading." After looking at the books, Dean turned to Sam, "You're gonna get me some pie." Sam looked at Ashley after picking up a pair of car keys, "You want something?" "Anything is fine." Ashley said. "Got it." Sam turned and walked out the door, Ashley called a faint 'Thank you'. After a few minutes, Ashley blurted out "Who's Castiel?" Her father looked at her. "What?" He played dumb. "And Lilith? And what's up with all angel talk?" Ashley continued. Dean looked at Bobby, and only received a half-hearted shrug. "Lilith is a demon." He reluctantly answered, walking away, but Ashley followed him. "Who's Castiel? Is it that guy from the barn? Is he an angel?" She continued to ask. But still, she got no answer, so she asked the question on her mind. "Why'd you sell your soul?" Dean stopped where he was, and faced the girl. "Who told you that?" But this time Ashley didn't answer. Dean sighed, "Yes, that was Castiel, an 'angel of the lord'." He said 'angel of the lord' in a high pitched, sarcastic voice. She followed him back to the living as he spoke. He slouched back down at a table, book in hand. "Even if he is an angel, why isn't he the stereotypical white dress and halo, floating down on a cloud, greeting people at the pearly gate?" Dean asked Bobby. But Ashley answered for him while flipping through the pages of a random magazine from the late 90's, "Angels are heavens warriors. They were made to terrify everything evil, and protect the good. They fight tooth and nail on Gods word. Or at least someone's command." Bobby looked at Ashley for a minute, then tossed a book in her lap. "You better get started on that research, Kid." Bobby told her. She looked surprised. Most hunters won't let anyone under 18 even know what they're hunting, much less help. Ashley flipped the the cover of a pre-biblical book that was translated into English.

Half an hour into researching, Ashley saw Bobby look at a cell phone yet again. "Who're you expecting a call from?" She asked Bobby, getting a strange look from her father. "What are you talking about?" Bobby played dumb. "You've looked at your phone 6 times in the last half-hour." She set her book upside down on the couch so she could find her spot again. "Hunting buddy turned civilian. Hasn't called me back yet." Dean set his book down, "How long's it been?" "A few days, but it's not like her to not answer." "We'll check it out. Ashley you stay here. We'll be back by tomorrow." He said, walking outside as a car pulled up. Bobby quickly gathered a few books, dropping them on Ashley's note, along with a yellow notepad and pen. "Take notes for me." He called to her, leaving the house. She sighed, opening the book she was reading earlier. After a minute, Sam came in, holding a bag of food and a soda. "There's food in the cupboard, we get wifi and cable, and stay in the house, please." He said, setting the food on the coffee table, the left the house before she could say thank you. After she was sure they were gone, she turned on a stereo, turning it to a modern station. "And that was Justin Timberlakes new hit. Coming up next, Little Mix's 'How ya Doin' just after these commercials. This is 105.7 KKLT, stay tuned!" The radio host called out, faking excitement. Ashley smiled. She loves Little Mix. Even though How Ya Doin' is a little old, it's still one of her favorites. Commercials for local body shops, boutiques, and tattoo parlors came on, taking about 5 minutes of her time. As the song began, she felt a little dizzy, and images started flashing in her mind.

At a white country house, where the grass didn't have a blade out of place, and the white-picket fence was evenly spaced. Ashley felt as if she was actually there. The grass didn't bend under her feet as she walked, nor did the wooden door open when she pushed on it. So she just walked through the door. As she entered, a phone was in the middle of ringing. She listen to it ring, walking around. She looked at a piece of mail, before turning the corner to the living room. Ashley's hand slapped over her mouth, eyes widened. Glass was everywhere, salt scattered about, and a silver gun. But the thing that caught Ashley's attention was a body. The chest looked like a small bomb had exploded inside of him. Blood was sprayed all over the walls and floor, even on the ceiling, along with pieces of meat.

Ashley gasped as her sight flashed back to Bobby's. The ugly red wallpapers came back to meet her eyes. She gasped loudly, her lungs burning for oxygen. Coughs racked her body. "What in the Hell was that?" She asked her self.

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